Amazon ML Summer School Interview Experience 2023

Hi everyone! I hope you’re doing well.

If you’re here, you’re probably thinking about applying to Amazon ML Summer School, one of the most popular programs for engineering students who want to learn more about machine learning and pursue a career in this field.

I’m excited to share my experience with the Amazon ML Summer School 2023 program, which is in its third edition. I was fortunate enough to be selected for the program and had the opportunity to learn from Amazon’s experienced and talented mentors.

When I first heard about the program, I applied immediately. The program itself is a four-week virtual program that covers a wide range of machine learning topics, including deep neural networks, probabilistic graphical models, reinforcement learning, causal inference, and more. The sessions are designed to be beginner-friendly, but they also offer in-depth insights into each topic.

One of the things I appreciated most about the program was that it was led by Amazon ML practitioners. This meant that we were learning from people who were actively using machine learning to solve real-world problems. The selection process consists of only one round, a selection test.

Selection Test:

After one week of applying for the program, on 7 September, I received an email regarding the selection test. My test was scheduled for 9 September. The test was divided into two parts:

Part 1 comprised of 30 MCQs on ML concepts, Python programming and Math fundamentals on topics which included probability, statistics and linear algebra.

Part 2 consisted of 2 Leetcode medium programming questions on Data structures and algorithms. There was no restriction on coding language.

The total duration of the test was 75 minutes. Speed and accuracy were the main factors here.

Suggestions: I would suggest doing practice from sites like w3wiki and practice 10-15 leetcode questions before attempting the test as it will give the confidence to solve problems.

Tips: Solve the questions with a calm mind. Don’t stress yourself during the test because you have to do 32 questions in 75 minutes. Don’t spend too much time on any question if you are not able to do it on the first attempt.

On 14 September, I received an email confirming my selection as one of the mentees of the 3rd edition of Amazon ML Summer School 2023. The program was highly competitive this year as there were more than 25,000 applicants.

Virtual workshops and events:

As a mentee in Amazon’s machine learning mentorship program, I was thrilled to participate in the sessions. They were held online from September 16 to October 8 and covered a wide range of topics, from deep neural networks to causal inference.

The sessions were designed to give mentees a comprehensive understanding of various sub-domains of machine learning, including deep neural networks, probabilistic graphical models, reinforcement learning, and causal inference. No prior knowledge of machine learning was required, as the sessions started from the very basics.

The sessions were structured to be beginner-friendly while offering in-depth insights. They were conducted by seasoned ML experts and engineers from Amazon, making them a truly invaluable learning experience.

After the mentorship period, mentees have the opportunity to apply for internship and full-time offers for Data Scientist-I and Data Engineer-I roles at Amazon. The interview round consists of hard-level coding questions. Therefore, it is important to start preparing for the interview rounds early.

I was lucky to be part of Amazon’s machine learning mentorship program. The online sessions covered a lot of topics, from the basics to more advanced ones. They were designed for beginners, so no prior experience was needed. The sessions were taught by Amazon experts, which made them really helpful.

Overall, the Amazon ML Summer School program was an amazing experience. I learned a lot about machine learning and had the opportunity to network with some of the brightest minds in the field.


  • Make sure you have a good understanding of the basics of machine learning before applying for the program.
  • Practice solving machine learning problems using online resources and coding challenges.
  • Be prepared to work hard and learn quickly.
  • Be proactive and ask questions during the online sessions.
  • Collaborate with other mentees and work on the project together.
  • Make sure you have a strong resume and cover letter when applying for the internship and full-time offers at Amazon.

If you’re interested in a career in machine learning, I highly recommend applying to the Amazon ML Summer School program. It’s a great way to learn from the best and get your foot in the door at one of the leading tech companies in the world.

Do like the article if it was helpful to you in any way. Good luck with your journey:)