Amazon SDE 1 Internship Interview experience

Role description: Amazon Software Developer Engineer(SDE 1) Internship for 2 months.

Number of rounds: 2

Round 1:

The first round involves an Online Assessment which is structured into three parts. The first is the coding round(two questions were asked), second part is the workstyle assessment and the third is the feedback survey(which is kind of mandatory as well).

In the coding, round the questions were of medium level I can say.

Question1: I was able to solve it easily but don’t remember what it was exactly

Question 2: I was able to solve it as well. The question was:

Problem statement: You will be provided inputs to make a repository where it will store the user name and password. You have to make entries to the repository, verify the login for the given username and password, verify logout. If there is no entry with that username or invalid password, print login unsucessful else print login successful. If there’s no login for a given username and password for which logout is needed,print logout unsuccessful else print login successful.


register xyz password

register asd fgrggf

login xyz password

logout asd fgrggf


registered successfully

registered successfully

login successful

logout unsuccessful

For the workstyles assessment you can refer to Amazon leadership principles ( These leadership principles are greatly valued at Amazon. This workstyles assessment is also considered for valuation where they classify candidates as Moderate,Highly-recommeded or not recommended candidates.

The results of online assessment were declared in no time i.e by one day and I got selected for the next round, which is the interview round.

Round 2:

Mode of interview: Online

Competencies: Coding(Data Structure and Algorithms), coding(problem solving), Computer science fundamentals.

There was only one interview round. The Interview was conducted on the Amazon Chime platform. Coding questions were asked to code on Amazon’s LiveCode platform. The interview lasted for more than an hour.

First the interviewer asked to introduce myself and then for around 5-10 minutes the interviewer asked about the prjects I have done and then the live coding was started. Two coding questions were asked.


I was able to solve it but not in the optimal way and the interviewer guided me to get optimal solution. And I was able to get the optimal solution.


The question was to print the left view of a binary tree. I solved it easily and then the interviewer asked for top view, bottom view as well. I have answered all the questions.

Each coding question was given 25 minutes to solve. And at the interviewer asked if I had any questions. I asked a few questions to him(prefer asking questions to the interviewer like his experience or about the role, which would be helpful).

The results were announced after a week. I was selected!!

Thank you and All the best !!