AMDOCS Interview Experience for Software Developer

Hello Everyone, I want to share my experience with the role. I attended the interview through the college placement process. I am very much happy with the smooth process.

The total exam and Interview had been done within 2 days. On the first day morning, I have given the exam and by evening results are out. Then my interview is scheduled for the next day at 11.00 am but it is postponed to 3.00 pm and Then it started I am very much nervous but the interviewer is so nice and she spoke with me for a few min that helped me to get rid of my tension and get back my confidence. Then Interviewer asked about my preferred language for the process. Started with the basic questions

  • Difference between Java and C/C++,
  • Different types of Java Variables and differences b/w few,
  • What are loops and their use cases, and then moved to OOPs concept questions
  • Classes, Objects, 
  • Difference b/w graph and tree, 
  • Types of trees, 
  • what are access modifiers and different types, 
  • Why we use constructors in Java, 
  • Name different types of Exceptions 
  • and Exceptions handlers,
  • Different methods in java, 
  • Differences b/w public, private, and protected

Next, Moved towards SQL. Explain basic SQL Commands After that, it went into like detail about these such as what are the commands in DDL, and DCL. 

  • What are Joins and name different types of joins and their functionality?
  • What is a database?
  • How to create a DB and add data to them show that by writing on the notepad.

After that questions are like do you know cloud computing? Explain that and some basic questions about what I said. Can you open Complier in your system and share your screen and then Coding questions are like Swap numbers( I did ) and then Fibonacci Series (written with recursion) and write a code for creating a node in a tree

After 55min to 60 min the interview came to end and then I got an email after an hour that my HR round is scheduled at 6.30 pm

In HR round is like for(10-15min) basically about the Location preference(Gurgaon/Pune) and general bio check and information update and then the HR round ended. At night I received a mail that I was selected for the role.

Thank you