Amdocs Interview Experience | On-Campus September 2020

Amdocs had visited my college in mid September 2020, offering the post of Developer . It had the following four rounds:

Round 1:

The first round was 2 hour long and had following five sections in it:

1. Quantitative and Logical Aptitude: All the typical and basic quantitative aptitude questions like Finding the last Digit, Time and Work, etc were covered along with Logical aptitude questions such as direction test, shapes, etc. It was quite an easy round and if you are someone who finds aptitude really easy, it should be a cake walk to you ! And if you are someone like me, who does not find aptitude so much easy, then too, it will be a cake walk for you. You just have to learn and practice questions from . Even a week’s preparation will be more than enough to you.

2. English: This section too had the typical questions such as reading comprehension, correcting the grammatical statements, replacing the word with most suited word, finding synonyms and antonyms of a given word. Even if you know basic English, you will not find this round very difficult. 

3.  MCQs related to core CS Subjects: The subjects such as DBMS, OS, Linux, Shell Scripting, OOPs, SQL, PLSQL were covered in deep. Although these were normal questions, you still need to have deep knowledge and know theoretical concepts. I would suggest Sanchit Jain’s playlist on YouTube for DBMS, OS preparation. For Linux and shell scripting, I had watched crash courses on YouTube, which proved to be of great use for me. And yes, these concepts helped me a lot in answering some questions asked in tech interview. So, please DO NOT SKIP anything in these subjects.

4. Trace the Output: I was asked to select my preferred Programming language amongst C, C++, JAVA, Python, JavaScript, etc. I chose JAVA. Then, I had to trace the output of the Java Programs and point out errors in some of them as well. w3wiki has an awesome Set of trace the output for all the languages. If you complete those, you will be able to easily solve 20 to 30 percent questions. But again, knowing the concepts of the programming language will help you in solving the maximum questions. I had watched Durgasoft’s Java Playlist for OOPs, Exception Handling, Collection Framework. Although the videos are quite long, but trust me, its worth it.

5. Programming Round: This section had four problems 2 were programming questions and 2 were MySQL Questions. The programming questions were easy to medium level. If you code regularly (NOT COMPETITIVE CODING) , you can easily crack these problems. For SQL questions, one of the question was to be done using a simple select query and Order By Descending query.  The second SQL Question had to be done using a simple Join Operation or Sub Query,

That was end of a 2 hour long first round. You need to be medium fast to be able to solve everything. NO NEGATIVE MARKING.

Round 2: 

A very simple, easy, non elimination Psychometric round. It was just 30 min test.

Round 3: 

This was a technical interview. Very exhaustive, yet very easy. Following were the questions asked:

1. A good 30 minutes discussion on my recent project. The interviewer asked me everything about it right from working, use case, and technologies used. I was able to explain everything in detail and he seemed quite impressed by it. I would suggest to know your project in very much detail as it will help you in presenting what all you know.

2. He then asked me weather I know C++?  I said, yes, I do know the basics, but it is not my primary programming language. My preferred language was Java. So he accepted it and asked me write a very simple program in Java. The problem statement was to reverse each word in the given String.  I quickly typed the program, but was not able to remember the syntax of a String function. I told him the same. Then, he asked me to dry run the program and simulate it. As the logic was correct, he accepted the program. So, always have guts to say NO if you do not know something. Lying will not help you at all. 

3.  Some basic questions on Inheritance. He asked me to explain the concept using the example of Car. This could help you. 

4. DBMS Questions – Joins, types of joins, how joins work, explanation with  Venn diagram, Primary Key, Diff between Primary Key and UNIQUE. Indexing and when to use them. I had used Indexing in my project, so I explained him giving that example. Always try to back your answers with good and unique examples. It will help you a lot. For indexing in DBMS, make sure you watch .

5. Then, he started asking some non technical questions as well as I had built a good rapport with him.

6. Finally, he asked me to solve a very commonly asked, 8 balls quiz.

This process took around 1.5 hours. As I said in the beginning, this round was quite exhausting, but very enjoyable especially because I had a very understanding and kind interviewer. Mind you, some of my friends had the exact opposite one’s. Depends on a lot of luck, I guess.

Round 4: 

After 2 – 2.5 hours, I got an message saying that I had cleared my tech interview and to be ready for an HR interview in 20 minutes. This was the round 4, a really good HR Round. Again, the HR guy was very good and kind. It was a very informal type of conversation. He comforted me really quickly. Very typical HR Questions such as Family Background, Strengths, Weaknesses, further studies, Why Amdocs ,etc were asked.

Finally, after a day, I got the message saying that I was selected at Amdocs ! 

All the rounds were virtual and carried out on HirePro platform.

Some tips:

1) Be very very confident while answering. And if are not, at least do not show the nervousness clearly. Everyone gets nervous in such situations, but try to be calm and composed. Those guys too are humans, they will not eat you or something !

2) DO NOT LIE. No one knows everything, not even the guy interviewing you. Be bold enough to humbly say that you do not know. The interviewer will not reject you just because you did not know a few things. In fact, it will show him that you are an honest person ?

3) Have at least one good project with you. It will help you a lot. Does not has to be a really huge one, but make sure you have developed it from scratch. Try to avoid common projects. If you had worked in a team and had divided the tasks, try to study and understand the parts that you have not worked on.

4) Be respectful and kind towards the interviewers and respect their time. Do not hesitate to ask for some help if you are stuck at something.  

And, how can I end this without thanking w3wiki who have helped a million students like me all these years ? So, a BIG BIG THANK YOU to GFG as well. Continue doing the good work !

All the best to whoever is reading this. Keep working hard and remember, failure is the part of the process. Do not take it to your heart and demotivate yourself.

Lagey Raho ! (Translates to Keep Working !)