American Broadcasting Company Interview Experience


Preparation is key, they say, and rightly so. Armed with a tailored resume, a confident demeanor, and a thorough understanding of both technical concepts and the company itself, I entered the interview process at ABC Company. Researching the company’s projects, culture, and recent developments not only bolstered my confidence but also showcased my genuine interest in joining their team.

Technical Round:

The technical round is where CSE students truly shine. From data structures and algorithms to coding challenges and problem-solving, this round delves deep into one’s technical prowess. At ABC Company, I faced a series of algorithmic problems and coding exercises designed to assess my analytical thinking and coding abilities. While some challenges tested my knowledge of basic data structures, others demanded creative solutions to complex problems. Staying calm under pressure and articulating my thought process proved crucial in navigating this round successfully.

Behavioral Interview:

Beyond technical skills, companies also seek candidates who fit their culture and values. The behavioral interview at ABC Company provided an opportunity to showcase my soft skills, communication abilities, and adaptability. Questions ranged from my experience working in teams to how I handle challenges and conflicts. Drawing from personal anecdotes and experiences, I highlighted instances where I demonstrated leadership, teamwork, and resilience, aligning my responses with the company’s ethos.

HR Round:

The final hurdle in the interview process is often the HR round, where salary negotiations, company policies, and cultural fit are discussed. At ABC Company, this round felt more like a conversation than an interrogation. I had the chance to ask questions about career growth opportunities, employee benefits, and the company’s vision for the future. Expressing my enthusiasm for joining the team while also clarifying any doubts I had helped foster a positive rapport with the HR representative.


Stepping out of the interview room at ABC Company, I felt a sense of accomplishment regardless of the outcome. The experience not only tested my skills and knowledge but also provided valuable insights into the industry and myself as a prospective professional. Whether embarking on a career in tech or any other field, embracing each interview as an opportunity for growth and learning is key to success.