Android GridView using Jetpack Compose

GridView is the grid form of view in which the items within the grid are arranged in the grid layout. The data within the grid is to be added from the database or from the array list. In this article, we will be building a simple application for displaying the different programming languages within our grid view with their name using Jetpack Compose

Step by Step Implementation

Step 1: Create a New Project in Android Studio

To create a new project in Android Studio please refer to How to Create/Start a New Project in Android Studio. While choosing the template, select Empty Compose Activity. If you do not find this template, try upgrading the Android Studio to the latest version. We demonstrated the application in Kotlin, so make sure you select Kotlin as the primary language while creating a New Project.

Step 2: Creating a modal class

Navigate to app > java > your app’s package name > Right-click on it > New > Java/Kotlin class and name your class as GridModal and add the below code to it. Comments are added in the code to get to know in detail. 


package com.example.newcanaryproject
// on below line we are creating a
// modal class for our data class.
data class GridModal(
    // on below line we are creating two variable
    // one is for language name which is string.
    val languageName: String,
    // next variable is for our
    // image which is an integer.
    val languageImg: Int

Step 3: Adding a new color in the Color.kt file 

Navigate to app > java > your app’s package name > ui.theme > Color.kt file and add the below code to it. 


package com.example.newcanaryproject.ui.theme
val Purple200 = Color(0xFF0F9D58)
val Purple500 = Color(0xFF0F9D58)
val Purple700 = Color(0xFF3700B3)
val Teal200 = Color(0xFF03DAC5)
// on below line we are adding different colors.
val greenColor = Color(0xFF0F9D58)

Step 4: Adding images to the drawable folder 

Copy all the images which you want to add to your grid view. Navigate to app > res > drawable. Right-click on it and paste all the images into the drawable folder. 

Step 5: Working with the MainActivity.kt file

Go to the MainActivity.kt file and refer to the following code. Below is the code for the MainActivity.kt file. Comments are added inside the code to understand the code in more detail.


package com.example.newcanaryproject
import android.content.Context
import android.os.Bundle
import android.widget.Toast
import androidx.activity.ComponentActivity
import androidx.activity.compose.setContent
import androidx.compose.material.*
import androidx.compose.runtime.*
import androidx.compose.ui.Alignment
import androidx.compose.ui.Modifier
import androidx.compose.ui.platform.LocalContext
import androidx.compose.ui.res.painterResource
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.*
import com.example.newcanaryproject.ui.theme.*
import java.util.*
class MainActivity : ComponentActivity() {
    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
        setContent {
            NewCanaryProjectTheme {
                // on below line we are specifying
                // background color for our application
                    modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize(),
                    color = MaterialTheme.colors.background
                ) {
                    // on below line we are specifying theme as scaffold.
                        // in scaffold we are specifying top bar.
                        topBar = {
                            // inside top bar we are specifying background color.
                            TopAppBar(backgroundColor = greenColor,
                                // along with that we are specifying title for our top bar.
                                title = {
                                    // in the top bar we are specifying tile as a text
                                        // on below line we are specifying
                                        // text to display in top app bar.
                                        text = "Grid View Example",
                                        // on below line we are specifying
                                        // modifier to fill max width.
                                        modifier = Modifier.fillMaxWidth(),
                                        // on below line we are specifying text alignment.
                                        textAlign = TextAlign.Center,
                                        // on below line we are specifying color for our text.
                                        color = Color.White
                    ) {
                        // on below line we are calling grid
                        // view method to load our grid view.
// on below line we are creating grid view function for loading our grid view.
@OptIn(ExperimentalFoundationApi::class, ExperimentalMaterialApi::class)
fun gridView(context: Context) {
    // on below line we are creating and initializing our array list
    lateinit var courseList: List<GridModal>
    courseList = ArrayList<GridModal>()
    // on below line we are adding data to our list.
    courseList = courseList + GridModal("Android",
    courseList = courseList + GridModal("JavaScript", R.drawable.js)
    courseList = courseList + GridModal("Python", R.drawable.python)
    courseList = courseList + GridModal("C++", R.drawable.c)
    courseList = courseList + GridModal("C#", R.drawable.csharp)
    courseList = courseList + GridModal("Java",
    courseList = courseList + GridModal("Node Js", R.drawable.nodejs)
    // on below line we are adding lazy
    // vertical grid for creating a grid view.
        // on below line we are setting the
        // column count for our grid view.
        cells = GridCells.Fixed(2),
        // on below line we are adding padding
        // from all sides to our grid view.
        modifier = Modifier.padding(10.dp)
    ) {
        // on below line we are displaying our
        // items upto the size of the list.
        items(courseList.size) {
            // on below line we are creating a
            // card for each item of our grid view.
                // inside our grid view on below line we are
                // adding on click for each item of our grid view.
                onClick = {
                    // inside on click we are displaying the toast message.
                        courseList[it].languageName + " selected..",
                // on below line we are adding padding from our all sides.
                modifier = Modifier.padding(8.dp),
                // on below line we are adding elevation for the card.
                elevation = 6.dp
            ) {
                // on below line we are creating a column on below sides.
                    // on below line we are adding padding
                    // padding for our column and filling the max size.
                    // on below line we are adding
                    // horizontal alignment for our column
                    horizontalAlignment = Alignment.CenterHorizontally,
                    // on below line we are adding
                    // vertical arrangement for our column
                    verticalArrangement = Arrangement.Center
                ) {
                    // on below line we are creating image for our grid view item.
                        // on below line we are specifying the drawable image for our image.
                        painter = painterResource(id = courseList[it].languageImg),
                        // on below line we are specifying
                        // content description for our image
                        contentDescription = "Javascript",
                        // on below line we are setting height
                        // and width for our image.
                        modifier = Modifier
                    // on the below line we are adding a spacer.
                    Spacer(modifier = Modifier.height(9.dp))
                    // on below line we are creating
                    // a text for our grid view item
                        // inside the text on below line we are
                        // setting text as the language name
                        // from our modal class.
                        text = courseList[it].languageName,
                        // on below line we are adding padding
                        // for our text from all sides.
                        modifier = Modifier.padding(4.dp),
                        // on below line we are
                        // adding color for our text
                        color = Color.Black

Now run your application to see the output of it. 
