Angular 9.0

In this article, we will see what’s New and Improved in Angular 9.0. Angular 9.0 was released in February 2020, bringing a range of new features and improvements to the popular front-end framework. With new features and enhancements, it promises to make web development faster, more efficient, and more reliable than ever before. Let’s take a closer look at some of the most notable changes in this version.

  • Ivy Renderer (Default): Angular 9.0 includes the new Ivy renderer as the default rendering engine. Ivy is a new rendering engine that is designed to improve the performance and size of Angular applications. It is also more compatible with modern web standards and is expected to make it easier to develop components and libraries. With the introduction of Ivy, developers can expect smaller bundle sizes, faster compilation times, and improved debugging and error messages. Ivy also provides better support for lazy loading and server-side rendering.
  • Improved Build Size and Performance: Angular 9.0 includes several improvements to build size and performance. This version introduces a new “ngcc” (Angular Compatibility Compiler) tool that optimizes the size of third-party libraries used in Angular applications. The new “ngcc” tool allows developers to use libraries that were built with previous versions of Angular, without the need to rebuild them. This can significantly reduce the size of the final bundle and improve the performance of the application.
  • Improved Testing and Debugging: Angular 9.0 includes several improvements to testing and debugging. This version introduces a new “ng test” command that allows developers to run tests in parallel, making the testing process faster and more efficient. Angular 9.0 also includes improvements to the Angular Language Service, which provides better support for intelligent code completion, diagnostics, and navigation in IDEs like Visual Studio Code.
  • Improved Internationalization (i18n): Angular 9.0 introduces several improvements to internationalization (i18n). This version includes a new “i18nLocalize” function that makes it easier to translate dynamic content in an Angular application. The new “i18nLocalize” function allows developers to translate content that is generated dynamically, like dates and numbers. This can significantly simplify the process of translating an Angular application and improve the experience for users in different locales.
  • CSS class and style binding improvement: One of the major changes in Angular 9.0 is the improvement of CSS class and style binding. With the new ngClass and ngStyle directives, developers can now bind CSS classes and styles more easily and efficiently than ever before. This feature makes it easier to manage styles and improves the performance of the application.
  • Build errors and type checking enhancement: Angular 9.0 also brings significant improvements to build errors and type checking. With the new TypeScript 3.7 support, developers can now enjoy faster and more accurate type checking. This helps to prevent errors and makes it easier to catch bugs early in the development process.
  • Enabling Ahead-of-Time compiler and Improved build times: Another major improvement in Angular 9.0 is the enabling of the Ahead-of-Time (AOT) compiler by default. This improves the performance of the application and reduces load times by precompiling the application code. Additionally, Angular 9.0 introduces improved build times, making it faster and more efficient to build and deploy applications.
  • New options for ‘providedIn’: Angular 9.0 introduces new options for the ‘providedIn’ property, making it easier to manage dependencies. With the new ‘any’ option, developers can specify that a service can be provided at any level of the application, allowing for greater flexibility and control.
  • Enhancements in Angular Components: Finally, Angular 9.0 brings significant enhancements to Angular components. With improved rendering performance and the ability to create dynamic components more easily, developers can create more powerful and flexible user interfaces. Additionally, Angular 9.0 introduces improved support for custom elements, making it easier to integrate Angular components with other web technologies.
  • Other Changes: In addition to the changes mentioned above, Angular 9.0 includes several other updates and improvements. Some of the notable changes include:
    • Improved support for lazy loading and differential loading
    • Better support for TypeScript 3.7 and 3.8
    • Improved accessibility (a11y) features

Angular 9.0 introduces several significant improvements to the framework, including the new Ivy renderer as the default rendering engine, improvements to build size and performance, and improvements to testing and debugging. The framework also includes several updates and improvements to internationalization (i18n) and accessibility (a11y) features. With improvements to CSS class and style binding, build errors and type checking, AOT compilation, and dependency management, developers can create faster and more reliable applications than ever before. Additionally, the enhancements to Angular components make it easier to create flexible and dynamic user interfaces that can be easily integrated with other web technologies.