Top Angular Projects with Source Code

AngularJS is one of the most popular frontend frameworks of JavaScript. It is used to create the User Interface of a website. Angular was developed by Misko Hevery and Adam Abrons in 2008-2009. Nowadays, it is maintained by Google. It provides us with better ways of developing single-page applications.

The below list consists of some Angular projects that can be used to enhance your resume:

Project Name

Project Description

ToDo List

This is a simple ToDo List app with CRUD Functionality. CRUD functionality means that you can Create, Read, Update, and Delete items from the list. It is created using multiple Bootstrap classes and AngularJS functionality.

Simple Web-app

It is a simple web app developed using ExpressJS and AngularJS. Web apps can be used to perform multiple functionalities like creating and editing documents, managing finances, accessing and handling social media, etc.

Progressive web-app

These web applications are built using modern APIs to enhance capability, Reliability, and Installability. A Progressive web app is deployed using the web servers through URLs, instead of using app stores.

Single page rounting app

Routing in Angular allows the users to create a single-page application with multiple views and allows navigation between them. Users can switch between these views without losing the application state and properties.

ToDo List using Drag abd Drop

We can easily create a To-Do list using Drag-Drop module provided by angular Component Development Kit (CDK). Write the code for component view: Create two divisions, one for the items that are TO BE DONE and other for items that are COMPLETED

Multi-select dropdown

Sometimes we need to display dynamically fetched multi-selected data in a drop-down menu, for this, we will use the npm @ng-select/ng-select package as a multi-select drop-down menu.

Focusing a input field on page load

We can focus on any input field automatically using the angular directives. Here we create a custom directive that can auto-focus on any field in the form. Creating a custom directive is just like creating an Angular component.

Scrolling to a element on click to button

We will create a component that enables scrolling to specific targets when a button is pressed within the document from one target to another.

Facilitating project configuration

The $locationProvider facilitates the configuration of the application by implementing the deep linking paths that are stored

Current window URL

The $location in AngularJS basically uses a window.location service. The $location is used to read or change the URL in the browser and it is used to reflect that URL on our page. Any change made in the URL is stored in the $location service in AngularJS.

Angular Projects – FAQs

1. What is AngularJS?

AngularJS is an open-source JavaScript Framework used to develop front-end of the web pages. It is maintained by Google. It is designed to make web development as well as testing easier fro developers.

2. Explain two-way binding in Angular.

The two-way binding is a feature provided by AngularJS that is used for automatic synchronization between the model and the view. It is helpful because whenever the model updates the view also updates and vice-versa. It can automatically synchronize them keep them up to date.

3. Differentiate between Angular and AngularJS.

Angular and AngularJS both refers to the Angular framework of JavaScript. They are differentiated based on the versions of angular. AngularJS basically refers to the original or the initial version of angular i.e. versions related to 1.x, while Angular refers to the newer and the updated versions i.e. version 2 or above.