AngularJS ng-switch Directive

The ng-switch Directive in AngularJS is used to specify the condition to show/hide the child elements in HTML DOM. The HTML element will be displayed only if the expression inside the ng-switch directive returns true otherwise it will be hidden. It is supported by all HTML elements. 


<element ng-switch="expression">
      <element ng-switch-when="value"> Contents... </element>
      <element ng-switch-when="value"> Contents... </element>
      <element ng-switch-default> Contents... </element>


  • expression: It specifies the element has matched and will be displayed otherwise will be discarded.

Example 1: This example uses the ng-switch Directive to switch the element. 


<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>ng-switch Directive</title>
    <script src=
<body ng-app="">
    <h1 style="color:green;">w3wiki</h1>
    <h2>ng-switch Directive</h2>
                <input type="radio"
                Searching Algorithms
                <input type="radio"
                Sorting Algorithms
        <div ng-switch="switch.Data" id="wrapper">
            <div ng-switch-when="search">
                <h2> Searching Algorithms</h2>
                    <li>Binary Search
                    <li>Linear Search
            <div ng-switch-when="sort">
                <h2>Sorting Algorithms</h2>
                    <li>Merge Sort
                    <li>Quick Sort



Example 2: This example uses the ng-switch Directive to display the entered number. 


<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>ng-switch Directive</title>
    <script src=
    <link rel="stylesheet" href=
<body ng-app="" style="text-align:center;">
    <h1 style="color:green;">w3wiki</h1>
    <h2>ng-switch Directive</h2>
        <div class="col-md-3">
            Type Number(1-2):
            <input ng-model="number" type="number" />
        <div ng-switch="number" class="col-md-3">
            <div ng-switch-when="1" class="btn btn-danger">
                You entered {{number}}
            <div ng-switch-when="2" class="btn btn-primary">
                You entered {{number}}
            <div ng-switch-default class="well">
                This is the default section.
