AnnotatedElement getAnnotations() method in Java with Examples

The getAnnotations() method of java.lang.AnnotatedElement class is used to get the annotations present in the class implementing this interface. The method returns an array of annotations present.


public Annotation[] getAnnotations()

Parameter: This method does not accepts any parameter.

Return Value: This method returns an array of annotations present.

Below programs demonstrate the getAnnotations() method.

Example 1:

// Java program to demonstrate
// getAnnotations() method
import java.lang.reflect.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.lang.annotation.*;
public class Test {
    public Object obj;
    public static void main(String[] args)
        throws ClassNotFoundException
        try {
            // returns the Class object
            // for this myAnnotatedElement
            AnnotatedElement myAnnotatedElement
                = Test.class;
                "AnnotatedElement represented"
                + " by myAnnotatedElement: "
                + myAnnotatedElement.toString());
            // Get the annotation
            // using getAnnotations() method
                "Annotation of myAnnotatedElement: "
                + Arrays.toString(
        catch (Exception e) {


AnnotatedElement represented by myAnnotatedElement: class Test
Annotation of myAnnotatedElement: [@java.lang.Deprecated()]

Example 2:

// Java program to demonstrate
// getAnnotations() method
import java.lang.reflect.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.lang.annotation.*;
// create a custom Annotation
@interface Annotation {
    // This annotation has two attributes.
    public String key();
    public String value();
// call Annotation for method
// and pass values for annotation
@Annotation(key = "GFG", value = "w3wiki")
public class Test {
    public Object obj;
    public static void main(String[] args)
        throws ClassNotFoundException
        // returns the Class object
        // for this myAnnotatedElement
        AnnotatedElement myAnnotatedElement
            = Test.class;
            "AnnotatedElement represented"
            + " by myAnnotatedElement: "
            + myAnnotatedElement.toString());
        // Get the annotation
        // using getAnnotations() method
            "Annotation of myAnnotatedElement: "
            + Arrays.toString(


AnnotatedElement represented by myAnnotatedElement: class Test
Annotation of myAnnotatedElement: [@Annotation(key=GFG, value=w3wiki)]
