Anushilan Samiti – Founder, History, Leaders & Roles

The Anushilan Samiti was a revolutionary organization in British India that played a significant role in the independence movement during the early 20th century. The term “Anushilan” translates to “cultivation” or “training” in Bengali, and the Samiti aimed to cultivate a spirit of nationalism and resistance against British colonial rule. The primary objective of the Anushilan Samiti was to achieve Indian independence through revolutionary means. Members of the organization were influenced by the idea of armed struggle against British rule.

Table of Content

  • What is Anushilan Samiti?
  • Historical Background of Anushilan Samiti
  • Objectives of Anushilan Samiti
  • Anushilan Samiti Leaders
  • Anushilan Samiti Revolutionary Activities
  • Role of Anushilan Samiti in World War 2

What is Anushilan Samiti?

Anushilan Samiti was a revolutionary organization in India during the early 20th century, advocating for India’s independence from British rule through armed resistance and revolutionary activities. Founded in 1902 in Bengal, it aimed to overthrow colonial rule through secret societies, physical training, and nationalist fervor. Led by influential figures like Aurobindo Ghosh, Barindra Kumar Ghosh, and Rash Behari Bose, the Samiti emphasized armed struggle, espionage, and propaganda to achieve its goals. Despite crackdowns by the British, Anushilan Samiti played a significant role in shaping India’s nationalist movement, inspiring subsequent generations in the fight for independence and contributing to the growth of revolutionary fervor.

Historical Background of Anushilan Samiti

Anushilan Samiti emerged amidst the fervent nationalist sentiment in India during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Its origins can be traced to the disillusionment caused by the 1905 Partition of Bengal, designed to weaken India’s burgeoning nationalist movement. Influenced by earlier revolutionary movements, teachings of prominent leaders like Swami Vivekananda, and the writings of Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay, Anushilan Samiti was founded in Bengal in 1902. Led by figures such as Aurobindo Ghosh and Barindra Kumar Ghosh, it advocated armed resistance, physical training, and secret societies to prepare members for challenging British rule. This organization rapidly expanded its influence, attracting passionate young revolutionaries and playing a significant role in shaping India’s independence movement through its militant nationalist ideology.

Objectives of Anushilan Samiti

Anushilan Samiti, a revolutionary organization in early 20th-century India, had multifaceted objectives. Primarily, it aimed to achieve India’s independence from British colonial rule through militant nationalism and armed resistance. The Samiti sought to instill a strong sense of patriotism and nationalistic fervor among Indians, advocating for the overthrow of British dominance. It emphasized physical training, martial arts, and secretive organizational structures to prepare members for revolutionary activities.

Another key goal was to create a network of dedicated revolutionaries committed to the cause of freedom. Anushilan Samiti aimed to build a disciplined cadre of individuals willing to make selfless sacrifices for the nation’s independence. The organization also focused on spreading anti-colonial sentiments, fostering a spirit of self-reliance, and promoting the idea of India’s sovereignty, inspiring future generations to participate actively in the struggle against British rule and contribute to the country’s quest for autonomy.

Anushilan Samiti Leaders

The Anushilan Samiti, a pivotal revolutionary organization, had several influential leaders who played significant roles in India’s fight for independence. Some prominent figures among them were-

Pramathanath Mitra

He was one of the founders of the Anushilan Samiti and played a crucial role in establishing the organization’s principles and objectives.

Barindra Kumar Ghosh

Brother of Aurobindo Ghosh, Barindra was a key leader known for his radical approach and involvement in revolutionary activities.He was also associated with the publication of the Bengali revolutionary newspaper, “Yugantar.”

Aurobindo Ghosh

A highly influential nationalist leader, philosopher, and poet, Aurobindo Ghosh was initially associated with the Anushilan Samiti.His writings and speeches inspired many to join the cause of Indian independence.

Bhupendranath Datta

A close associate of Aurobindo Ghosh, Datta was actively involved in the Samiti’s activities and contributed significantly to its nationalist ideology.

Rash Behari Bose

While not a founding member, Bose became a prominent leader, especially after being exiled to Japan. He played a crucial role in seeking international support for India’s independence and had ties with the Japanese government during World War II.

These leaders, along with others, advocated armed resistance against British rule, promoted nationalist ideals, and organized revolutionary activities. Their contributions varied, from ideological leadership to active participation in planning and executing anti-colonial actions.

Anushilan Samiti Revolutionary Activities

The Anushilan Samiti, known for its revolutionary fervor, engaged in various activities aimed at challenging British colonial rule in India. It emphasized physical training, nationalist ideology, and direct action against the British government.Members of the Samiti conducted secret meetings, discussions, and propaganda to spread anti-colonial sentiments among Indians.They organized arms training, preparing members for potential armed resistance against the British authorities.The group also encouraged and supported underground networks, aiding fugitives and revolutionaries.

Notable incidents linked to the Samiti include the Alipore Bomb Case in 1908, involving the attempt to assassinate a British judge, and the Howrah-Sibpur Conspiracy aimed at targeting British officials in the same year.The Samiti’s activities extended beyond India, with some members participating in anti-British actions abroad, seeking international support for India’s liberation.

Their revolutionary spirit and commitment to armed resistance contributed significantly to India’s nationalist movement, influencing future revolutionary groups and leaders. Although the Samiti faced internal strife and eventual dissolution, its legacy persisted as a symbol of resistance against colonial oppression, leaving an enduring impact on India’s struggle for independence.

Role of Anushilan Samiti in World War 2

During World War II, the Anushilan Samiti, a revolutionary organization, had a complex role in India’s struggle for independence. While not representing the entire organization, certain members, particularly in exile, played significant roles in seeking international assistance to overthrow British colonial rule.

Rash Behari Bose, a prominent member of the Samiti in exile in Japan, collaborated with Japanese and German authorities against British rule.He sought support from these Axis powers to aid India’s liberation efforts. Bose’s efforts led to the formation of the Indian Independence League (IIL) and the Indian National Army (INA) in Southeast Asia.

The INA, under the leadership of Subhas Chandra Bose (no direct relation to Rash Behari Bose), comprised Indian soldiers and prisoners of war.It aimed to liberate India from British control with Japanese support. The Anushilan Samiti’s ideology of armed resistance and nationalist fervor inspired members of the INA, reflecting the Samiti’s influence on India’s fight for independence.

Also read, Rampa Rebellion

Conclusion – Anushilan Samiti

The Anushilan Samiti, a pioneering revolutionary organization, left an indelible mark on India’s fight for independence.Its fervent advocacy of armed resistance, nationalist ideals, and commitment to overthrowing British rule inspired a generation of nationalists. Despite facing disbandment and varied involvements during World War II, its legacy endured.The Samiti’s impact reverberated in the spirit of defiance against colonial oppression, nurturing future revolutionary movements and contributing ideologically to India’s eventual liberation in 1947.Its legacy remains integral to India’s history, symbolizing a determined struggle for freedom that echoed throughout the nation’s pursuit of independence.

FAQs on Anushilan Samiti

1. What was the Anushilan Samiti?

The Anushilan Samiti was a secret revolutionary organization in early 20th-century India, advocating armed resistance against British rule. Founded in 1902, it aimed for India’s independence, promoting nationalist ideals, physical training, and carrying out revolutionary activities to overthrow colonial rule.

2. Who were the key leaders or founding members of the Anushilan Samiti?

Key leaders of the Anushilan Samiti included Pramathanath Mitra, Barindra Kumar Ghosh, Aurobindo Ghosh, Bhupendranath Datta, and Rash Behari Bose.

3. What were the primary objectives or goals of the Anushilan Samiti?

The Anushilan Samiti aimed to achieve India’s independence from British rule through revolutionary means. Its primary objectives included fostering nationalist sentiment, organizing armed resistance, promoting physical training, and advocating self-defense.

4. What were some notable events or actions associated with the Anushilan Samiti?

Notable events linked to the Anushilan Samiti include the Alipore Bomb Case (1908), where Khudiram Bose was involved; the Howrah-Sibpur Conspiracy (1908), targeting British officials; and the Jugantar-Sramajibi Samabaya bombing (1930), reflecting continued resistance.

5. What was the eventual outcome or legacy of the Anushilan Samiti in India’s struggle for independence?

The Anushilan Samiti significantly contributed to India’s struggle for independence by fostering nationalist fervour and advocating armed resistance against British rule. While it was disbanded and its leaders faced persecution, it inspired future revolutionaries and contributed ideologically to India’s eventual liberation in 1947 through its spirit of defiance and nationalism.

6. What is importance of Anushilan Samiti in UPSC?

Anushilan Samiti holds significance in UPSC exams as it was a pivotal revolutionary organization during India’s freedom movement. Its emphasis on militant nationalism, armed resistance against British rule, and its role in shaping revolutionary ideologies make it a crucial aspect of India’s history and struggle for independence.