Apple Announces Worldwide Developers Conference Starting From 6th June

Synopsis: The Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) will showcase many events such as the latest innovations in various Apple products, including macOS, iOS, watchOS, iPadOS, and tvOS. Apart from this, the event will also provide a chance for the developers to access Apple engineers and technologies. 

On Tuesday Apple announced its Annual Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC), which will start on June 6 and will go on till June 10. The event will be conducted online due to Covid-19 protocol and people will be able to attend the same from their homes. This will be the third year in the row that Apple is doing this event in online mode to support all the students who love coding with its Swift Student Challenge. Also regarding the event Apple’s vice president of Worldwide Developer Relations and Enterprise and Education Marketing, Susan Prescott said, 

At its heart, WWDC has always been a forum to create connection and build community. In that spirit, WWDC22 invites developers from around the world to come together to explore how to bring their best ideas to life and push the envelope of what’s possible. We love connecting with our developers, and we hope all of our participants come away feeling energized by their experience.”

The Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) will showcase many events such as the latest innovations in various Apple products, including macOS, iOS, watchOS, iPadOS, and tvOS. Apart from this, the event will also provide a chance for the developers to access Apple engineers and technologies. 

Additionally, engineers can also learn to create extraordinary applications and gain interactive experiences. Besides this, in the online conference, the global community of Apple, which is of over 30 million developers will be gaining knowledge and have access to a large number of tools and technologies that will help them to bring their visions into reality.

Now more than ever, the event will also include various announcements done by State of the Union presentations and keynotes. In addition to this, the program will have several informational sessions, digital lounges to engage with attendees, cutting-edge learning labs, and localized content to make thus making WWDC22 a truly global event. Along with this, the tech giant will also take an extra initiative and host a special day for developers at Apple Park, on June 6, where they will be able to learn various new things from the online community. 

This year the WWDC is very special as the challenges for all the students are very unique and they are invited to create a Swift Playgrounds app on the topics which they like. According to Apple the timeline for submitting the work has been given till 25 April. Although, the space in the event will be limited and the details will be provided on the application or Apple Developer Site.