Application of Remote Sensing

Remote means something which is not directly or physically in contact and sensing means getting information about a particular field or area.  Remote sensing is the process of gathering the full information about an area without going physically into that particular area. In this given article we discuss the application of remote sensing.

Remote Sensing Application

There are some applications of remote sensing used in various fields.

1. Agriculture

When farmers observe their fields, and their conditions without physically touching them, it is a form of remote sensing. Observing the overall appearance of crop can determine the crop and its condition. Remotely captured images provide a means to assess field conditions without physically touching them. Another application of remote sensing in agriculture field is the following.

  • the content of moisture in the soil.
  • Determining crop type and classifying it.
  • Crop condition assessment.
  • Increasing precision in farming.
  • Determining crop damage and crop progress.
  • Crop identification.
  • Water content determination of the field crop.
  • Mapping of soil characteristics.
  • Mapping of soil management practices.
  • Determine crop health.

2. Forestry

Forest research is utilizing the most up-to-date remote sensing tools, including data collection of various types of animals, plants, stones, minerals, and all-over things that are included in the forest. All data collected from satellites, aircraft, and drones i.e. remote sensing materials. Some application of remote sensing in forest department is the following:

  • Forest cover.
  • Determine the type of forest.
  • Vegetation density.
  • Deforestation controlling.
  • Control forest fires.
  • Biomass estimation.
  • Analyzing the actual condition of the forest.

3. Geology

Geology is the study of the solid earth. Geologists use remote sensing materials to decipher the earth and understand the process that occurs on and inside it. Remote sensing technology can be used for geological investigation and explorations of minerals and geothermal energy. Another application if remote sensing is the following. 

  • Bedrock mapping.
  • Lithological mapping.
  • Structural mapping.
  • Mineral exploration.
  • Hydrocarbon exploration.
  • Environmental geology.
  • Geobotany.
  • Sedimentation mapping and monitoring.
  • Event mapping and monitoring.
  • Geo-hazard mapping.

4. Hydrology

Remotely sensed data are nowadays commonly used for regional and global monitoring of rainfall, water level, and flood. In the years to come, recent and modern satellite sensors are specially designed for hydrological purposes. Some application of remote sensing in the hydrology field is the following:

  • Wetlands mapping and monitoring.
  • Soil moisture estimation.
  • Measuring snow thickness.
  • Determining snow-water equivalent.
  • River and lake ice monitoring.
  • Flood mapping and monitoring.
  •  Glacier dynamics monitoring.
  • River/ delta change detection.
  • Drainage basin mapping and watershed modeling irrigation canal leakage detection.

5.Sea Ice

To study seawater and sea ice various tools can be used. Remote sensing technology i.e. satellite and airborne technology is being developed. The new technology can easily detect changes and inform the user. The application of remote sensing in Sea ice is following:

  • Ice concentration.
  • Determine ice type, age, and motion.
  • Iceberg detection and tracking.
  • Surface topography.
  • Tactical identification of leads: navigation: safe shipping routes/ rescue.
  • Historical ice and iceberg conditions and dynamics for planning purposes.
  • Ice condition(state or decay)
  • Wildlife Habitat.

6. Oceans and Coastal Monitoring

Remote sensing in oceanography mostly measures the properties of the ocean surface with sensors on satellites or planes. Remote sensing instruments can receive radiation from the earth’s surface, whether reflected from the sun or emitted. Some generally used application of remote sensing in Oceans and coastal monitoring field is the following:

  • Ocean pattern identification: currents, regional circulation patterns.
  • Fish stock and marine mammal assessment water temperature monitoring water quality.
  • Tidal and storm effects.
  • Coastal vegetation mapping.
  • Human activities and their impact.
  • Ocean salinity.