Applications of MUX

In this article we will be going through the Various Applications of MUX, we will start our article with the introduction of mux, then we will see it working and after that, we will go through its various applications, At last, we will conclude our articles with some faqs.

Table of Content

  • What is MUX?
  • Application 1 – Implementation of Digital Circuits
  • Application 2 – Control Unit
  • Application 3 – Parallel to Serial Data Conversion
  • Application 4 – Data Routing
  • Application 5 – Telecommunication Systems
  • Application 6 – Control Systems

What is MUX?

MUX also called multiplexer is a combinational circuit that generates only one output when 2n inputs are provided to it. It is also called as many to one circuit as it selects one output from 2n inputs with the help of n selection lines. The multiplexer is represented as 2n: 1 MUX.

MUX Symbol

The MUX takes 2n inputs and gives 1 output using n number of selection lines. Below is the logic symbol for 2n:1 MUX.

MUX Symbol

Truth Table for MUX

Below table represent 4:1 MUX with its Equations

Truth Table for MUX

Logic Diagram

The Logic Diagram of MUX can be given as

Logic Diagram of MUX

Applications of MUX

MUX i.e., multiplexer has many applications in different fields. Some of these applications are listed below.

  • Implementation of Digital Circuits
  • Control Unit of CPU
  • Parallel to Serial Data Conversion
  • Computer Memory
  • Data Routing
  • Communication Systems

Implementation of Digital Circuits

MUX is used to implement various digital circuits like adders, subtractors, logic gates etc. We can construct any digital circuit using MUX. The MUX can implement various digital circuits like different logic gates, combinational circuits like full adder, half adder, full subtractor, full adders etc. It works as a universal circuit which can implement all the other digital circuits. Below diagram represents the implementation of AND gate using MUX which gives output Y = AB.

Implementation of Digital Circuits

Control Unit

The control unit uses the MUX selection in the sequencers and generators. The MUX selects the ways in which the next address can be generated to get the address of next microinstruction. Below diagram represents the applications of MUX in the control unit.

Control Unit

Parallel to Serial Data Conversion

MUX converts the parallel data transmission to serial data transmission. It selects on parallel input and transfers it converting the parallel data to serial data. Below diagram represents the application of MUX in parallel to serial data converter.

Parallel to Serial Data Conversion

Data Routing

MUX is used in data routing to select one path among the different paths. The MUX selects one path among data routing paths through which the data can be passed so that it can reach to its desired destination. The below diagram represents the application of MUX in data routing.

Data Routing

Telecommunication Systems

In communication systems MUX is used to convert many signals to one signal and then passes it through the transmission channel. MUX selects one signal and transfers it to the transmission channel. In the telecommunication system the MUX are used in senders side to send multiple data using the single line and links of less bandwidth. Below diagram represents the application of MUX in communication systems.

Telecommunication Systems

Control Systems

In control systems the multiplexer selects one output from the number of inputs. The multiplexers are used in control system for signal routing, data consolidation, for providing flexibility and improving the space and cost efficiency. Signal routing uses MUX for directing multiple signal from multiple sources to a particular destination. It is used when only one signal control unit has to recognize multiple sensors. The MUX makes it easier for the control system to process data. It reduces the number of wires needed for multiple inputs which makes the control system cost and space efficient. The MUX provides the flexibility in control system design and provides easy changes in the circuit.

Advantages and Disadvantages of MUX

MUX has several advantages and disadvantages. Some advantages and disadvantages of MUX are listed below.

Advantages of MUX

Some advantages of MUX are:

  • MUX is cheaper circuit and can be used to implement other circuits.
  • MUX is flexible circuit that can be easily implemented.

Disadvantages of MUX

Some disadvantages of MUX are:

  • MUX adds some delays in the circuits.
  • The data source is limited in MUX.

Examples of MUX

Find the output of given MUX.

Table for given MUX

Select Lines




f(A, B, C)













f(A, B, C) = AB’C’ + A’ B’C + BC’

How many 2:1 MUX is Required to Implement 8:1 MUX?

The total number of 2:1 mux required to implement 4:1 MUX = 4 + 2 + 1

The total number of 2:1 mux required to implement 4:1 MUX = 7


In this Article we have gone through the Applications of MUX, we have started our article with the introduction and seen its truth table and logic diagram with its equation, at last we can conclude that the MUX has its applications in different fields like computers, communication systems, data routing and many more.

Applications of MUX – FAQs

What are Combinational Circuits?

The combinational circuits are the circuits which gives specific output when specific inputs are provided to it.

What is Demultiplexer?

Demultiplexer is a combinational circuit which takes one input and generates 2n outputs with the help of selection lines.

Define Logic Gates?

Logic gates are the circuits in which a signal can pass through the circuit when a logic is applied to it. Some common logic gates are AND gate, OR gate, NOT gate, XOR gate, XNOR gate, NAND gate and NOR gate.