Aptos Interview Experience For Machine Learning Engineer

Hi there, I wonder if you’re reading this because you know you’re about to give an interview sometime soon or simply because you’re curious to know how people think/react during one. Anyway, enjoy the read!

So well, as a matter of fact, I had an interview today, and I think I blew it for “no good reason”.

I got a call around 12 today morning, asking me if I’m still interested in the role for which I’d filled out the form. I obviously was so they asked me what time I’d like to give the interview. I said I’d do it today because I didn’t want to delay as that would show that I’m not prepared which isn’t the kind of impression you want to give. The interview was set for 5:45 p.m. After the call, I started preparing all the materials I’d kept for situation like this. I went into deep detail about all my machine learning projects, like YOLOv3.

  • How does this model work?
  • How is it different from all other models?
  • What would I say if I’m asked about the project I’m currently working on.
    Basically, high-level machine learning stuff. I prepared all the technical stuff. I didn’t really bother with the coding as I’m pretty confident in my logical/ reasoning skills.

But in the interview, they did not ask me the kind of questions I’d hoped for. They asked me a completely random coding question out of the blue, which under normal circumstances wouldn’t take me more than 5 mins. But during the interview, I totally blacked out. I didn’t think the way I normally do. Result? I couldn’t solve the question. That crushed my confidence , I was able to tell them logic. They said my logic was right, but while coding, it didn’t really work out. I pretty much messed up the next obvious question as well which under normal circumstances I’d be able to solve in my sleep. I solved the first question after my interview, and indeed, it really didn’t take me more than 5 mins.

I just wish that during the interview, I’d just stopped all my thoughts, taken a deep breath and worked like no one was looking at my face. Basically, the way I usually do.

Tip: So this really is the advice I’d really like to give to whoever’s about to sit in an interview. Remember, they already have your resume. They have a pretty good idea of who you are. They want to see you in action. So don’t freak out, stay calm and work/ talk like the way you usually do.

Best of luck with your interview !!