ARC Document Solutions for QA Intern Role Interview Experience

I recently had the opportunity to interview for the QA Intern role at ARC Document Solutions. The process was comprehensive and consisted of multiple rounds, including an initial written test, a technical interview, an HR interview, and a managerial round. Here’s a detailed account of my experience:

Round 1: Written Test

The first round was a written test, which was an elimination round. This test covered various topics, including:

1. Aptitude and Reasoning: Questions ranged from basic arithmetic problems to logical reasoning puzzles.

2. Linux Commands: Knowledge of basic Linux commands and their functions was tested.

3. SQL: The test included queries and basic operations related to databases.

4. Software Testing: Questions on manual testing concepts, testing lifecycle, and methodologies.

Round 2: Technical Interview

After clearing the written test, I was invited for a technical interview. The questions were focused on Java programming, SQL queries, and my project experience.

Java Programming:

Explain Inheritance: I was asked to define inheritance and explain its types and benefits with examples. Inheritance is a fundamental concept in object-oriented programming that allows a class to inherit properties and behavior from another class.

Explain Constructor: I explained that a constructor is a special type of method in a class that is called when an object is instantiated. It initializes the object and can be overloaded.

Explain `public static void main`: I described this as the entry point of any Java program. `public` makes it accessible from anywhere, `static` means it belongs to the class rather than instances, `void` indicates it doesn’t return anything, and `main` is the method name

SQL Queries:

Second Maximum Salary: I wrote a query to find the second highest salary in a table:

SELECT MAX(salary) FROM employees WHERE salary < (SELECT MAX(salary) FROM employees);

Count Employees in Kolkata: I provided a query to count the number of employees residing in Kolkata:

SELECT COUNT(*) FROM employees WHERE city = ‘Kolkata’;

Project Discussion:

I was asked detailed questions about my projects, the technologies used, challenges faced, and how I resolved them.

Round 3: HR Interview

The HR interview included basic questions to assess my personality and fit for the company.


Strengths and Weaknesses: I highlighted my strengths such as problem-solving and attention to detail, and acknowledged areas for improvement like public speaking.

Willingness to Relocate: I expressed my willingness to relocate if required.

Rotational Shifts: I confirmed my openness to working in rotational shifts.

Why IT After ECE?: I explained my interest in software development and how my electronics background complements my understanding of IT systems.

Round 4: Managerial Round

The final round was with the manager, which was also an elimination round.


Self-Rating in SQL: I was asked to rate myself on a scale of 1 to 10 in SQL, to which I gave an honest self-assessment.

Deleting a Row in SQL: I explained how to delete a row from a table:

DELETE FROM employees WHERE employee_id = 123;

Project Details: Further questions were asked about the technical aspects and outcomes of my projects.


Two days after the final round, I received an email from ARC Document Solutions informing me that I had been selected for the QA Intern role. The entire process was thorough and gave me a good opportunity to showcase my technical and interpersonal skills.