Argil DX Interview Experience | Set 1 (On-Campus)

Round 1: Online(30 mins + 30 mins+ 30 mins)
a. Technical Aptitude
b. Numerical and Reasoning Aptitude
c. Coding (Backtracking and String Permutation)

Round 2: Written Test(40 mins)
4 questions
a. Number of direct and indirect reporting employees (N- Ary tree)
b. Database design problem( E-R Diagram)
c. Puzzle
d. Basic Probability(Ant at the corner of equilateral triangle and collision prob)
Round 3: Group Discussion(30 mins)
a. Demonetization and its effect on GDP
b. There is no right way to do a right thing
( you can interrupt other speaker to make your point . Tip: speak relevant)

Round 4: Technical Interview 1(40 minutes)
a. Concepts of OOPs
b. Indepth discussion of Hackathon (Technology used, Scenario, Analytics)
c. Project Discussion ( Machine Learning and Cloud Tecnology)
       -> Classifier and clustering difference
       -> SVM classifier indepth Discussion
       -> In Depth Discussion of J2EE Framework,MVC Architecture,Use Case
       -> Natural Language Processing,relevance and Project related details

d. Abstraction ( Difference between Abstract and Interface)
e. Polymorphism (Both static and Runtime) – output of the code
f. Coupling and the issues
g. RMI and Serialisation of the object
h. EJB, Servlets and JSP ( Session management, Connectivity and Control)
i. Multi threading( coding)

Round 5: Technical Interview 2(2 hours)
a. Coding in Java ( N-Ary Tree) and creating functions for the modified
b. Static- Discussion
c. N- Ary Data Structure and traversals, possibility of inorder traversal id data
in subsequent levels are not sorted.
d. Data Structures – Binary Trees and Binary Search Trees( In Depth Dis.)
e. Spiral Level Order Traversal( Iterative and Recursive)
f. Function calling and Stacks(Discussion)
g. Database redesign based on the Query modification of the written test
h. Joins and Nested Queries comparison
i. Data structures use in various cases of the Database Management
j. Some Networking Questions ( OSI Layers, Data Transfer Mechanism
detailed, Masking, Subnetting, supernetting, Aloha, slotted Aloha)
h. Java related output questions ( Polymorphism, Main method overloading)
i. Java Pass by Value or Pass by reference?Justify
( Swap method -String, Array, User defined Objects, Primitive types values
transfer) in depth discussion
j. Wrapper classes
k. operating system interaction with java code
l. Platform dependence of Java and c++
m. sizeOf function use
n. C++ rapid fire
o. Pointers in c++
p. Association, Aggregation and composition their difference with Inheritance
r. Inheritance in java and c++ difference ( cause and effect)
s. Final, Finally, Finalize

Round 6: HR(10 mins)
a. tell me abt yourself
b . Strength weakness
c. Leadership and asoociations
d. Business perspective of a case
e. Non technical subjects and basic question(CRM and Economics)