Argon Gas Formula – Structure, Properties, Uses, Sample Questions

Argon is a chemical element with the atomic number 18. It belongs to group 18 of the periodic table and is the third most argon gas. The gas used in fluorescent tubes is monatomic argon gas. It has the molecular formula Ar. Argon is a non-combustible gas that is colorless and odorless and has a higher density than air. When it is subjected to extreme heat or fire, the material ruptures violently. Argon is the first Nobel gas to be found. It was recognized by the English physicist Lord Rayleigh and Scottish scientist William Ramsay in 1894. Argon is from the Greek word “Argos” and that signifies “lazy” or “inactive”. It has a place with respectable gas and makes up around 0.93% of Earth’s air. It is the third most plentiful gas in the air.

Argon Gas Formula 

Its chemical formula is Ar. It has a molecular weight of 39.948 g/mol. It is a stable gas it doesn’t have any type of chain structure. However, there is a gas structure of argon showing the orbits,


Occurrence of argon 

The world’s climate is established at around 0.934% by volume and 1.288% by mass. Besides, the air is the essential modern wellspring of sanitized argon items. By fractionation, businesses separate argon from the air and most regularly cryogenic partial refining is an interaction that produces other unadulterated gases like nitrogen, neon, xenon, and oxygen. The seawater contains 0.45 ppm of argon and the world’s outside contains around 1.2 ppm of argon.

Production of argon 

Mechanically, they produce it by partial refining of fluid air. Argon is an inert protecting gas that we for the most part use in welding and other modern cycles that requires high temperature in which normal lifeless substances become responsive like in graphite electric heaters use it to keep the graphite from consuming.

Properties of Argon Gas 

Argon, as an element, has a set of properties that makes it different from other elements on the periodic table and even other noble gases. These properties include its atomic properties, physical properties, and chemical properties.

Argon atomic properties 

Argon atomic properties refer to the qualities of a single argon atom. These include:

  • Atomic number: 18
  • Atomic mass: 39.948
  • Number of electrons: 18
  • Valency (Oxidation states): 0
  • Common Isotopes: Argon-36, Argon-38, Argon-40 

Physical properties of Argon Gas 

  • The argon melting point is -189° Celsius, and its boiling point is -185.7° Celsius. This means it exists as a gas under standard conditions.
  • Argon gas is colorless, tasteless, and odorless 
  • As a non-metal, Agron has very low metallicity, and it is an inferior conductor of heat and electricity 
  • The density of Argon is 0.00178 grams per centimeter cube 
  • Argon is 2.5 times more soluble in water than nitrogen and has a similar solubility in water to oxygen. 

Chemical properties of Argon Gas 

  • Argon is known to be chemically inactive. On some rare occasions, and under extreme conditions, it forms weak, compound-like structures.
  • Since this element does not exhibit any chemical reactivity it is called a noble gas.

Uses of Argon Gas 

  • It is used in welding to prevent graphite from burning.
  • It is used in fluorescent lighting and various other gas-discharge tubes.
  • Argon plasma coagulation uses electricity conductive argon plasma as a medium to deliver a high frequency current to coagulate tissue. The noncontact feature permits rapid coagulation with minimal manipulation and trauma to the target tissue.

Sample Questions 

Question 1: Is argon a metal or nonmetal? 


Argon is a non metal element. It is found in group 18 (VIIIa) of the periodic table of elements, which is also called the noble gases group. 

Question 2: What is the Argon Chemical Formula?


Argon (Ar) is a chemical element that belongs to Group 18 (noble gases) of the periodic table. It is the most plentiful and widely used noble gas on the planet. 

Question 3: What are 5 uses for argon? 


Five Uses of argon in human society include the following:

  • Inside light bulbs 
  • Semiconductor manufacturing 
  • Welding 
  • Medical lasers 
  • Geological dating 

Question 4: Is argon harmful to humans? 


Argon is naturally present in the environment and is generally considered non-toxic. However, exposure to high concentrations of argon can reduce the availability of oxygen in the air and thus cause asphyxiation. Liquid argon is also extremely cold and can cause frostbite on contact.

Question 5: How Do You Calculate Argon Molar Mass? 


The mass of Argon (Ar) is 39.948 g/mol. The formula for calculating molar mass is to divide the mass of a specific chemical element or chemical compound (g) by the amount of substance (mol). As a result, the molar mass of argon (Ar) becomes 39.948 g/mol.

Question 6: Is argon used in medicine? 


Argon has likewise been utilized as a careful instrument in the clinical field. Argon Plasma Coagulation (APC) is a non-contact strategy that utilizes high-recurrence argon plasma feeling to close up encompassing tissues and control draining around careful destinations through coagulation.