Arithmetic Operators in Solidity

Arithmetic operators are used to perform arithmetic or mathematical operations. Solidity has the following types of arithmetic operators:

  1. Addition: The addition operator takes two operands and results in a sum of these operands. It is denoted by +.
  2. Subtraction: The subtraction operator takes two operands and results in a difference between these operands. It is denoted by -.
  3. Multiplication: The multiplication operator takes two operands and results in a product of these operands. It is denoted by *.
  4. Division: The division operator takes two operands and results in a quotient after the division of these operands. It is denoted by /.
  5. Modulus: The modulus operator takes two operands and results in the remainder after the division of these operands. It is denoted by %.
  6. Increment: The increment operator takes one operand and increments the operand by one. It is denoted by ++.
  7. Decrement: The decrement operator takes one operand and decrements the operand by one. It is denoted –.
Operator Denotation Description


It results in the sum of two operands.

It results in the difference between the two operands.


It results in the product of two operands.


It results in the quotient of the division of two operands.


It results in the remainder of the division of two operands.


It increments the operand by one.

It decrements the operand by one.

Below is the Solidity program to implement Arithmetic operators:


// Solidity program to implement
// Arithmetic Operators
pragma solidity ^0.5.0;
// Creating Contract
contract Arithmetic {
 function arithop(uint a, uint b) public pure returns (uint, uint, 
                                                       uint, uint, 
                                                       uint, uint, 
                                                       uint) {
   // Addition operator
   uint sum = a + b;
   // Subtraction Operator
   uint sub = a - b;
   // Multiplication Operator
   uint mul = a * b;
   // Division Operator
   uint div = a / b;
   // Modulus Operator
   uint mod = a % b;
   // Increment Operator
   uint inc = ++a;
   // Decrement Operator
   uint dec = --b;
   return (sum, sub, mul, div, mod, inc, dec);
