Artificial Intelligence In Mobile Applications – Take Your App To The Next Level

Mobile application development has grown by leaps and bounds. Remember Calendar apps and the Snake Game when mobile phones were first launched. That was the beginning of the app era. Today, the smartphone world has a few million apps, and each has a good review or rating. The downloads of these apps show the level of popularity and engagement they showcase to the users.

In the world when apps were first introduced, they were not intelligent or smart as they are today. The apps of today can compute and perform the tasks of human beings. Take an Amazon for example. You can not only allow it to create your shopping list but, combine it with a virtual assistant like Alexa, and you can get the app to complete the shopping as well. There are quite a few apps like this, and Artificial Intelligence (AI) which is the premise for Alexa is definitely redefining how we use and consume these apps. It has also staged a different perception of the apps, and allowed the app developers to take into account the users and their needs to personalize and incorporate the latest trends for better experience and engagement.

AI for mobile apps is no longer a fantasy; it is part of real-world development. You cannot think of personalization, hyper-personalization or even basics like inventory management and supply chain management without the incorporation of Artificial Intelligence technology. Here we will tell you how the AI has disrupted mobile apps and taken it to the next level.

How You Can Use AI in Mobile Apps?

When you incorporate AI into your mobile apps, you tend to make them smart and intelligent. It reduces your work and improves your efficiency and output. Here we will tell you the major reasons why AI should be part of your mobile apps.

1. Automative Repetitive Processes

With AI technology, you are able to automate repetitive processes, thus increasing the efficiency of the mobile app. For instance, Google Maps is known to help you access the fastest possible route when you call for directions. Similarly, the Uber rides are all optimized to help you reach your destination fast. The in-built AI algorithm helps with this kind of automation and accelerated results. The algorithm is designed based on an understanding of the past trips, the routes taken and an in-depth analysis of the same.

2. Enable Recommendations Within Mobile Apps

Netflix tends to recommend the best comedies based on your past views. It also offers a generic result of recommendation based on your past views. These past views combined with your interests and the topics that fall into this category help the machines come up with a personalized recommendation list. This is just one kind of recommendation that is being used by Netflix. You can use more of these recommendations when defining your mobile app.

3. Translation

When it comes to translation, you need machines to be fast. They should be able to understand what you aim to convey and translate accordingly. With AI, the machines can translate any language into the other in real-time, thus boosting the power of the machine and translation. In fact, these machines can be powered to complete the translation in offline mode also. How does this work? It is equal to an automated interpreter. The actual job of the interpreter is taken over by the machines using their intelligence and part algorithm that is built on the analysis of interpreters and their jobs.

4. Advanced Search Abilities

The search engines are core to mobile apps. You are not only interested in ensuring that the mobile app is deeply linked to the search engine, but also want to make sure that the mobile app has advanced search abilities. This will make sure that the user can search for the things they need with the help of a mobile app. With AI, mobile app developers can easily incorporate the voice or visual search into the mobile app, thus enhancing the richness of the results. In fact, the localized search can also help increase the conversion rates for mobile solutions.

5. Security

Security is a concern for mobile app owners, which is why adding AI will increase the security of the app, and enhance transactions. Face recognition abilities ensure that the mobile app can be unlocked only when the biometrics are perfect. This reduces the ability to hack into the mobile app. This is a result of the deep learning associated with AI technology. With AI, your apps are alert, and you will get a message as soon as someone hacks into your account without you knowing it. they will not be allowed, and you will be notified of this activity, thus keeping your account safe and data secure.

Advantages of AI in Mobile Apps

You are often contemplating the use of technology when creating a mobile app solution. the same is true for mobile app solutions combined with AI technology. You are not sure how it will benefit you. here we have listed out the advantages of going with AI for your mobile app solution.

  • Personalization is the first benefit associated with an AI-based mobile app solution. you need to consider your customer’s preferences, how they use the mobile app and their localized needs before planning a recommendation or solution for them. AI technology benefits in limiting the time spent into analyzing all of this and giving you the best solution.
  • Exceeding user expectations is every mobile app developer’s ultimate goal. The need to enrich experiences and improve the mobile app solution is possible only when you create mobile app solutions that meet the user’s needs. With AI, you can incorporate solutions that the user is looking for, and offer solutions that are in sync with the problems mobile app user faces. The data that the developers are able to mine helps in devising the algorithm that will help improve the user experience and enrich the solution.
  • As AI learns from the users, it is able to offer solutions that the customer needs, and helps enhance the engagement. They understand the user’s preferences and are able to translate them into your idea and finally the solution. this helps improve the overall look and feel of the mobile app also. In fact, an understanding of the target market and analysis of the data also helps with the design and coding of the mobile app solution.


Artificial Intelligence is the key to getting intelligent and self-sufficient mobile app solutions that can improve the user experience. They help automate the solutions, build recommendations and develop reasoning solutions that can build on the idea you have validated. You need to plan your solution with the proper incorporation of AI to improve the mobile app solution you are catering for the end-users. Take into account every desire, and need of the user before planning and strategizing. A fine blueprint will guide you through the design that aims to engage.

I am a digital marketing executive at Space-O technologies, the mobile app development company I love to write informative articles and share my knowledge through content marketing.

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