ATAN() Function in SQL Server

ATAN() function :

This function in SQL Server is used to return the arc tangent or the inverse tangent of a specified value. This function accepts only one parameter which is a number and the range accepted for the argument number is unbounded.

This function returns a value in the range of -pi/2 to pi/2, expressed in radians. This function takes as an argument any numeric data type as well as any non-numeric data type that can be implicitly converted to a numeric data type.

Features :

  • This function is used to find the arc tangent or the inverse tangent of a specified value.
  • This function accepts a single parameter.
  • The range of accepted parameter is unbounded.
  • This function gives a value in the range of -pi/2 to pi/2.
  • The returned value will be in radians.

Syntax :

SELECT ATAN(number);

Parameter :

This method accepts a parameter as given below:

  • number: Specified numeric value whose inverse tangent is going to be returned.

Returns :

It returns the arc tangent or the inverse tangent of a specified value.

Example-1 :

Getting the inverse tangent of a specified value -1


Output :


Example-2 :

Getting the inverse tangent of a specified value 45


Output :


Example-3 :

Using ATAN() function with a variable and getting the inverse tangent of a specified value 0.

DECLARE @Parameter_Value INT;
SET @Parameter_Value = 0;
SELECT ATAN(@Parameter_Value);

Output :


Example-4 :

Using ATAN() function with a variable and getting the inverse tangent of a specified float value “0.45”.

DECLARE @Parameter_Value float;
SET @Parameter_Value = 0.45;
SELECT ATAN(@Parameter_Value);

Output :


Application :

This function is used to return the arc tangent or the inverse tangent of a specified value.