Atlassian Interview Experience for Internship (On-Campus)

It was a 3 round assessment process.

Online Hackerrank Coding Assessment: The test was on 25th August 2022, at 8 pm. The test duration was 90 mins and we were given 4 questions to solve.

  • The first question was an easy-medium one:
  • Second question was slightly similar to this:
  • Third question was a hard one it was of Dynamic Programming and something of Merge Sort.
  • The fourth question was a 2 pointer Approach:

Anyone who solved 3.5-4 questions was shortlisted for the next round. Out of 400 people 8 were shortlisted for Interview and I was fortunate enough to be one amongst the eight.

Our Interview was scheduled on 1st of September,2022. I had the interview early morning from 8:30-9:30 PM.

  • The first was a Coding Interview round in which the interviewer gave me a question to design a RATE-LIMITER. In that question the interviewer gave me a vector of pair (customerId, time(in milliseconds) in which he ping),we have to return a vector of bool values as answer if the given pair is valid or not . A unique user can ping at most twice in a 1-second duration. I was able to solve the question in 0(n) Time and o(n) space. the interviewer was ok with the approach as well as code. After that round 6/8 were given the chance for managerial round and I was one of them.
  • The second round began at 10 am till 10:45 am,the interviewer was an engineering project manager,he deep dived into my group project about file tagging system. The interview lasted about 40-45 minutes.

The results were declared that very evening 5/6 were the final selects and I was one of them.