Audio File Format | .au Extension

Au sound format is a file format developed by Sun Microsystems they are also known as Unix audio files most commonly they are used to audio files and embed the audio files on web pages. AU files are smaller and thus have poor sound quality.

Table of Content

  • Uses of the AU file format
  • How to Run AU files
  • Benefits of the AU format
  • Limitations of the AU format
  • Application of the AU format
  • Malware Concerns Associated with the AU format
  • Conclusion
  • Recent Articles on Au file format

Uses of the AU file format:

The Au file format (Audio Interchange File Format) was used particularly in the Unix-based systems in the early days. some of the specific conditions where Au files were used commonly as Au files were originally developed by Sun Microsystems and then they gained popularity on the Unix-based system, often they are used for audio-related applications for platforms such as later versions of Unix as well as SunOS.


Apart from that, here are a few uses of the “.au” file format:

  • “.au” audio files are used in Adobe Audition software.
  • “.au” audio file formats were historically used for storing audio in NeXT and Sun systems.
  • GoldWave which is a software for audio editing, also uses “.au” as an extension for storing audio files.

How to Run AU Files:

Below is the property detail of an Au file format, as we can see the au file format is typically larger than the MP3 file format due to being uncompressed. we can play this file using VLC media player which is a popular media player that also supports the Au file format.

Benefits of the AU format:

  • Uncompressed Audio: The Au file format stores audio data in an uncompressed file format which preserves the quality of the original audio without any loss.
  • Specific Software or Hardware Requirements: There are some hardware and software which may support the au audio format specifically, in such scenarios it’s required to use the au file type.
  • Support for Various Audio Configurations: Au file format supports both stereo audio and mono audio, which allows users to choose configurations which suits their specific needs or audio requirements.
  • Simplicity in File Structure: As we have discussed previously, the Au file format has a very simple and basic file structure which makes it easy to work with while scripting or programming.

Limitations of the AU Format:

  • The AU file format does not support compression which means that the file size while using AU format is typically larger.
  • This format has only limited support for the meta data, which means that it may not store detailed information about the file, such as artist name or album name etc.
  • The AU file format is not commonly used in media or any streaming services, instead MP3, AAC WAV are used.

Application of the AU Format:

While the AU format has mostly historic importance only, there are some applications of AU format still present today, some of which are:

  • Some Unix-based system still utilize the AU format for audio data, specially if the system has not been updated for a long time.
  • For basic audio processing and experimentation purposes, the AU format is still used.
  • In specialized applications, the developers can choose the AU file format because of it’s simplicity.
  • Some online as well as online software and audio processing tools still use the AU format for audio processing.

Malware Concerns Associated with the AU Format:

As the AU file format’s structure is quite simplistic in nature, it can be used for a malware or can contain malware so it’s always better to have the necessary anti-virus software installed in the system but since this audio file is not being used much (as compared to MP3, WAV etc.) , the hackers and malware artists are more prone to using the MP3, WAV formats for sending malwares, but on the technical grounds, the AU format can contain malwares.


In conclusion, the Au file format is significant for it’s historical impact, but the modern and more compressed audio formats such as MP3, WAV, AAC have took it’s place. today, the Au file format is only used in specific applications or scenarios where uncompressed audio is an important factor.

Recent Articles on Au file format: