AutoCAD Interview Question

AutoCAD is one of the leading software applications in the field of Computer-Aided Design (CAD), renowned for its versatility, precision, and extensive use across various industries. It serves as a cornerstone tool for professionals in architecture, engineering, construction, manufacturing, and more. AutoCAD proficiency is highly sought after by top companies such as Autodesk, Tesla, Boeing, Toyota, and many others due to its robust features and performance.

Here, we present Top 40+ AutoCAD Interview Questions and Answers suitable for both fresher and experienced professionals. These questions cover a wide range of topics, including fundamental AutoCAD concepts, advanced techniques, 3D modeling, customization, scripting, and best practices. Whether you’re preparing for a job interview or seeking to enhance your AutoCAD skills, this compilation will undoubtedly aid you in your endeavor.

AutoCAD Interview Question

To secure a desired position related to AutoCAD, it is important to have strong technical skills and understand the specific interview process. This post explores the details of AutoCAD technical interviews, providing insider information and insights into the types of questions that may be asked.

AutoCAD Interview Question and Answers

Q1. What is AutoCAD?

AutoCAD is a desktop software that we use to produce 2D and 3D designs for objects or products. This tool allows us to build designs ranging from simple to complicated in a variety of industries, such as electrical, construction, and manufacturing. In addition to developing designs, this application allows us to change and improve them.

Q2. Which are the file formats commonly used in AutoCAD?

  • DWG (Drawing): This is the native AutoCAD file format for storing 2D and 3D drawings. It is the most commonly used format for AutoCAD files.
  • DXF (Drawing Exchange Format): DXF is a file format developed by Autodesk for the exchange of 2D and 3D drawing data between different CAD programs. It’s a widely supported format for interoperability.
  • DWF (Design Web Format): DWF files are used for sharing design data in a lightweight, compressed format. They are often used for viewing and printing drawings without the need for the full AutoCAD application.
  • PDF (Portable Document Format): AutoCAD allows you to save or export drawings in PDF format, which is widely compatible for sharing and printing documents.
  • DGN (MicroStation Design): AutoCAD can also import and export DGN files, a format commonly used by Bentley Systems’ MicroStation software

Q3. What do Grips mean in AutoCAD?

Grips in AutoCAD are small square boxes that appear on the selected drawing objects. Using a grip command, one can move, edit, copy, scale, stretch, and rotate an object. Grips are handles that allow you to manipulate the object without entering a command directly.

Q4. What are Hatch Patterns?

Hatch patterns in AutoCAD are stored in the support folder. Hatch patterns are made up of several line combinations (vertical, horizontal, and diagonal). The function of the hatch pattern is to fill the enclosed area with solid or gradient fill.

Q5. Explain the purpose of layers in AutoCAD.

Layers are the primary method for organizing the objects in a drawing by function or purpose. Layers can reduce the visual complexity of a drawing and improve display performance by hiding information that you don’t need to see at the moment. Layers allow you to organize, segregate, set the drawing object’s color, control the visibility, and manage the plotting of the drawing. The current layer is the layer that any newly created drawing object will reside on.

Q6. What do you mean by Variant?

AutoCAD provides variants that help in the creation, visualizing, and rendering of the 3D models that provide 3D printing as well. They allow using various functions of applications based on the needs.

Q7. Explain Aligned Dimension?

This dimension measures the precise distance between two points in an object. We mainly use aligned dimensions to measure the length of slanting lines. It is important to remember that a dimension line is parallel to an extension line. The extension lines are typically drawn mechanically.

Q8. What is the difference between CAD and CADD?



Computer-Aided Design (CAD) is a process by which a designer creates a virtual model of an object using a computer. Computer-Aided Design (CADD) is creating plans and drawings for objects or structures using computer-aided design software.
CAD use for both industrial and architectural design. CADD can be used for various purposes, such as creating products, buildings, and machinery.
The benefits of using CAD software include the ability to create accurate and precise drawings, the ability to share designs with others, and the ability to save formats for future use. CADD software helps you create 3D models and drawings quickly and easily. This allows you to focus on your design goals rather than on tedious details.
 CAD software can create models of vehicles, machines, and other objects. CADD software can help you communicate your designs more effectively with other team members.

Q9. What is ortho mode AutoCAD?

Ortho mode is used when you specify an angle or distance by means of two points using a pointing device. In Ortho mode, cursor movement is constrained to the horizontal or vertical direction relative to the UCS.

Q10. What is LAYMRG?

LAYMRG command is basically used to merge the various object layers. It merges the source layer with the target layer. After merging with the target layer, source layer objects will acquire the properties of the target layer.

Q11. What purpose is autumn used for?

It is used to draw a straight line. During this mode, the tool will draw the vertical horizontal and a shortcut for this is the F8 shortcut key.

Q12. Explain Partial Open.

In AutoCAD, Partial open is used to view a simpler picture of a large drawing for easy loading. Moreover, it can be used to view a selected specific geometry. 

Q13. What is an object snap mode?

Object snaps provide a way to specify precise locations on objects whenever you are prompted for a point within a command. For example, you can use object snaps to create a line from the center of a circle to the midpoint of another line. You can specify an object snap whenever you are prompted for a point.

Q14. What is the role of the CUI Editor?

The Customize User Interface (CUI) Editor allows you to modify many of the user interface elements that are used to start a command in the program. Customizing the user interface allows you to change the placement of the tools that you commonly use, and to add new tools that can improve your productivity.

Q15. What are the advantages of using AutoLISP programming in AutoCAD?

AutoLISP is a programming language used in AutoCAD that allows you to automate tasks, create custom commands, and enhance productivity. Some advantages include improved efficiency, customization options, and the ability to automate repetitive tasks.

Q16. What are the functions of an AutoCAD draftsperson?

An AutoCAD drafter is a computer technology professional who creates designs for architects and engineers.Drafters specialize in computer-aided design (CAD) to make drawings and build both 2D and 3D models of parts and buildings.

Q17. What are the advantages of using external references (Xrefs) in AutoCAD?

In AutoCAD, an xref (short for “external reference”) is a file that is linked to a drawing, allowing you to reuse and share data across numerous drawings. Xrefs allow you to deal with several drawings as if they were one, making it simple to edit and maintain common data like title blocks, blocks, and other features.

Q18. Explain the difference between Model space and Paper space in AutoCAD.

Model space

Paper space

Used for creating and editing the drawing. Used for setting up the layout for printing.
Multiple viewports can be created to view different parts of the drawing simultaneously. Typically, one layout viewport represents the entire drawing.
Zooming and scaling are performed in model space. Scaling is set in paper space using layout viewports.
Drawing units are set in model space. Plotting units and scale are set in paper space.

Q19. How can you remove the aberration of empty layers?

You can get rid of it by using all of the objects at the same time in one place. You can also delete or freeze the references to the layers. The outcome of eliminating the empty layer will be stored in the DXF file.

Q20. What are the features corrected by AutoCAD?

AutoCAD identifies challenges and addresses them by rectifying issues within the illustration components. The software provides the option to include additional vertices, enhancing poly-lines. This enables the correction or omission of errors by pinpointing the precise location of poly-lines with zero vertices.

Q21. How can you copy a closed drawing in AutoCAD?

The copying of the closed drawing can be done by the designer center in the toolbar of the Autocad.  By using the tree view option the copy of closed drawing can be done easily. The modification of the drawing can be done by using graphical interface.

Q22. What is the graphics window in AutoCAD?

The CAD graphics window displays an enormous virtual 3D space through which we can view drawings just like we view the world through our camera.It is defined as the area to create 2D and 3D drawings, models, and objects. We can create using different commands according to the requirements.

Q23. What do you understand by aligned dimension?

An aligned dimension within AutoCAD is a dimension type designed to measure the distance between two parallel lines or edges in a drawing. It offers the numerical distance value, aiding in precisely defining the alignment and spacing between objects. Aligned dimensions are frequently employed in architectural, engineering, and design drawings to communicate accurate linear measurements and uphold consistent spacing among elements.

Q24. What is cross-hair cursor in AutoCAD?

A crosshair cursor is an icon displayed on your computer screen, resembling two intersecting lines forming a “+” shape. It serves as a visual guide to indicate the location of your mouse or pointer. In applications like AutoCAD, the crosshair cursor aids in the precise selection of objects or points. By revealing the precise position of the cursor, it facilitates accurate drawing, shape creation, and selection tasks.

Q25. What is the difference between ‘COPY’ and ‘MIRROR’ commands in AutoCAD?

COPY Command

MIRROR Command

Creates duplicate copies of selected objects. Produces a mirrored copy of selected objects, reflecting them across a specified line.
Original objects remain unchanged. Original objects are mirrored to create a reflection.
Helpful for replicating objects in a drawing. Useful for creating symmetrical elements in a drawing.
Ideal for duplicating objects precisely. Useful for creating mirrored symmetry with accuracy.

Q26. What are the different indexes used in AutoCAD?

  • Layer index is a list showing which objects are on which layers. This list is used when the program is referencing the drawing in conjunction with demand loading to determine which objects need to be read and displayed. Objects on frozen layers in a referenced drawing are not read in if the referenced drawing has a layer index and is being demand-loaded.
  • Spatial index organizes objects based on their location in 3D space. This organization is used to efficiently determine which objects need to be read in when the drawing is being demand-loaded and clipped as an xref. If demand loading is turned on, and the drawing is attached as an xref and clipped, the program uses the spatial index in the externally referenced drawing to determine which objects lie within the clip boundary.

Q27. What is the purpose of the ‘PURGE’ command in AutoCAD? 

In AutoCAD, the ‘PURGE’ command is used to remove unused or unnecessary items from a drawing file. This helps to reduce the file size, making it more efficient and easier to work with. The ‘PURGE’ command can be particularly useful when dealing with large drawings or drawings that have been modified multiple times, as it helps to eliminate redundant elements and optimize the file.

Q28. How can you create a dimension in AutoCAD?

To create a dimension in AutoCAD, initiate the DIM command by typing “DIM” or selecting the Dimension tool. Choose the dimension type (e.g., linear or aligned), then click or specify points on the objects to dimension. AutoCAD will automatically generate the dimension lines and text based on your selection, providing accurate size and position information within your drawing.

Q29. What are the different methods of 3D modeling in AutoCAD, and when would you use each?

AutoCAD offers various 3D modeling techniques, including extrusion for straightforward objects with uniform cross-sections, lofting for intricate shapes formed by blending multiple profiles, sweeping for objects following a designated path, and solid modeling for crafting accurate and detailed 3D models.

Q30. Why do we use vertical integration in AutoCAD?

In AutoCAD, vertical integration refers to the incorporation of specialized industry-specific tools and features into the software to cater to the unique needs of certain professions or disciplines. Vertical integration in AutoCAD is used to enhance productivity and efficiency for specific industries such as architecture, mechanical engineering, electrical design, and more.

Q31. What purpose MASSPROP command is used?

The MASSPROP command in AutoCAD is used to calculate and display the mass properties of 3D solids or regions. Mass properties include information such as volume, centroid, moments of inertia, products of inertia, radii of gyration, and mass.

Q32. How can you create and manage custom linetypes in AutoCAD?

Creating a personalized linetype in AutoCAD involves crafting a linetype definition file (.lin) using a text editor, outlining the desired pattern and its attributes. Once the linetype is defined, it can be loaded into AutoCAD and applied to objects or layers. This customization capability enables the incorporation of distinct line styles tailored for specific purposes or adherence to organizational standards.

Q33. What are the key features and benefits of AutoCAD’s annotation tools?

AutoCAD’s annotation tools offer a range of functionalities for incorporating and overseeing annotations within drawings. These encompass dimensioning tools, text and multiline text options, tables, leaders, and hatches. These features facilitate accurate documentation, enhance clarity in design communication, and ensure compliance with drafting standards.

Q34. What is use of Sheet Set Manager (SSM) in AutoCAD for project organization?

AutoCAD’s Sheet Set Manager (SSM) provides a comprehensive solution for organizing and overseeing multiple drawings as a cohesive set. This tool streamlines batch plotting, automates the incorporation of title block information, and simplifies the navigation of sheets within a set. The Sheet Set Manager enables effective revision management, and report generation, and ensures consistency across project drawings, enhancing overall efficiency in drawing management.

Q35. What are the different dimensions of AutoCAD?

  • Linear Dimensions: These dimensions are usually vertical, horizontal, and aligned. We can use the DIM command to create linear dimensions.
  • Rotated Dimensions: The dimension line is located at a specific angle to the extension line origin points in this type.
  • Angular Dimension: We use angular dimension to measure the angle between two lines. Also, we can measure the angle between three points.
  • Radical Dimensions: We can measure the radius of arcs with this dimension. Not only that, we can measure the diameter of circles. AutoCAD allows choosing a center point or center line.
  • Arc length dimensions: In this dimension, we can measure the length of an arc segment. We can use this dimension to estimate the size of a cable.
  • Ordinate Dimensions: Using this dimension, we can measure the perpendicular distances from a reference point. The reference point is referred to as a datum.

Q36. What is the use of SCALETEXT and Helix Commands?

The SCALETEXT command in AutoCAD is used to resize existing text entities without altering their other properties. On the other hand, the HELIX command is employed to create 3D helical shapes, making it useful for modeling objects like springs or screws that follow a spiral path. These commands enhance versatility in text manipulation and the creation of intricate three-dimensional geometries.

Q37. How can you align objects in AutoCAD?

In AutoCAD, you can align objects using the ALIGN command, where you select objects, define a base point, and specify a destination point. Additionally, for aligning text specifically, the DDEDIT command can be used to move and align text objects by selecting a base point and a second alignment point. These methods ensure precise object alignment within your drawings.

Q38. How can you create a block in AutoCAD, and what is the purpose of using blocks?

To create a block in AutoCAD, you can use the “BLOCK” command. Select the objects you want to include in the block, define a base point, and assign a name. Blocks are used for reusing and organizing geometry. They help maintain consistency, reduce file size, and make it easier to edit repetitive elements.

Q39. Explain the difference between absolute and relative coordinates in AutoCAD.

  • Absolute coordinates in AutoCAD refer to points defined with respect to the origin (0,0) of the drawing. They are fixed and do not change regardless of any transformations.
  • Relative coordinates are specified in relation to the last point entered. Relative coordinates are helpful for specifying distances and angles relative to existing points in the drawing.

Q40. What is the purpose of the PLINE command in AutoCAD?

The PLINE (Polyline) command in AutoCAD is used to create a single, connected entity composed of multiple line or arc segments. Unlike the LINE command, which creates individual, unconnected line segments, PLINE allows for the creation of continuous and editable paths.


By familiarizing yourself with these AutoCAD Interview Questions and Answers, you’ll be good to tackle interviews and excel in your career as an AutoCAD professional. Whether you’re a novice or a seasoned practitioner, continuous learning and practice are key to mastering this indispensable tool in the world of design and engineering.

AutoCAD Interview Questions – FAQs

What is AutoCAD?

AutoCAD is a computer-aided design (CAD) software used for creating precise 2D and 3D drawings and models.

How can I improve drawing efficiency in AutoCAD?

Utilize features like dynamic blocks, parametric drawing, and keyboard shortcuts to streamline your workflow.

What are Xrefs (external references) in AutoCAD?

A: Xrefs allow you to link external files or drawings to your current drawing, enabling easy collaboration and updates.

How can I customize the AutoCAD user interface?

You can customize toolbars, menus, and keyboard shortcuts to tailor the interface to your specific workflow preferences.

What is the significance of dynamic blocks in AutoCAD?

Dynamic blocks offer flexibility by allowing you to create blocks with adjustable parameters, enhancing efficiency and versatility in design.