Automated Scaling Listener in Cloud Computing

A service agent is known as the automated scaling listener mechanism tracks and monitors communications between cloud service users and cloud services in order to support dynamic scaling. In the cloud, automated scaling listeners are installed, usually close to the firewall. where they continuously track data on the status of the workload. Workloads can be assessed based on the number of requests made by cloud users or by the demands placed on the backend by particular kinds of requests. For instance, processing a tiny amount of incoming data can take a lot of time.

Automated Scaling listeners can respond to workload fluctuation conditions in a variety of ways, including:

  • Automatically Adjusting IT Resources based on previously set parameters by the cloud consumer (Auto Scaling).
  • Automatic Notification of the cloud consumer when workloads go above or below predetermined thresholds. This gives the cloud user the option to change how its present IT resources are allocated. (Auto Notification)


The service agents that perform the role of autonomous scaling listeners go by many names depending on the cloud provider vendor. Three users of cloud services simultaneously try to access one cloud service (1). Three duplicate instances of the service are created by the autonomous scaling listener when it grows out (2). A fourth user of a cloud service tries to access the service (3). The automated scaling listener rejects the fourth attempt and alerts the cloud consumer that the intended workload limit has been exceeded because the cloud service is only designed to enable up to three instances (4). To modify the provisioning configuration and raise the redundant instance limit, the cloud resource administrator of the cloud consumer logs into the remote administration environment.

Difference between Auto Scaling vs Load Balancing

An auto-scaling group load balancer can be installed to boost availability, and performance, and reduce application latency. This works because you can specify your autoscaling policies depending on the needs of your application to scale in and scale-out instances, and you can then specify how the load balancer distributes the traffic load across the running instances.

There are connections between load balancing and application autoscaling. Both load balancing and application auto-scaling minimize backend duties including managing the traffic load across the servers, keeping track of the servers’ health, and adding or removing servers as needed. In reality, solutions with a load balancer and autoscaling capabilities are frequently seen. Elastic load balancing and auto-scaling, however, are different ideas.

Difference between Horizontal vs Vertical Auto Scaling

Horizontal Auto Scaling

It refers to the addition of more servers or computers to the auto-scaling group. Vertical scaling is unable to handle the queries when there are thousands of users. In these situations, horizontal auto-scaling expands the resource pool with more machines. Effective horizontal auto-scaling includes clustering, distributed file systems, and load balancing.

Stateless servers are crucial for applications that frequently have a large number of users. The ideal user session should never be bound to a single server and should be able to move effortlessly across several servers while preserving a single session. One benefit of effective horizontal scaling is the ability for enhanced user experience with this type of browser-side session storage. Because it creates separate new instances, horizontal auto-scaling doesn’t require downtime. Due to its independence, it also improves availability and performance.

Vertical Auto Scaling

Vertical auto-scaling entails scaling by supplying more power rather than more units, such as more RAM. Vertical auto-scaling has intrinsic architectural issues due to the fact that it entails boosting the power of an already-running system. The health of the application is dependent on the machine’s single location, and there is no redundant server. Additionally, vertical scaling necessitates downtime for upgrades and reconfigurations. Vertical auto-scaling improves performance but not availability, to sum up.

Because application tiers are likely to use resources differently and grow at various rates, decoupling them may help to some extent with the vertical scaling difficulty. The easiest way to handle requests for a better user experience and increase the number of instances in tiers is with stateless servers. This enables you to scale incoming requests across instances using elastic load balancing.

Not every business or task is a good candidate for vertical growth. A demand for horizontal scaling is created by a large user base, and depending on user requirements, a single instance will perform differently than many smaller instances on the same total resource.