Autumn Season: Meaning, Characteristics and Facts

Autumn Season: The autumn season is one of the four main rainy seasons in mid-latitudes, occurring after summer and before winter. In the Northern Hemisphere, the autumn season lasts from the autumnal equinox (September 23) to the winter solstice (December 22). In the Southern Hemisphere, autumn occurs from March 21 (the spring equinox) to June 21 (the summer solstice).

Let us read and understand more about the Autumn season in the article!

Table of Content

  • Overview of Autumn Season
  • Meaning of Autumn Season
  • Autumn Season in India
  • 10 Sentences on Autumn Season
  • Autumn Season Months
  • Autumn season: Characteristics
  • Difference between Autumn season and Spring season

Autumn Season in India

Overview of Autumn Season

Feature Details
Duration October to November
Weather Reduction in monsoon rainfall, clearer skies, cooler temperatures
Cultural Significance Major festivals like Diwali and Dussehra, symbolizing joy and the victory of good over evil
Agricultural Importance Harvest period for several crops, crucial for agriculture
Activities Ideal for travel, outdoor activities, and enjoying cultural festivals

Meaning of Autumn Season

Autumn is a “Latin” word. It was first used in the fourteenth century. It is also known as harvest season, or Sharad. Autumn season falls between the summer and winter seasons and serves as a transitional season between the two. This is the time when the temperature starts to drop, the weather starts to change, and it is neither too hot nor too cold.

India experiences six seasons, namely summer, monsoon, autumn, pre-winter, winter, and spring. Fall season is one of Earth’s four seasons, following summer and heralding winter. The autumn season is the season of major changes in nature and the environment. The fall season means lots of fun and outdoor activities. It brings yellow, red, orange, brown, and other various colors into people’s lives. The temperatures become cooler, and the days become shorter.

Autumn Season in India

Autumn in India, commonly referred to as the post-monsoon season, typically spans from October to November. This season is characterized by a significant reduction in the heavy rainfalls of the monsoon season and is marked by clearer skies and cooler temperatures, especially in the northern parts of the country.

During autumn, the landscape transforms with many regions showcasing dry leaves and a subtle change in foliage color, although it is not as pronounced as in some Western countries. This season is considered one of the most pleasant times of the year in India, with moderate temperatures that are ideal for travel and outdoor activities. Here is a table showing autumn season in India:

Region Months
Northern India September, October, November
Central India September, October, November
Southern India October, November, December

Autumn is also a culturally significant time in India, hosting major festivals such as Diwali, the Festival of Lights, and Dussehra, which celebrates the victory of good over evil. These festivals bring about vibrant celebrations, lights, and decorations, adding to the unique charm of the season.

In agricultural terms, autumn marks the harvest period for several crops, making it an important season for farmers. Overall, autumn in India is a period of transition and celebration, offering a respite from the monsoon rains and a precursor to the winter season.

10 Sentences on Autumn Season

  1. Autumn, also known as fall, is a transitional season between summer and winter.
  2. It typically begins in September in the Northern Hemisphere and March in the Southern Hemisphere.
  3. During autumn, temperatures gradually cool down from the warmth of summer, leading to crisp, cool days and chilly nights.
  4. One of the most iconic features of autumn is the changing colors of the foliage as leaves turn from green to shades of red, orange, and yellow.
  5. The phenomenon of leaf color change, known as autumn foliage, attracts tourists and photographers to areas with deciduous trees.
  6. Autumn is also associated with harvest festivals and the gathering of crops such as pumpkins, apples, and grapes.
  7. Animals prepare for the winter ahead during autumn, with many species engaging in behaviors such as migration, hibernation, or storing food.
  8. In many cultures, autumn is celebrated with traditions and festivities like Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Diwali.
  9. The autumn equinox marks the official beginning of fall and occurs around September 22nd or 23rd in the Northern Hemisphere.
  10. Overall, autumn is a season of change, transition, and natural beauty, symbolizing the cycle of life and the passage of time.

Autumn Season Months

Here’s a table showing the autumn season months in both the Northern Hemisphere and the Southern Hemisphere:

Hemisphere Autumn Season Months
Northern Hemisphere September, October, November
Southern Hemisphere March, April, May

Autumn season: Characteristics

  • Temperatures become cooler during the autumn season, with some areas also experiencing storms and cyclones.
  • The autumn season is mostly associated with rain. But, generally, the leaves start changing color during this season.
  • Plants drop their seeds on the ground or in the air, and some animals may also eat them or carry them in preparation for the winter period.
  • Autumn is the time of harvest. Farmers cultivate apples, pumpkins, pears, corn, and various other crops.
  • The days become shorter, and the nights become longer. During this period of the year, the moon is also brighter, and some new stars can also be seen.

Difference between Autumn season and Spring season

Compare Of parameters

Autumn season

Spring season

Time of Occurrence

Autumn in the Northern Hemisphere begins in September and continues through the winter months. It is experienced at the end of the year.

Spring in the Northern Hemisphere begins in March and continues through the summer months. This is experienced at the beginning of the year.

Days of Duration

The days become shorter, and the nights become longer.

The duration of day and night is approximately equal.

Environment Change

The leaves of the trees turn red, orange, and yellow. Trees start dropping their leaves.

New leaves and buds bloom in spring.

Transitional stage

Autumn is the transition period between summer and winter.

Spring is the interim season between winter and summer.


Autumn is known as the ‘cooling-off season’ due to the drop in temperatures.

Spring symbolizes an increase in temperatures during the day in preparation for the upcoming summer months.

Alternative names

Also known as the ‘fall’ season.

There are no other alternative names.

Literary Connotations and Associations

Associated with endings and conclusions.

Associated with rebirth and regrowth


Wondering what autumn is and what its significance is? The above article provides complete information about its meaning, significance, and characteristics. Also, find out what the difference is between autumn and spring. This article also covers some interesting facts that you must know.

FAQs on Autumn Season

What is the difference between autumn and fall?

“Autumn” and “fall” are two terms used to describe the season between summer and winter, typically characterized by cooler temperatures and the shedding of leaves from deciduous trees. The main difference between the two lies in their usage and regional preferences.

“Autumn” is more commonly used in British English, while “fall” is the preferred term in American English. Essentially, both terms refer to the same season and can be used interchangeably to describe the time of the year when leaves change color and temperatures begin to drop.

What is autumn season meaning in Hindi?

In Hindi, the term “autumn season” can be translated as “शरद ऋतु” (Sharad Ritu). Here, “शरद” (Sharad) refers to autumn, and “ऋतु” (Ritu) means season. So, “शरद ऋतु” (Sharad Ritu) literally translates to “autumn season” in English

Is autumn a rainy season?

The association of autumn with rainfall can vary depending on the region. In some places, autumn is characterized by relatively dry and crisp weather, while in others, it may coincide with increased rainfall.

For example, in many temperate climates, autumn is not necessarily a rainy season. Instead, it is often associated with cooler temperatures, colorful foliage, and a decrease in precipitation. However, in some tropical or subtropical regions, autumn may coincide with a rainy season.

What are the four types of seasons?

The four types of seasons are:

Spring: This season is characterized by warmer temperatures, blooming flowers, and the return of greenery after the winter months.

Summer: Summer is the warmest season, marked by longer days, high temperatures, and a generally hot climate.

Autumn: Autumn is the season when temperatures begin to cool and trees shed their leaves. It’s often associated with colorful foliage.

Winter: Winter is the coldest season, typically featuring shorter days, lower temperatures, and, in many regions, snow and ice.