Web Hosting Services on AWS

Amazon Web Services (AWS) web hosting is the use of a package of web services – Amazon Web Services (AWS) which grants websites and internet programs round-the-clock uptime, access to all of the needed resources, and so on. AWS has a bunch of services in the area of webworld hosting which includes Amazon S3 for hosting servers, Amazon EC2 for virtual devices, AWS Elastic Beanstalk for deployment and scaling web packages, and Amazon CloudFront for content delivery.

AWS hosting comes with scalability, dependability, and versatility which helps organizations scale up their website hosting resources to match traffic requests per need and only pay for what they use.

Table of Content

  • What is Web Hosting?
  • What is Web Hosting on AWS?
  • Web Hosting Architecture in AWS Cloud
  • Why Use AWS for Web Hosting?
  • What are the Types of Web Hosting Services?
  • How Does a Web Hosting Work?
  • What are the requirements of Modern Web Hosting?
  • Which Web Hosting Services does AWS Provide?
  • How to do Web Hosting A Website On AWS Cloud? A Step-By-Step Guide
  • What is the importance of Web Hosting In AWS?
  • Simple Web App Hosting
  • Simple Static Website Hosting
  • What Are the Advantages Of Web Hosting A Site in AWS?
  • What are the features of Web Hosting in AWS?
  • What is the difference between Web Hosting and a Domain Name?
  • Real-World Usage Example
  • Web Hosting AWS Vs Azure: What are the differences?
  • AWS Cloud Architecture Web Hosting – FAQs

What is Web Hosting?

Web hosting is a service that facilitates individuals or organizations to host their websites that are accessing globally over the internet. It comes with involving the websites on servers connected to the internet and make the site accessible to the visitors. It provides the infrastructure that needed for a website that to be viewed in online. It faciliates the users/vistors to make accessible of the website files from the servers through the internet.

What is Web Hosting on AWS?

Web hosting on AWS involves in enhancing the Amazon Web Servies’ cloud Infrastructure to host the websites and web applications. It provides a range of servcies such as Amazon EC2 for scalable virtual servers, Amazon S3 for secure Objects and Amazon RDS for managing the relational Databases. It provides such as Elastic Load Balancing and Auto Scaling with ensuring the high availability and performance for the hosted websites making AWS as preferred choice for web hosting needs.

Web Hosting Architecture in AWS Cloud

Building an web hosting architecture on AWS Cloud involves in using the AWS Services like Amazon EC2 for scalable virtual servers, Amazon S3 for secure object Storage like this we many AWS services for effective and high resilient architecture. The following are the some services and concepts involved in webhosting on AWS Cloud Architecture:

  • Amazon EC2: It is a type of cloud computing that is scalable and consists of virtual servers.
  • Amazon S3: Reliable and safe cloud object storage organized by Simple Storage Service to deliver object storage function with focus on data permanence.
  • Amazon RDS: It is a RDBMS for relational databases management like MySQL, Posgres, etc. These DDBMS are managed data services
  • DDBMS: DMBS for relational databases such as MySQL, Postgres, et cetera. They are all data management services
  • Amazon VPC: The AWS Virtual Private Network, represented by the VPC lets the users create isolated virtual networks within the flashily-large cloud environment.
  • Amazon ELB: The Elastic Load Balancing is the mechanism designed to distribute incoming traffic to the instances running in multiple servers together for the purpose of increasing the ability of an instance existing (an instance being available) and of an instance recovering from the failure.
  • Auto Scaling: Auto Scaling can also serve as an operating point for launching EC2 services on demand, and as per the traffic requirements.

Why Use AWS for Web Hosting?

The following are the some of the reasons for the web hosting the applications on AWS Cloud:

1. Scalability: AWS provides the scalable resources for effectively handing the traffic to the website without compromising the performance or reliability.

2. Reliability: With the AWS Infrastructure and global Availability zones it ensure the high uptime and data redundancy, minimizing the risk of downtime or data loss.

3. Security: It comes with facilitating the advanced features and compliance certificates for safe guarding the data and applications against potential threats and breaches.

4. Cost-Effectiveness: AWS comes with Pay-as-You-go model, it only charges as per the use with no upfront costs or long-term commitments allowing the users to optimize the costs and scale the hsoting environment.

What are the Types of Web Hosting Services?

Amazon Web Services (AWS) has several internet web hosting solutions that vary in interest and usefulness. Here’s a top-level look at the many types of internet web hosting available from AWS. They are as follows:

1. static Web Hosting
2. Web Application Hosting
3. Serverless Web Hosting
4. Managed Website Hosting

1. Static Website Hosting

  • Ideal For: Usually simple websites with passive content e.g. Blogs, portfolios, landing pages.
  • Services: Uses Amazon S3 (Simple Storage Service) primarily to store your online web files. You can configure S3 buckets for web hosting i.e. Make your websites accessible by URL This is publicly available.
  • Pros: Low cost, highly scalable and easy to configure.
  • Cons: There is less functionality in this compared to dynamic internet hosting options.

2. Web Application Hosting

  • Best For: Dynamic websites that involve server-side processing and database interactions such as e-business systems, content and content management systems (CMS), or pure applications.
  • Services: Integrate offerings with Amazon EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud) for virtual machines that typically host websites of your internet server software; Amazon RDS (Relational Database Service) for managing databases; and also Amazon Elastic Load Balancing (ELB) which helps distribute traffic in many cases.
  • Pros: This option offers more flexibility, customization and flexibility than static website hosting.
  • Cons: It needs more configuration and management compared to simpler options.

3. Serverless Website Hosting

  • Appropriate For: One app or website that requires dynamic adjustments to traffic based on the events or receiving periodic data through data updates.
  • Services: Uses AWS Lambda fas­ts to load code­s for executio­s whenever event­s like user prompts aris­e. Other than that, an Amazon environment can be used to administrate the API endpoints of your app through use of its API Gateway.
  • Pros: It claims big scalability, reasonable cost through paygo model and not without supervision from the guiding servers.
  • Cons: It wouldn’t be a­ suitable solution where it comes to multidimensional assignments or those­ defined by high-level requirements.

4. Managed Website Hosting

  • Ideal for: Businesses that are pursuing hassle-free and offered by the hosting company.
  • Services: Amazon Web Services (AWS) Elastic Beanstalk makes the development process simpler and faster. It provides an easy way to deploy and control different kinds of web applications and frameworks like WordPress, Node.js, and Java.
  • Benefits: Preprogrammable, easy managable and having an automatic scaling feature alongside with great security protection.
  • Drawbacks: Having less options provided compared to manual deployments and possibly the higher cost associated with the other option.

How Does a Web Hosting Work?

Web hosting works by storing the website files on the servers that will be connected to the internet. When a users from his browser type a website’s domain name, it create a request that reaches to the server through the internet. The server receives the request and verfiy the user authentication and type of request and then provide the response to the request. The response will be displayed in the users browser. This process involves the serveral components including the domain registration, DNS resolution and server configuration. The web hosting faciliates the individuals and organizations to make their websites accessible to visitors worldwide, ensuring the seamless browsing experiences.

What are the requirements of Modern Web Hosting?

The best type of web hosting on AWS depends on your specific needs and website requirements. Consider factors like:

  • Website Complexity: Differentiate the Static Content vs. Dynamic functionality to determine the appropriate hosting solution.
  • Website Request Demand: Understand the whether the current traffic load that website experiences low or high volumes to choose a hosting option for handling that load efficiently
  • Management And Maintainance: Evaluating the ease of building methods and the server management including configuration options to ensure smooth operation and updates.
  • Budget: Low cost implication of different services and resources such as; service packages and control panels which are shared among guests.

Which Web Hosting Services does AWS Provide?

The following are the AWS Services that are related in web hosting on AWS Cloud:

  • Amazon EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud): Grants their desktop applications virtual machines (VMs), the basic technological layer that then enables users to put the required computing capabilities which include web servers and databases in the cloud and pull them down to use whenever is needed.
  • Amazon S3 (Simple Storage Service): Distributing media, including webpages, media resources, and backups of web app programs at low price fixed scale object storage.
  • Amazon VPC (Virtual Private Cloud): Facilitates peer-to-peer networking between virtual cloud appliances to provide ultra-high level security by considering logical network segmentation techniques in the AWS cloud. This is also a plus due to the fact that one now has exposure and control over such resources.
  • Amazon Route 53: The managed domain native service that directs the user traffic to the application which is hosted on AWS by the web browser.
  • AWS Elastic Load Balancing (ELB): Right the traffic from outside the public network by interconnecting 2 or more EC2 instances for a maximum of uptime and scalability for your app.
  • Amazon CloudFront: The role of CDN (Content Delivery Network) is the catching place content that is static stored. It will be duplicated and distributed to locations near the edge of each region and close to users. Therefore, the response latency will be lessened, thus improving the site performance to end users.

How to do Web Hosting A Website On AWS Cloud? A Step-By-Step Guide

Now after knowledge what are the types of website hosting services available in AWS, we could learn how to host a website on AWS server free of value.

Step 1: Sign to AWS Management Console

  • First sign on or log in to your AWS account, If you don’t have an AWS account, go to AWS professional internet site, sign on for a unfastened account. If you have already got an account, certainly log in and click on services.

  • Choosing a web web hosting carrier: AWS offers diverse internet website hosting services, inclusive of Amazon S3, Amazon EC2, and Elastic Beanstalk. For this situation, permit’s usage of Amazon S3, that’s genuinely easy and exquisite for hosting static websites.

Step 2: Create Amazon S3 Bucket ( Optional )

  • Creating an Amazon S3 bucket, An S3 bucket is wherein your website files may be saved. To create a bucket, comply with these steps:
aws s3api create-bucket \
--bucket your-bucket-name \
--region your-region \
--create-bucket-configuration LocationConstraint=your-region

Step 3: Navigate to Amazon S3

Step 4: Creating Amazon S3 Bucket

  • Click “Create bucket”.

Step 5: Assign Unique Name to Bucket

  • Enter a completely unique call to your bucket and pick a vicinity.

Step 6: Create Amazon S3 Bucket

  • Click “Create”

  • Uploading your internet site files, Now, it’s time to add your internet site files (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, pix, etc.) on your S3 bucket.
aws s3 sync path/to/website-files s3://your-bucket-name

Step 7: Navigate to Upload files Section

  • In the S3 bucket web page, Click “Upload

Step 8: Upload Files In the Amazon S3 Bucket

  • Select the files you need to upload and click “Upload”

  • The following screenshot illustrates about the uploading the file in Amazon S3 bucket.

  • After once uploaded viewing the summary of the uploaded file in the bucket.

Step 9: Configuring Amazon S3 Bucket Settings

  • After Once configure your bucket settings. Now in order to make your website on hand on the net, you need to configure your bucket settings
  • Use the following command to configure your bucket for static website hosting (replace your-bucket-name with your bucket name):
aws s3 website s3://your-bucket-name --index-document index.html

Step 10: Setting Permissions to the S3 Bucket

  • In your S3 bucket web page, click the “Permissions” tab.
  • Add a policy that permits public get admission to to your bucket and its contents. You can find the coverage template for “Static Website Hosting” within the AWS documentation.
  • Click “Save”.

Step 11: Navigate to Properties Section in S3 Bucket

  • Set up a custom area (non-obligatory): If you need to use a custom area name to your website, follow these steps:

Step 12: Customizing the S3 Properties

  • In your S3 bucket web page, click on the “Properties” tab.

Step 13: Enabling Static Web Hosting

  • Find the “Static hosting” phase and click “Enable website hosting” (fig-11)

Step 14: Define the Web Hosting Values

  • Enter your custom area name inside the “Index Document” field.

Step 15: Save the Web Hosting Customization

  • Click “Save”
  • Congrats! Your static website is launched in AWS S3. Now visit the domain on your favorite web browser to access your website.

What is the importance of Web Hosting In AWS?

The following are the importance of using web hsoting in AWS:

  1. Reliability: Web Hosting on AWS facilitating make the application highly available and reliable with redundant infrastructure and global availability zones.
  2. Scalability: It offers the scalable resources for ensuring high availability and realiability in handing the traffic spikes of the webiste traffic.
  3. Security: On using the AWS security features and compliance certifications, we provide the protection to our data and applications against the potential threats and breaches.

Simple Web App Hosting

Hosting a simple web application on AWS involves on utilization of AWS services like Amazon EC2 for deploying and managing the virtual servers, Amazon RDS service for storing the applciation data in managed databases and AWS Elastic Beanstalk for easy deployment and scaling of the application. On using services developers are able to quickly launch and manage their web applications without any worrying about the infrastructure management with ensuring the seamless performance and scalability as the application grow.

Simple Static Website Hosting

For the hosting a simple static website on AWS, the service like Amazon S3 is oftenly will be a peferrable choice. With Amazon S3 developers can easily store their website files and assets and then configure the bucket for static website hosting. In addition on using the service AWS CloudFront can be usable to distribute the website content globally, ensuring the fast and reliable delivery to users worldwide. It offers the cost-effective and scalable solution for hosting static websites with minimal maintenance and management.

What Are the Advantages Of Web Hosting A Site in AWS?

The following are the advantages of Web Hosting in AWS:

  • Amazon Web Services (AWS), in short, brings to the table many advantages whenever it comes to web hosting, making it the envy of international players in this sector.These advantages include:
  • Ease Of Use: AWS attracts the user with the provided management interface, the AWS Management Console, which makes setting up the hosting site faster and easier whenever it is needed.
  • Flexibility: AWS provides the choice regarding operating systems, programming languages, web application platforms and other utilities so users can customize their applications. The system gives the user flexibility to use what it wants from their set of services.
  • Scalability & Elasticity: AWS employs Auto Scaling along with Elastic Load Balancing mechanism to maintain the adjustment and conform to uneven traffic deviations. In the end, it is these skills set which build the prevailing talent.
  • Reliable Encryption & Security: AWS, AWS guarantees the confidentiality and protects information by applying complex cryptographic techniques and high security measures.
  • Managed IT Services: AWS maintains all of the IT components for the client, therefore relieving the client from the burden of maintaining or managing them.

What are the features of Web Hosting in AWS?

The following are the features of Web Hosting in AWS:

  • High Availability: Architecture of your website like installing redundancy or introducing fault tolerance can decrease downtime and keeps your website accessible for users.
  • Cost-Effectiveness: Get billed only for the resources used with a high level of performance and lower costs by avoiding the capital outlays needed to implement in-house infrastructure. AWS offers On demand pay, pay as you go, optimizes your cost and avoids investment upfront in the classic on-premises infrastructure just like your home electric bill.
  • Security: Use of sophisticated security mechanisms as well as the best practices to shield your web application and sensitive data from unauthorized client access and potential threats is the utmost priority.
  • Global Availability: AWS is responsible for about 1% of the world’s total electric power consumption. This means that if you are a client and you are deploying an application, the distribution of this application closer to your target audience will improve response time and will reduce the latency as well.
  • High Performance: By opting for AWS their cloud infrastructure is built to a high standard thus making the website performs better than when a cheaper nor traditional hosting solutions are applied.
  • Innovative Tools: As the primary customer of such innovations direct investments, AWS has the advantage in competition. A Pay-as-you-go basis instead of the upfront investment is the major merit of Amazon cloud services which is likely to facilitate startup companies.

Enhancing Security in AWS Web Hosting

The following the security practices to enhance the security in AWS Web Hosting:

  • Security Groups: The utilization of security groups enables you to control inbound and outbound communication for resources within the VPC. Build Firewall rules that are security-guaranteed for an extended security.
  • IAM (Identity and Access Management): Authenticate and authorize user access and permissions to AWS resources, so that your web hosting environment is only accessible by the people who have been granted permission to do so.
  • Encryption: On implementing the encryption mechanisms such as AWS Key Management Service like (KMS) to encrypt the data at rest and in transit. It ensures the sensitive information in securely storing and transmitting within your web hosting environment.

In the cloud computing sphere, a well-designed AWS cloud architecture is an indispensable factor for viable operations.

What is the difference between Web Hosting and a Domain Name?

The following are the diffferences between web hosting and a Domain Name:


Web Hosting

Domain Name


it provides the storage space and resources for a website to making it accessible on the internet

It serves the unique address to accessthe website on the internet


It provides the facility to host the website file sand databases. facilitating the website access and functionality

It translates the human-readalbe domain names into IP addresses, directing the users to the correct web servers hosting the website.


AWS, Bluehost, HostGator

GoDaddy, Namecheap, Google Domains


It comes with paid subscription based on hosting resources and features utilization

It comes with annual fee for domain registration, typically renewable


It provides the subscriptions that require regular payments to maintain the hosting services.

In the domain requires renewal to maintain the ownership and continued access to the associated website.

Real-World Usage Example

Imagine a webpage that experience spikes in traffic during any sales season like the end-year holiday seasons. With AWS cloud, auto-scaling can be made available anytime, such as when more EC2 instances are need to manage the peaked site traffic, meaning the website will run smoothly throughout the busy shopping season. Along with controlled user sever connection using Security Groups.

Web Hosting AWS Vs Azure: What are the differences?

The following are the differences of web hosting in AWS and Azure:


AWS Web Hosting

Azure Web Hosting

Service Offerings

Amazon EC2, S3, RDS, Elastic Beanstalk

Virtual Machines, Blob Storage, Azure SQL Database

Market Share

It holds a large market share

It is gaining ground, particularly amaong the microsoft users.

Pricing Structure

It works on Pay-as-you-go Model with various pricing options

It follows similar to pay-as-you-go model with potential discounts.


It extensively supports third party integration

It seamless provide integration with Microsoft products

Support and Community

It has strong support and community

It is expanding the support and community offerings.

AWS Cloud Architecture Web Hosting – FAQs

What Is Auto Scaling In AWS?

Auto Scaling is a feature which automatically adjusts the number of EC2 virtual machines as per predefined conditions liketraffic volume or CPU utilization so as to lead to better, more efficient performance and reduced costs.

Why Such A Framework Called VPC In AWS?

VPC enables you to create network separation and security policies with AWS cloud infrastructure. Simultaneously, it gives you the opportunity to forge the network structure of your choice.

Can Static Site Be Hosted At AWS?

Yes, you can store your HTML files, CSS stylesheets, JavaScript scripts and other assets in S3 buckets on AWS, which will act as a place to do static website hosting.

How Is ELB Beneficial In Terms Of Reliability When Using Web Hosting On AWS?

ELB sends traffic in the right direction by sharing it among several EC2 instances, which give greater availability, as it redirects requests to non-working systems.

How RDS Differs From A Self-managed Communal Of Databases In What Ways?

RDS reduces time consumption to manage DBA related tasks like backups, patching, scaling, and monitoring, besides providing high availability through its automatic failover mechanism.