Top 10 Strongest Characters in Baki Hanma

The exciting story of Baki Hanma, created by Keisuke Itagaki, is a big hit in the world of martial arts manga and anime. This series follows Baki’s journey from childhood to becoming a strong martial artist.

Born as the son of Yujiro Hanma, often referred to as the strongest creature on earth,” Baki sets out on a search to not only reach his father but also to defeat him in combat. ‘Baki’ is a celebrated Japanese martial arts and anime wonder, celebrated for its fierce fights, unique characters, and strong foundations..

Top 10 Strongest Characters in Baki Hanma

  • Dorian Kaioh
  • Retsu Kaioh
  • Jack Hanma
  • Yujiro Hanma
  • Kozue Matsumoto
  • Gouki Shibukawa
  • Kaoru Hanayama
  • Pickle
  • Miyamoto Musashi

Top 10 Strongest Characters in Baki Hanma

Find out who the strongest fighters are in Baki Hanma! We’re listing the top 10 strongest characters in the Baki universe. Get ready to meet some incredibly strong and skilled contenders!

10. Dorian Kaioh

Dorian Kaioh is famous for being sneaky and clever in fights, which makes him a tricky adversary. He stays cool and enjoys using sneaky moves to win battles. Even though he acts mature, he also shows a playful and childlike side sometimes. Overall, he’s a complex character in the series with many different traits.

Top 10 Strongest Characters in Baki Hanma – Dorian Kaioh

Key Features

  • Appearance: Dorian Kaioh is a athletic and muscular in physique. He has a scary smirk that hides his dark and ill-omened nature.
  • Created by: Keisuke Itagaki
  • Personality: Dorian Kaioh is characterized by his crafty and devious nature. He enjoys causing pain and mess.
  • Abilities: He has a unique ability to detach his body parts whenever he wishes. This makes him difficult to track and defeat.

9. Retsu Kaioh

Retsu Kaioh is a tough and tall fighter in the martial arts world. He has strong beliefs and a fiery spirit. He’s really good at Chinese Kenpo and never gives up easily. At first, people thought he might have some flaws, but he turned out to be an important character in the story. He’s known for his discipline and commitment to martial arts.

Top 10 Strongest Characters in Baki Hanma – Retsu Kaioh

Key Features

  • Appearance: Retsu Kaioh is a tolerant, obliging and a well-toned , bulky fighter. He has a unique topknot hairstyle.
  • Created by: Keisuke Itagaki
  • Personality: Retsu is a restrained, calm and a righteous warrior who values for honor and tradition in a warfare.
  • Abilities: He owns remarkable strength and speed. He practices Chinese Martial arts.

8. Jack Hanma

Jack Hanma’s strong determination to become incredibly strong and his drive to improve his skills make him a tough competitor. He’s from Canada and is known as a pitfighter. His goal is to beat his own father. With his amazing strength and endless stamina, he’s a powerful force in martial arts.

Top 10 Strongest Characters in Baki Hanma – Jack Hanma

Key Features

  • Appearance: Jack Hanma is a big bulky man with a lean cut body. He is known for the differentiating scars on the face.
  • Created by: Keisuke Itagaki
  • Personality: He is a short tempered fighter who has firm resolutions and doesn’t back-off from any challenge
  • Abilities: He owns strengths that are possessed by superhumans.

7. Yujiro Hanma

Yujiro Hanma, a key character in the Baki series, is portrayed as the ultimate rebel with immense power that makes him unbeatable. He exudes a sense of superiority and fear, fueled by a constant desire for fighting and disorder. Yujiro is skilled at manipulating emotions, which he often uses to get what he wants. He strongly dislikes anyone he sees as weak, which adds depth to his character.

Top 10 Strongest Characters in Baki Hanma – Yujiro Hanma

Key Features

  • Appearance: Yujiro Hanma is a tall and we’ll built man. He is long-haired and has a terrorizing presence.
  • Created by: Keisuke Itagaki
  • Personality: Yujiro is a cunning person who makes merry in considering him as the “Strongest Creature on Earth”.
  • Abilities: He holds unprecedented strength, speed and regenerative prowess.

6. Kozue Matsumoto

Kozue Matsumoto is super important in the Baki series because she’s always there for Baki. She gives him a lot of emotional support, which helps him face his enemies. They’re classmates, and she really cares about him, even though she doesn’t always admit it. Kozue keeps telling Baki to stay away from fighting and being too aggressive, showing that she’s like his guide and makes him feel better when things get tough.

Top 10 Strongest Characters in Baki Hanma – Kozue Matsumoto

Key Features

  • Appearance: Kozue Matsumoto is a lean, delicate and and graceful woman. She has long , smooth and beautiful hair.
  • Created by: Keisuke Itagaki
  • Personality: She is a generous and kind- hearted woman. She profoundly cares for Baki.
  • Abilities: Although she is not a fighter but her support and her aura deeply influences Baki’s journey.

5. Gouki Shibukawa

Gouki is a mysterious character in the Baki world, known for his friendly and relaxed attitude. What makes him special is his incredible fighting abilities. He often competes in secret fighting tournaments, where he shows off his amazing skills. What’s surprising is that Gouki is 60 years old, and he’s been a trainer since before World War II, which makes his story even more interesting.

Top 10 Strongest Characters in Baki Hanma – Gouki Shibukawa

Key Features

  • Appearance: Gouki Shibukawa is a middle-aged man. He has a shabby beard and a free and casual presence.
  • Created by: Keisuke Itagaki
  • Personality: He is a nonchalant, friendly and easy going man. He prefers avoiding unnecessary conflicts and arguments.
  • Abilities: He is an expert in Jujutsu martial art and possesses the extraordinary joint-locking skills.

4. Kaoru Hanayama

Kaoru, an important character in the story, shows strong belief and loyalty to his friends. He’s full of determination and positivity, making him a crucial part of the tale. What’s impressive is that Kaoru is one of the rare ones who’ve beaten Baki, showing he’s a really tough martial artist.

Top 10 Strongest Characters in Baki Hanma – Kaoru Hanayama

Key Features

  • Appearance: Kaoru Hanayama is a sturdy and broad-shouldered scarred yakuza boss with a unique ponytail hairstyle.
  • Created by: Keisuke Itagaki
  • Personality: Kaoru is a man with great calm and tolerance. He believes in devotion, dedication and reverence.
  • Abilities: He has a body that can withstand hard with any level of punishment.

3. Pickle

Pickle is a one-of-a-kind character in the series because he’s very different from others. He’s primitive, which means he acts like ancient people long ago. But even though he’s like that, he’s really strong and tough in fights. He’s a big guy and fights fiercely, relying on his natural instincts that go way back to the time of dinosaurs. This makes him stand out in the Baki world.

Top 10 Strongest Characters in Baki Hanma – Pickle

Key Features

  • Appearance: Pickle is a bulky man who has been brought back to life. He is a caveman belonging to the prehistoric period.
  • Created by: Keisuke Itagaki
  • Personality: Pickle is an ancient man. He doesn’t understand the modern society as he is a prehistoric caveman.
  • Abilities: Being a primitive man, he possesses instinct power that are almost on the verge of being considered as occult along with some sore physical capacities.

2. Miyamoto Musashi

Musashi Miyamoto is a legendary swordsman known for his amazing talent and knowledge in sword fighting. He’s not just great at fighting; he’s also famous for his writing, deep thoughts, and clever strategies. Musashi is a significant and influential character in the series because of his many skills and ideas. Plus, he’s famous for being really good with a special kind of sword called a double-bladed sword, which makes him even more impressive.

Top 10 Strongest Characters in Baki Hanma – Miyamoto Musashi

Key Features

  • Appearance: Musaashi is tall and dominant with notable swordsmanship.
  • Created by: Keisuke Itagaki
  • Personality: Musaashi is a noble and disciplined fighter.
  • Abilities: He is matchless in sword fighting. He owns a exceptional technique known as the ” Dragon Slayer.

1. Baki Hamna

Baki Hanma, whose dad is the super strong Hanma Yujiro, wants more than anything to be even stronger than him. He’s determined to become the best fighter in the world. The Baki series is all about watching Baki grow from a kid who knows martial arts into someone unbeatable. His journey to be the best makes him one of the strongest characters in the series.

Top 10 Strongest Characters in Baki Hanma – Hanma Baki

Key Features

  • Appearance: Baki Hanma is the Protagonist in this series. He is sturdy with silvery hair.
  • Created by: Keisuke Itagaki
  • Personality: Baki is determined and very persistent in his way to become the world’s greatest and strongest fighter.
  • Abilities: He has various martial art skills that includes Demon Back. It is a technique to enhance his power and skills.


In short, Baki Hanma’s story, created by Keisuke Itagaki, grabs the attention of martial arts fans. Starting from a simple beginning to taking on his dad, Yujiro Hanma, known as the “Strongest Creature on Earth,” Baki’s journey is what the series is all about. Out of the top 10 strongest characters in Baki Hanma, Baki is the strongest. He’s on a mission to become the best fighter ever and nothing will stop him.

10 Strongest Characters in Baki Hanma – FAQs

Who can beat Yujiro Hanma?

Yujiro Hanma, from the Baki series, is known as the “Strongest Creature on Earth,” showcasing immense physical strength and martial arts prowess.

Is Baki stronger than Yujiro?

As of now in the Baki universe, Baki is not definitively stronger than Yujiro. While Baki has shown immense growth and pushed Yujiro to his limits in their fight, he ultimately hasn’t achieved a clear victory.

Who is stronger Musashi or Yujiro?

Yujiro has a stronger argument for being the stronger fighter compared to Musashi.

Can Yujiro Hanma beat goku?

In a direct confrontation, Goku would likely defeat Yujiro Hanma.

Can Batman beat Baki?

In a direct fight, Batman would likely struggle against Baki.