Balance pans using given weights that are powers of a number

Given a simple weighting scale with two pans, we are given a weight T and some other weights which are the powers of a specific number a, our goal is to balance these pans using the given weights. More formally we need to satisfy this equation, 
T + (some power of a) = (some other powers of a) 
Remember that we are given exactly one weight corresponding to one power. 

T = 11    and  a = 4
Then scale can be balanced as,        
11 + 4 + 1 = 16


Recommended Practice

We can see that in this problem our first goal is to represent T in terms of powers of a so when we write T with the base of a, if representation has only 1s and 0s then we know that weight corresponding to 1s can make the T. For example, 

If T is 10 and a is 3 then representing 10 on 
base of 3 we get 101 i.e. using 0th power of 3 
and 2nd power of 3 (1 + 9)  we can get 10

Now if all digits of base representation are not 1 or 0, then we can’t balance the scale, except the case when in base representation some digit is (a – 1) because in that case, we can transfer corresponding power to T’s side and increase the left number in base representation by 1. For example, 

If T is 7 and a is 3 then representing 7 on base 
3 we get 021.
Now while looping over representation from right 
to left we get 2 (which is 3 - 1), in this case, 
we can transfer corresponding power(3^1) to T’s 
side and increase the left number by 1 i.e.,
T’s side 7 + 3 = 10    and representation 101 (9 + 1)    
which has only 1s and 0s now, so scale can be balanced.

So now algorithm for solving this problem can be represented as follows, represent the T in base of a, if all digits of base representation are 1s or 0s, scale can be balanced otherwise loop from right side of the representation if any number is (a – 1) then increase left side number by 1, keep doing this and ignore 1, 0, (a – 1) and a cases in representation. If complete base representation is processed scale can be balanced otherwise not. 


// C++ code to check whether scale can be balanced or not
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// method returns true if balancing of scale is possible
bool isBalancePossible(int T, int a)
    // baseForm vector will store T's representation on
    // base a in reverse order
    vector<int> baseForm;
    // convert T to representation on base a
    while (T) {
        baseForm.push_back(T % a);
        T /= a;
    // make first digit of representation as 0
    // loop over base representation of T
    for (int i = 0; i < baseForm.size(); i++) {
        // if any digit is not 0, 1, (a - 1) or a
        // then balancing is not possible
        if (baseForm[i] != 0 && baseForm[i] != 1 &&
            baseForm[i] != (a - 1) && baseForm[i] != a)
            return false;       
        // if digit is a or (a - 1) then increase left
        // index's count/ (case, when this weight is
        // transferred to T's side)
        if (baseForm[i] == a || baseForm[i] == (a - 1))
            baseForm[i + 1] += 1;       
    // if representation is processed then balancing
    // is possible
    return true;
// Driver code to test above methods
int main()
    int T = 11;
    int a = 4;
    bool balancePossible = isBalancePossible(T, a);
    if (balancePossible)
        cout << "Balance is possible" << endl;
        cout << "Balance is not possible" << endl;
    return 0;


// Java code to check whether
// scale can be balanced or not
import java.util.*;
class GFG
    // method returns true if balancing
    // of scale is possible
    static boolean isBalancePossible(int T, int a)
        // baseForm vector will store T's
        // representation on base a
        // in reverse order
        Vector<Integer> baseForm = new Vector<>();
        int s = 0;
        // convert T to representation on base a
        while (T > 0)
            baseForm.add(T % a);
            T /= a;
        // make first digit of representation as 0
        // loop over base representation of T
        for (int i = 0; i < s; i++)
            // if any digit is not 0, 1, (a - 1) or a
            // then balancing is not possible
            if (baseForm.get(i) != 0 &&
                baseForm.get(i) != 1 &&
                baseForm.get(i) != (a - 1) &&
                baseForm.get(i) != a)
                return false;
            // if digit is a or (a - 1) then increase left
            // index's count/ (case, when this weight is
            // transferred to T's side)
            if (baseForm.get(i) == a || baseForm.get(i) == (a - 1))
                baseForm.add(i + 1, baseForm.get(i + 1) + 1);
        // if representation is processed 
        // then balancing is possible
        return true;
    // Driver code
    public static void main(String[] args)
        int T = 11;
        int a = 4;
        boolean balancePossible = isBalancePossible(T, a);
        if (balancePossible)
            System.out.println("Balance is possible");
            System.out.println("Balance is not possible");
// This code has been contributed by 29AjayKumar


# Python3 code to check whether
# scale can be balanced or not
# method returns true if balancing
# of scale is possible
def isBalancePossible(T,a):
    # baseForm vector will store T's
    # representation on base a
    # in reverse order
    baseForm = [];
    s = 0;
    # convert T to representation on base a
    while (T > 0):
        baseForm.append(T % a);
        T //= a
        s += 1
    # make first digit of representation as 0
    # loop over base representation of T
    for i in range(s):
        # if any digit is not 0, 1, (a - 1) or a
        # then balancing is not possible
        if (baseForm[i] != 0 and baseForm[i] != 1 and baseForm[i] != (a - 1) and baseForm[i] != a) :
            return False;
        # if digit is a or (a - 1) then increase left
        # index's count/ (case, when this weight is
        # transferred to T's side)
        if (baseForm[i] == a or baseForm[i] == (a - 1)):
            baseForm.insert(i + 1, baseForm[i+1] + 1)
    # if representation is processed
    # then balancing is possible
    return True;
# Driver code
T = 11;
a = 4;
balancePossible = isBalancePossible(T, a);
if (balancePossible):
    print("Balance is possible");
    print("Balance is not possible")
# This code is contributed by phasing17


// C# code to check whether
// scale can be balanced or not
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
class GFG
    // method returns true if balancing
    // of scale is possible
    static bool isBalancePossible(int T, int a)
        // baseForm vector will store T's
        // representation on base a
        // in reverse order
        List<int> baseForm = new List<int>();
        int s = 0;
        // convert T to representation on base a
        while (T > 0)
            baseForm.Add(T % a);
            T /= a;
        // make first digit of representation as 0
        // loop over base representation of T
        for (int i = 0; i < s; i++)
            // if any digit is not 0, 1, (a - 1) or a
            // then balancing is not possible
            if (baseForm[i] != 0 &&
                baseForm[i] != 1 &&
                baseForm[i] != (a - 1) &&
                baseForm[i] != a)
                return false;
            // if digit is a or (a - 1) then increase left
            // index's count/ (case, when this weight is
            // transferred to T's side)
            if (baseForm[i] == a || baseForm[i] == (a - 1))
                baseForm.Insert(i + 1, baseForm[i+1] + 1);
        // if representation is processed
        // then balancing is possible
        return true;
    // Driver code
    public static void Main()
        int T = 11;
        int a = 4;
        bool balancePossible = isBalancePossible(T, a);
        if (balancePossible)
            Console.WriteLine("Balance is possible");
            Console.WriteLine("Balance is not possible");
/* This code contributed by PrinciRaj1992 */


// PHP code to check whether scale
// can be balanced or not
// method returns true if balancing
// of scale is possible
function isBalancePossible($T, $a)
    // baseForm vector will store T's
    // representation on base a in reverse order
    $baseForm = array();
    // convert T to representation on base a
    while ($T)
        array_push($baseForm, $T % $a);
        $T = (int)($T / $a);
    // make first digit of representation as 0
    array_push($baseForm, 0);
    // loop over base representation of T
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($baseForm); $i++)
        // if any digit is not 0, 1, (a - 1) or a
        // then balancing is not possible
        if ($baseForm[$i] != 0 && $baseForm[$i] != 1 &&
            $baseForm[$i] != ($a - 1) && $baseForm[$i] != $a)
            return false;
        // if digit is a or (a - 1) then increase left
        // index's count/ (case, when this weight is
        // transferred to T's side)
        if ($baseForm[$i] == $a ||
            $baseForm[$i] == ($a - 1))
            $baseForm[$i + 1] += 1;
    // if representation is processed then
    // balancing is possible
    return true;
// Driver Code
$T = 11;
$a = 4;
$balancePossible = isBalancePossible($T, $a);
if ($balancePossible)
    echo "Balance is possible\n";
    echo "Balance is not possible\n";
// This code is contributed by mits


// Javascript code to check whether
// scale can be balanced or not
// method returns true if balancing
    // of scale is possible
function isBalancePossible(T,a)
    // baseForm vector will store T's
        // representation on base a
        // in reverse order
        let baseForm = [];
        let s = 0;
        // convert T to representation on base a
        while (T > 0)
            baseForm.push(T % a);
            T = Math.floor(T/a);
        // make first digit of representation as 0
        // loop over base representation of T
        for (let i = 0; i < s; i++)
            // if any digit is not 0, 1, (a - 1) or a
            // then balancing is not possible
            if (baseForm[i] != 0 &&
                baseForm[i] != 1 &&
                baseForm[i] != (a - 1) &&
                baseForm[i] != a)
                return false;
            // if digit is a or (a - 1) then increase left
            // index's count/ (case, when this weight is
            // transferred to T's side)
            if (baseForm[i] == a || baseForm[i] == (a - 1))
                baseForm.splice(i + 1,0, baseForm[i+1] + 1);
        // if representation is processed
        // then balancing is possible
        return true;
// Driver code
let T = 11;
let a = 4;
let balancePossible = isBalancePossible(T, a);
if (balancePossible)
    document.write("Balance is possible");
    document.write("Balance is not possible");
// This code is contributed by rag2127


Balance is possible