Bank Of America Interview Experience | On-Campus 2021

Bank of America visited our campus on 9th September for various profiles testing, analysis, and development.

The whole interview process was done virtually. It consists of 3 rounds.

  1. Online Assessment
  2. HR Round
  3. Technical Round and Managerial Round

Round 1: Online assessment

Time: 90 minutes

  • The test was active on 9th and 10th September and we had to complete it in 48 hours,  so it was like we could attempt it at any time in these 48 hours given time and was conducted on the company’s platform.
  • There were 5 questions (3 video questions + 2 coding questions).
  • The camera and microphone were open for 3 video questions and the only camera was on for 2 coding questions.
  • The first video question was to “Introduce yourself”, the second was “Why should you be a good match for this profile” and the third question was “Explaining the approach of your second coding question” like u need to explain in detail what logic you applied to solve the second coding question.

Coding Questions:

  • Given n test cases each of which has numbers in form of strings, output all numbers from 1 to that number which is not divisible by 5 or 7.
Example: i/p – 24
o/p - 1 2 3 4 6 8 9 11 12 13 16 17 18 19 22 23 24
  • Given a string s consisting of lower and uppercase letters where each letter has a value from 1 to 26 and we need to calculate the beauty value of this string which is the sum of all alphabets in it.

Note: The string is not case sensitive meaning F is exactly beautiful as f is. Output the maximum possible beauty of this string.

Example: i/p – AbBCcc
o/p – 152


  •  You need to observe which alphabet will have what value….. like it’s not necessary for A or a to have a value as 1 and Z or z to have a value as 26. So think.
  • Solution for 2nd question: First Count the frequency of all elements in the string then the one with the largest frequency is given number 26, then another one with less frequency as 25, and so on.
  • So, for the above example: AbBCcc –  here frequency of c is maximum so c has number 26, the frequency of A max so its value is 25 and for b it’s 24 so answer = 3*26 + 2*25 + 1*24 = 152
  • I was able to solve both the coding questions easily and also the video questions with confidence.
  • About 80-90 students were shortlisted for further rounds.

Round 2: HR Round

Time: 10 min

  • All further face-to-face interview rounds were conducted on Web-Ex.
  • This was a very small round and was majorly around resume and HR-type questions.
  • When I entered the meet, the first question was to Introduce myself.
  • After this the discussion went on my projects, the technologies I used and how did I overcome all the challenges during making my project.

Round 3: Technical + Managerial round

Time: 1 hour

  • This round again started with my introduction followed up with a good discussion. The interviewer was very friendly and started asking me questions on each and everything mentioned in my resume right from questions from all languages to all projects,  a good discussion on projects made, to everything related to my hobby.
  • What are lists, dictionary
  • Differences b/w list, dictionary, and tuple

The above two were asked as I mentioned Python in my resume.

  • Difference between x++ and x=x+1
  • Are multiple inheritances allowed in Java
  • How comfortable are u in coding?
  • What is OS, DBMS, different types of joins, 1 SQL query (fairly easy – given a table with employees and their respective salaries o/p the second highest salary)
  • Basic commands like CREATE, SELECT, GROUP BY, etc were also asked
  • What is networking, OSI Model, LAN, and WAN since I mentioned  NETWORKING in my resume and he was a networking person
  • Implement stack using queue and vice versa only verbal implementation
  • Questions on the project were asked and since my project was related to HTML and Css so questions from that domain were asked

I mention traveling as my hobby so he asked:

  • Where did you travel last and what enthusiast you about that place and all like he wanted to hear why is traveling my hobby

Some Hr type questions were:

  • What are your strengths and weaknesses?
  • Which profile would you prefer?
  • Where do you see yourself in 5 years and what are your goals?
  • If given a choice between the client, you, and the company who would you choose first and why?

So overall it was a kind of healthy conversation. The results were declared in a week and I was one of the selected people!!!


  • Must be aware and prepare for each and every word in your resume so be confident on whatever you have mentioned in your resume.
  • Should have high knowledge of all core subjects (i.e) OOPS, DBMS, and OS and Networking
  • Should have at least solved more number medium questions in Competitive coding. (Standard questions are compulsory)
  • Know about the company before applying (Very Important).

All The Best!!