Bar Graph in MATLAB

A Bar Graph is a diagrammatic representation of non-continuous or discrete variables. It is of 2 types vertical and horizontal. When the height axis is on the y-axis then it is a vertical Bar Graph and when the height axis is on the x-axis then it is a horizontal Bar Graph.

In MATLAB we have a function named bar() which allows us to plot a bar graph


bar(X,Y) where X and Y represent the x and the y axis of the plane. The X and Y both are vectors.

Now let’s move to some examples.

Example 1: A simple Bar graph:


% Coordinates of x-axis
% Coordinates of y-axis
y=[22 44 55 66];
% Bar function to plot the Bar graph
% Set the width of each bar to 60 percent
% of the total space available for each bar
% Set the bar color green

Output : 

Example 2: 3 groups of 4 bars:


% 3 groups are made with 4 bars
% ";" is used to separate the groups
y=[2 5 4 1; 5 3 3 1; 2 8 4 6];
% bar function to plot the bar

Output : 

Example 3: Display Stacked bars:


% 3 groups
y=[2 5 4 1; 5 3 3 1; 2 8 4 6];
% stacked is used to stack the bars
% on each other

Output :  

Example 4: Display negative bars:


% bars with negative values
y=[2 5 4 -1; 5 -3 3 1; -2 8 4 6];
% bar function to display bars

Output :

Example 5: Display horizontal bar graph:


% Coordinates of y axis
y=[2 5 4 1];
% barh() function is used to
% display bar horizontally

Output :