Barclays Bank Interview Experience for Summer Internship 2021

  • Academic Year: Third Year Undergraduate
  • Branch: Computer Science and Engineering
  • Current CGPA: 8.67
  • Eligible Branches: CSE and IT

Barclays came for only two branches and students who were allowed to sit for tests should have no backlog and matching their CGPA criteria. They came to my college in the month of December to hire interns for 2021. Summer internship for the role of Business Analyst – BA3. This was the second company whom I was about to sit for interviews after clearing the coding round and was so nervous about the same ?

Round 1 Online test (1 hrs 30 mins): It was conducted on HackerEarth. It had 30 MCQs and two programming questions.

  1. The MCQs had most of the weightage and were on topics Java, Python. The MCQ’s in which some were of 12 marks and some were of 16 marks and hence carrying the most weightage.
  2. MongoDB, SQL, Python, C++, JSON, Cloud Computing, and JavaScript.
  3. Mostly theory questions and a few output prediction questions.
  4. There were two coding questions which were 20 and 70 marks respectively. So by doing one and a half out of two and the majority of MCQ’s we can get shortlisted for the interviews. From my programming questions, both were of medium difficulty.

The interviews were scheduled for the next day at 9 am and 34 of us got shortlisted for the same, and I was very happy and nervous about the same.

Round 2 Interview (35 minutes): The interviewer was very friendly. There was going to be only one interview which was conducted on Cisco WebEx.

My interview was taken by the VP sir of Barclays.

They generally don’t ask programming questions and are focused on a theory of subjects like DBMS, OOP, projects, and stuff mentioned in your resume as far as technical questions are concerned. I was prepared for all types of questions, and then he asked me about each and every project mentioned in my resume so write only those with whom you are comfortable.

The interviewer was sharp on time and had my resume. He asked to tell me something about yourself question then. I was prepared for all types of questions, and then he asked me about each and every project mentioned in my resume so write only those with whom you are comfortable.

Then he started asking technical questions and then came to HR questions. You HAVE TO know the famous Barclays values – RISES. They are asked in every. Barclays. Interview. So, I too was asked:

  1. Barclays Values
  2. Why Barclays?
  3. What do you understand by RISES and a life incident based on each one?
  4. Why the values are important to you?

The interview ended after 35 minutes approximately.

I felt happy with my performance that day and was so waiting for the results as this is one of my dream companies since forever ?

Barclays results came in some days. 7 people were selected, and I was one of them and was literally jumping in my house as my family got to know about results before me as I was doing some work on my laptop and my sister saw the mail first on my phone and everyone in my family started calling me out and that was something I was waiting eventually.

Some To-Do’s:

  1. Work Seriously on everything which you have mentioned otherwise don’t mention it.
  2. Have a Single Page resume and not more than that.
  3. Be honest with the interviewer.
  4. Be Confident because that’s the main thing.
  5. Don’t fumble if you don’t know the answer just say NO that would save you more than if you are getting fumble.
  6. Ready for the worst-case even.
  7. Be thorough with your Resume.