Barclays India Interview Experience 2023

Role: Barclays BA3 Graduates

Eligibility Criteria:

  • B.E/B.Tech (CSE/IT)
  • ≥ 60% score across class X, XII, and engineering semesters.

Basically, it was a three-round process.

Round 1: Resume Shortlisting

Round 2: Technical Assessment Round: Duration: 1.30 hrs. There were 30 MCQ Questions based on Cpp, Java, Python, OS, HTML, Servlet, MongoDB, Javascript, PostgreSQL, SQL Queries, Microservices, and Assembly Language.

There were two Coding questions based on tree, dynamic programming, arrays, and mathematics

  • The first coding question was of medium level, it was like you are given the root value of a tree, and the property of this tree is that each of its nodes branches out the nodes with a value equal to one of its divisors, you need to find the maximum height of the tree.
  • The second coding question was medium to hard level, the problem statement was like you are given an array, you can make any number of partitions in that array. If you make say, K partitions in the array, you get a special sum after combining these partitions which follow a certain pattern like p1-p2+p3… . You need to find the maximum special sum.

Round 3: Technical Interview: It started with my technical background introduction based on which the interviewer then gave me a problem statement to write the inorder traversal of the given binary tree, then I was asked to write the pseudocode for the inorder traversal algorithm. Another question was on Graph dfs, bfs algorithms. The interviewer then gave me another problem statement based on stack data structure to check the valid string given in form of parenthesis.

Then there were questions about OOPs concepts, Runtime polymorphism, Encapsulation, there use cases. At last, I was asked questions on software development life cycle and software testing.

Verdict: Selected.