Barone Budge & Dominick Interview Experience (On-Campus)

Round 1: Online test(60 minutes): The key to cracking this round is to try to do every question as many people in my college cleared this including me.

  • It consisted of 5 Basic questions on topics like recursive function, HashMap, Hashtrees, Fibonacci problem, etc. 
  • The code was already written on the editor of the HackerEarth website, we just had to find out some errors and bugs that were part of pre-written programs and had to clear all the test cases. 

Round 2: Face-to-face technical interview which went around half an hour long. In this round, they just wanted to check if I knew the fundamentals of every subject. 

  • First, they asked about my project that I have done during my academics then one of them asked me questions based on specific subjects like Java and its advantages and usages. 
  • They also asked me about OOP concepts like polymorphism, static, encapsulation, overriding, overloading and how can we overload the main method in JAVA, etc.
  • Then they asked me about Sorting algorithms like the bubble sort, and selection sort.

Round 3: HR interview round: This was around 5-10 minutes long. 

  • They asked for intro, strengths, weaknesses, 
  • What I love to do besides my academics
  • What I know about their company.

And, After completing all rounds I got the offer letter for an Internship from their side as well.