10 Best AI Humanizer Tool: Humanize AI Text [Free & Paid]

Using AI for writing assistance can be a good idea to come up with an email body, blog, article, summary, etc. There is only one problem. The outputs from an AI-driven writing platform look like an assembly-line product. Most AI writing assistants suffer from hallucinations and tend to provide the same words, format, and content skeleton over and over again.

AI detection tools have become smart enough to detect AI-assisted content creation. They can also flag a written piece if it remotely sounds mechanical. How can you do it and bypass the AI content detectors? Worry not as you can use the Best AI Humanizer Tool to reform your content. Here is a list of the top options to choose a suitable AI Humanizer Tool online.

10 Best AI Humanizer Tool

  • Top 10 AI Humanizer Tools in 2024
  • 1. UndetectableAI AI
  • 2. Bypass GPT
  • 3. Humbot
  • 4. HIX Bypass
  • 5. Bypass AI
  • 6. Undetectable AI
  • 7. StealthGPT
  • 8. WriteHuman
  • 9. Smodin AI Detection Remover
  • 10. GPTinf
  • How to Choose the Right AI Humanizer Tool
  • FAQs – Best AI Humanizer Tools

Top 10 AI Humanizer Tools in 2024

1. UndetectableAI AI

UndetectableAI.ai is the Best AI Humanizer Tool for beginners. This online tool has a simple user interface with easy functions to access and humanize AI content in three simple steps. It also understands and preserves the context of a written piece changing the presentation.

UndetectableAI AI


  • Simple UI with easy humanizing function
  • Easy detection of AI hallucinations and phrases
  • SEO friendly outputs


  • Ideal for beginners
  • Effort-free content reform


  • Limited features in the free version


  • It has a free version.
  • Basic: $6.99/month for 5000 words
  • Pro: $12.99/month for 50,000 words
  • Unlimited: $39.99/month for unlimited words

Link: UndetectableAI.ai

2. Bypass GPT

Bypass GPT is a popular AI Humanizer Tool you can use to reform your content and bypass the AI detection tests. This reliable tool runs on an advanced natural language model offering humanized content. The easy functions with an inbuilt AI detector also tell you where to focus to get a desired readability outcome.

Bypass GPT


  • Simple UI with easy-to-find functions
  • Plagiarism-free content reform
  • SEO-optimized content generation


  • Long and short-form text generation
  • Customization options for better outputs


  • Limited word count for the free version


  • It has a free version.
  • Basic: $8/month for 5000 words
  • Pro: $12/month for 30,000 words
  • Unlimited: $30/month for unlimited words

Link: Bypass GPT

3. Humbot

Humbot is the Best AI Humanizer Tool in terms of success rate. No matter where the content is generated, this tool can easily detect and change the red flags without distorting the context. It also manages to preserve the readability of the content piece.



  • Beginner-friendly UI
  • Easy steps to humanize content
  • Readability and context preserved


  • Outputs are fast
  • Upload or paste document


  • Text outputs might need editing sometimes


  • It has a free version
  • Basic: $7.99/month for 3000 words
  • Pro: $9.99/month for 30,000 words
  • Unlimited: $39.99/month for unlimited words

Link: Humbot

4. HIX Bypass

HIX Bypass is a trusted AI Humanizer Tool for new and advanced users. It can easily recognize AI texts and humanize them as per the requirement. There is no drop in the quality of humanized content either. The generated content will be plagiarism-free and well-oriented to the context.

HIX Bypass


  • Simple UI for easy humanizing
  • Multiple language support
  • Considers leading AI detectors for bypassing
  • Plagiarism free


  • Multiple language support
  • SEO-friendly content generation
  • Paraphrasing at an expert level


  • Limited words for the free version


  • It has a free version
  • Basic: $4.20/month for 5000 words
  • Pro: $7.22/month for 50,000 words
  • Unlimited: $30.07/month for unlimited words

Link: HIX Bypass

5. Bypass AI

Bypass AI is another option to choose from the Best AI Humanizer Tool list. This online tool can easily detect AI content and modify it by understanding the context of the write-up. It can make your content more readable and bypass popular AI detection tools.

Bypass AI


  • Easy steps for humanizing content
  • Bypasses most AI detector tools
  • Easy UI to understand for beginners


  • Higher pass rates than competitors
  • Handles short and long-form content well


  • Only 200 words can be humanized for free


  • It has a free version.
  • Basic: $6.99/month for 3000 words
  • Pro: $9.99/month for 30,000 words
  • Unlimited: $29.99/month for unlimited words

Link: Bypass AI

6. Undetectable AI

Undetectable AI is considered the Best AI Humanizer Tool by big organizations and publishing companies such as Forbes. This tool can easily detect AI content and make necessary changes to humanize it. The website format gives a retro vibe and is fun to work with.

Undetectable AI


  • AI detector tool present for manual editing
  • AI text humanization is commendable
  • Easy-to-use UI
  • It offers an API version


  • Fair pricing plans than competitors
  • Readability improvement is impressive


  • The server is sometimes slow
  • Not ideal for users requiring fast outputs


  • It has a free version.
  • Monthly: $9.99/month for 10,000 words
  • Business: custom plans and pricing
  • Unlimited: $29.99/month for unlimited words

Link: Undetectable AI

7. StealthGPT

StealthGPT is a commendable AI Humanizer Tool that can detect AI content and humanize it as per a user’s need. It demands to beat top AI detector tools like Turnitin and preserves the context of a written piece perfectly. You can work on long-form articles and short blogs with this tool online.



  • Works on short and long-form content
  • AI detection tool available
  • Good humanizing outputs
  • Easy UI
  • Mobile app version available


  • Ideal for students, professionals, and creative writers
  • All AI detection tools bypassing outputs
  • Processing time is fast


  • Expensive plans with a higher word count that might go unused


  • It has a free version.
  • Essential: $14.99/month for 100,000 words
  • Pro: $19.99/month for 500,000 words
  • Exclusive: $29.99/month for 1,000,000 words

Link: StealthGPT

8. WriteHuman

WriteHuman is a suitable AI Humanizer Tool that can detect and rephrase AI-generated content. It accommodates well in small screens and allows users to work on mobiles. The humanizing effect on long and short-form content is worth praising.



  • Simple copy-paste functions
  • Easy UI for beginners
  • Detection and rephrasing of AI content
  • No typos or errors


  • Plagiarism free content
  • No manual editing is needed
  • Mobile-friendly interface


  • Not always bypass AI detectors
  • Might need human intervention


  • It has a free version.
  • Basic: $9/month billed annually for 80 credits
  • Pro: $12/month billed annually for 200 credits
  • Ultra: $36/month billed annually for unlimited credits

Link: WriteHuman

9. Smodin AI Detection Remover

Smodin AI Detection Remover is the Best AI Humanizer Tool to detect language automatically and identify AI-flagged content. It automatically rephrases AI content and humanizes it according to the tone a user needs. This tool comes with an AI Writer and Plagiarism Checker tool too.

Smodin AI Detection Remover


  • Clean UI with specific AI tools
  • Plagiarism-free content rephrasing
  • Automatic language detection


  • Comes with AI detection and plagiarism tools
  • Multiple language support


  • The output might have errors


  • It has a free version.
  • Essentials: $15/month available with content and other tools
  • Productive: $29/month with content and other tools
  • Ultimate: $79/month with other content tools

Link: Smodin AI Detection Remover

10. GPTinf

GPTinf is one of the top choices as a personal AI Humanizer Tool. The website UI is very easy to understand. It offers a free trial period to understand how the plans work. Its unique feature is ‘keyword freeze’ where you can highlight and preserve important sections of a text in the outputs.



  • Simple clutter-free UI
  • Copy-paste functions for AI detection and rephrasing
  • Detects repetitive sentences for rephrasing


  • Made for casual users
  • Beginner-friendly UI


  • Lacks advanced features and tools
  • Not for professional content creators


  • It offers free trials
  • Monthly: $12/month for 10,000 words
  • Annual: $8/month for 10,000 words
  • Plans can be changed according to word usage preferences

Link: GPTInf

How to Choose the Right AI Humanizer Tool

Now that we have a comprehensive list of popular AI detection and rephrasing tools, let us learn how to find the best among them. Here is the list of factors that help you determine the Best AI Humanizer Tool as per your requirements.

Naturalness of Language

Assess the tool’s output for naturalness, coherence, and fluency. Look for tools that produce text that reads smoothly and doesn’t sound robotic or disjointed.

Cost and Pricing Model

Finally, consider the cost and pricing model of the AI humanizer tool. Compare pricing plans and consider factors such as subscription fees, usage limits, and additional features or services included in the package.

Customization Options

Look for tools that allow you to adjust parameters such as formality, tone, and voice to match your intended audience and purpose.

Variety of Voices and Styles

Consider whether the tool offers a variety of voices and writing styles to choose from. Different projects may require different tones, so having access to a diverse range of voices can be beneficial.

Grammar and Syntax Accuracy

Make sure that the tool you choose has strong language modelling capabilities and produces text that adheres to grammatical rules and conventions.

Contextual Understanding

Human language is often ambiguous and can convey multiple meanings or interpretations. A good AI humanizer tool should be able to handle ambiguity effectively and generate text that is unambiguous.

Ethical Considerations

Consider the ethical implications of using AI humanizer tools in sensitive or high-stakes contexts. Look for tools prioritising ethical AI principles, such as transparency, fairness, and accountability.

Integration and Compatibility

Consider whether the tool integrates seamlessly with your existing workflow and tools. Look for tools that offer easy integration with popular platforms and applications.

Choose the Best AI Humanizer Tool

You are all set! Consider these factors and choose the Best AI Humanizer Tool according to your casual or professional needs. Check how many words you can get in a trial period to understand an AI humanizer tool’s plans. Learn to assess the outputs matching your expectations. Sharpen your skills with these tools to add more impact to your creativity.

FAQs – Best AI Humanizer Tools

1. Which are the best AI Humanizer Tools?

The best AI humanizer tools for content creation are:

  1. UndetectableAI AI
  2. Bypass GPT
  3. Humbot
  4. HIX Bypass
  5. Bypass AI
  6. Undetectable AI
  7. StealthGPT
  8. WriteHuman
  9. Smodin AI Detection Remover
  10. GPTinf

2. How can humanize AI content and bypass detectors?

Follow these steps to humanize AI content and bypass AI detectors.

  1. Choose an AI Humanizer Tool.
  2. Copy and paste your content.
  3. Perform the AI detection action.
  4. Rephrase content automatically.
  5. Use the rephrased AI-free content.

3. Which is the Best AI Humanizer Tool?

Undetectable AI is the best AI humanizer Tool in terms of functions, success rate, user-friendliness, and accessibility. It offers a free version with limited features.

4. How can I choose an AI content humanizer tool?

Find out what you need first. If you are a casual user then go for GPTInf and Bypass GPT. If you are a professional then go for the premium versions of Undetectable AI, Bypass GPT, and Humbot. Check the pricing and choose a suitable plan that matches your content creation needs.