10 Best ChatGPT Prompts to Make Money [+Sample Prompts]

In the fast-paced world of AI, ChatGPT has emerged as a transformative tool, gaining over 100 million users in just two months after its launch. With its extensive reach – 1.5 billion visits per month – it’s clear that ChatGPT is not just a fleeting trend. Its rapid adoption rate, outpacing giants like TikTok and Instagram, signifies its profound impact across various industries. Interestingly, businesses have reported significant cost savings, ranging from $50,000 to $70,000, by integrating ChatGPT into their operations. This statistic highlights the tool’s efficiency and potential for generating income, making “10 Best ChatGPT Prompts to Make Money” a topic of high relevance and interest in 2024. As we dig into this topic, we’ll uncover the moneymaking ways in which ChatGPT can be utilized to boost earnings and revolutionize business practices​.

10 Best ChatGPT Prompts to Make Money

  • What is ChatGPT?
  • What are ChatGPT Prompts?
  • Advantages or Uses of ChatGPT Prompts
  • Top 10 ChatGPT Prompts To Make Money Now
  • 1. Content Creation
  • 2. Write Code
  • 3. Debug Code
  • 4. Build Business Websites
  • 5. Create Resume
  • 6. Create User Manuals
  • 7. Write a Book
  • 8. Generate Business Ideas
  • 9. Become a Data Analyst
  • 10. Invest In Stocks
  • Conclusion
  • Related Articles
  • FAQs – ChatGPT Prompts To Make Money

What is ChatGPT?

ChatGPT, developed by OpenAI, is an advanced language model based on Generative Pre-trained Transformer (GPT) technology. It has revolutionized the way we interact with AI, offering human-like text responses to a wide range of prompts. As of 2024, ChatGPT boasts over 100 million users, demonstrating its widespread popularity and utility. Its ability to understand and generate natural language makes it an invaluable tool for various applications, from content creation to customer service. ChatGPT’s proficiency is not just about handling text; it’s about understanding context and nuances in language, making interactions more intuitive and effective​

What are ChatGPT Prompts?

ChatGPT prompts are specific instructions or questions given to the ChatGPT model to generate desired text outputs. These prompts act as catalysts, guiding the AI to produce relevant and coherent responses. Whether it’s crafting a story, answering a query, or generating creative content, the effectiveness of ChatGPT largely depends on the clarity and specificity of these prompts. Users across diverse sectors leverage prompts to harness ChatGPT’s capabilities, tailoring them to suit their unique needs and objectives. The versatility of prompts makes ChatGPT an adaptable tool for a broad spectrum of applications.

Advantages or Uses of ChatGPT Prompts

ChatGPT prompts are powerful tools with numerous advantages and uses. They offer a cost-effective way to generate content, improve productivity, and streamline workflows. Businesses have reported savings between $50,000 to $70,000 by utilizing ChatGPT, underscoring its economic benefits. ChatGPT prompts can enhance customer support, aid in creative writing, facilitate language learning, and much more.

They also play a significant role in automating routine tasks, freeing up valuable time and resources. With their wide-ranging applications, ChatGPT prompts are not just about convenience; they’re about transforming how we approach tasks and solve problems in an AI-driven world​

10 Best ChatGPT Prompts to Make Money

We have explained how ChatGPT prompts can be used differently to earn money, even with little technical knowledge. Let us explore some creative options to make money from ChatGPT prompts.

1. Content Creation

ChatGPT revolutionized human interaction with computers. It displays users with a simple chat box for interaction. Users can communicate with the chat box using text-based prompts, creating a system similar to texting a friend.

Consider having a friend who knows everything from History to Quantum Mechanics; ChatGPT is that friend. Using ChatGPT prompts, you can ask it to write essays, articles, poems, jokes, etc.

For example, you can ask the ChatGPT app to write you an essay on the types of mangoes found in India, and you will have it in a moment. Other ways of using it to create content include:

a. Translation

Translation prompt for ChatGPT

ChatGPT 4 has been trained using various language models, enabling it to support over 50 languages. With the help of ChatGPT prompts, you can translate content from one language to any of the supported languages. All you have to do is upload or type in the text, which will translate to your desired language.

b. Script Writing – ChatGPT for YouTube, Earn Money Now!

YouTube script writing prompt for ChatGPT

Going further, ChatGPT can be used to develop scripts for content like YouTube videos. You can use any of the best ChatGPT prompts to create scripts to help make YouTube videos. To get a perfect script, start with a premise and elaborate on it based on your video idea.

c. Blog writing

Content prompt for ChatGPT

ChatGPT provides human-like output, including paragraphs and sentences. Therefore, with the right pick of chatGPT prompts for writing, one can create blog posts on various topics of interest.

Examples of Best ChatGPT Prompts for Content Creation:

a. “Write me a 500-word essay on *Topic of your choice*.”

b. “Create a YouTube video script for time limit video on *topic of choice*.”

c. “Translate the following text into *the language of your choice*.”

There are ample content creation opportunities available online. Pick a simple skill even if you need to improve with writing. The options mentioned above help you make money using ChatGPT Prompts while advancing your skills.

2. Write Code

Coding prompt for ChatGpt

You must have a basic understanding of programming syntax to utilize this. With the help of advanced ChatGPT prompts, you can create your own software or run simplistic, repetitive code to establish a function.

ChatGPT prompts for programming are helpful because they are trained in multiple programming languages such as C, C++, Java, and many more. Just put in your programming requirements and write precise prompts to get your desired output.

Bonus – You can also ask GPT to code a trading bot. It would help if you were specific with your requirements for the bot to make it as specialized as possible. Once you receive the code, deploy it on a trading app of your choice to make unlimited money!

Sample Prompt: “Write me the C code for printing the output: “Hello, World””

Head to sites like Upwork and Freelancer to grab the right opportunity. Start with small tasks to earn money to improve your profile, and let ChatGPT automate your tasks.

3. Debug Code

Code debugging prompt

Writing code might be a simple task for you, but debugging is a painful and lengthy process. Sometimes, you might need help finding out why a code is not running. You can use ChatGPT prompts for debugging to find the error in your code. It will scan through your code, clean it, and ensure precise results based on your requirements.

With the fantastic capabilities of ChatGPT, you can debug existing code offline to scan it for errors.

Please note that debugging requires an existing understanding of programming syntax.

Sample Prompt: “Debug *your code* to get the *your desired output*”

The Internet is full of opportunities; many are looking for skilled debuggers and are ready to pay a hefty amount. Get ChatGPT to work to make money for you.

4. Build Business Websites

Website creation ChatGPT prompt

Creating a website is usually a team project and a long process involving multiple steps. It has a higher scope for error, and it is necessary to have the right tools to make it. With ChatGPT prompts, one can easily design the website of their choice independently.

ChatGPT can help you create websites as it can understand various website-building fundamentals like HTML and CSS. All you need to do is explain the nature of your business and the aesthetic you desire. If you need to figure out what kind of prompts to give, multiple ChatGPT prompt generators are available online. Just pick some awesome ChatGPT prompts to build your website. You can create subtle changes and tweak your website by further prompting ChatGPT.

Sample Prompt: “Build a website for a *your niche* business.”

Many businesses still need help to have an online presence. Pitch them web design services and make money even if you have a basic idea. ChatGPT will help you achieve small to complex sites as your skills advance.

5. Create Resume

Resume creation prompt for ChatGPT

Found a job you are a good fit for but don’t have a proper resume? ChatGPT has got your back. Deep learning technology enables ChatGPT to access millions of datasets. With the help of this historical data, it knows what to include in a good resume.

By using best ChatGPT prompts for a resume, captivating resumes can be furnished. With follow-up instructions, you can enable it to highlight areas of your career that you deem relevant.

Sample Prompt: “Create a resume in *the style you want it in* for me. *Your details*”

Resume Creation services are popular now. You can pitch this service to white-collar professionals and earn decent money. You focus on getting clients while ChatGPT does the creation tasks.

6. Create User Manuals

Product description writing sample prompt for ChatGPT

Companies often need comprehensive user manuals for their products. To this day, people don’t forget the brilliance of Apple user manuals, thanks to their simple yet elegant and exclusive feel.

With the right ChatGPT PPT maker prompts, you can create user manuals for different products. When creating user manuals, one must start with broad information like niche and audience demographics before narrowing down to the product. ChatGPT can make the right content based on the detailed input given.

Sample Prompt: “Write a *500-700* word product description with a detailed structure for *product and its use case*”

With SaaS as an easy way to make money, many founders focus on product creation. User manuals are something that describes the product wholly. You can have a lot of scope in this service and mint money.

7. Write a Book

Book writing prompt for ChatGPT

Like many blockbuster authors, your book could be the next big thing! ChatGPT prompts for writing can help you create books that are truly yours. In today’s globalized world, finding the time to write is increasingly difficult. ChatGPT has a solution; you only need an idea and your story outline. By using the ChatGPT prompt templates, you can elaborate on it.

Remember to go chapter-wise to make the most of your idea. Also, ask ChatGPT to continue where you left off in the previous chapter; this ensures a smooth-flowing narrative.

Sample Prompt: “Write me the first chapter of a book about *your idea*”

8. Generate Business Ideas

Business ideas generation prompt for ChatGPT

ChatGPT prompts for business can solve your need for business ideas and help you stand out. It can clear out creative blocks and generate new ideas. If you have a category of audience you want to reach, start there.

For example, you could create a product to reach children between 6 and 8; ChatGPT 4 can help! You only need to mention the context, specific intent, and end goal. Pick a few chatGPT prompts for businesses to ask to provide ideas based on the demographic of your choice.

Sample ChatGPT prompts for business: “What is a good business idea to help *ideal customer description* do *problem you’re trying to solve*”

9. Become a Data Analyst

Data Analysis prompt for ChatGPT

Advanced users can use ChatGPT prompts for data analysis to analyze different data types. First, you must upload the XML, CSV, or JSON file containing the data. Next, you can ask it to interpret the uploaded data.

One can rely on chatGPT to make all types of deductions without spending hours making inferences. Dan Prompts for ChatGPT will help you achieve the results in no time. This is an easy way to earn money as a data analyst.

Sample Dan Prompt for ChatGPT: “What data can be understood based on the following document?”

10. Invest In Stocks

Stock suggestion prompts for ChatGPT

Everyone loves passive income but is still determining how to generate one, especially in their 20s. If you have a stable job, keep aside a minimum of 5% in long-term investments.

Consider investing in stocks as one of the long-term passive incomes. The stock market is quite unpredictable when you have no idea about it. It requires immense knowledge and spending hours of research to predict the trends.

You can ask ChatGPT as it analyses large data sets. ChaGPT Investing prompts in stocks will help you predict the data and suggest suitable options with long-term goals.

The best part is that you can use further instructions to simplify the content as per your requirements. Thanks to its unique machine-learning capabilities, ChatGPT has access to a broad range of ideas. This makes it an encyclopedia for all your knowledge needs.

Sample ChatGPT Investing Prompt: “Suggest me long-term stock options to invest (enter amount) per month for the next () years with a minimum of 15% ROI.”


Almost 70% of India’s population now has access to high-speed Internet and a 4g smartphone. ChatGPT prompts can be the best choice for money making without technical skills. ChatGPT is available for download on Android and iOS devices, bringing ease of use and convenience to every user. Experiment with ChatGPT prompts and become a pro. You can even earn money as a ChatGPT Prompt Consultant.

FAQs – Best ChatGPT Prompts To Make Money

1. Are ChatGPT prompts free to use to make money?

ChatGPT is a free-to-use service with additional services available for a fee. Most users will find the free version perfectly useful to make money. All they need are the best ChatGPT prompts to start. The paid service, GPT Plus, is more advantageous for professionals and companies.

2. Is it legal to use ChatGPT prompts to make money?

Yes, ChatGPT prompts can be used to make money legally. Many individuals are already using these prompts to make money.

3. Is my data safe when I use ChatGPT prompts to make money?

The OpenAI team assured users about their privacy concerns and that all of the user’s data is kept entirely confidential. However, there is a small risk of data hacking, which is present with all forms of modern technology.

4. How to make money using ChatGPT in India?

There is still a lot of untapped money-earning potential. A fun way to get money-making ideas with ChatGPT is to ask the GPT for simple money-making ideas with ChatGPT.