12 Best Chrome Extensions for Productivity in 2024

Do you want to be productive but can’t see any green flags from your computer’s memory? Well! We are here to help you out with the 12 best Chrome extensions for productivity that can transform your workflow and help you stay focused. In this article, we have covered 12 Best Free extensions in Google Chrome from One Tab for converting all your tabs into a single tab and Todoist for task management to Loom for recording your screen. Even if we forcefully squeeze them into the memory, the system misbehaves and hampers user productivity.

That’s where the Chrome extensions come to the rescue! Chrome Extensions as super useful tools that are an easy and efficient way to do things without big, complicated apps. They’re easy to find, easy to use, and have cool features like installing them on your computer fast and uninstalling when you don’t need them. This article brings out the 12 best Chrome extensions for business as well as for productivity that will help you do things faster.

List of 12 best productivity extensions for Chrome in 2024

  • uBlock Origin
  • 1Password
  • Loom
  • Postlight Reader 
  • Calendly
  • Toggl Track
  • Grammarly
  • Click Up
  • Todoist
  • Scribe
  • Pushbullet
  • Momentum

What are Chrome extensions?

Being the most popular web browser, Google Chrome offers powerful features to boost user productivity. Chrome Extensions are one of the many remarkable tools that serve as a great replacement for heavy productivity applications. They are tiny, easy to use, and extend some major benefits in terms of accessibility. A few of the benefits are:

  • Quick Download and Installation
  • Hassle-Free Management
  • Category-based app fragmentation
  • Easy removal, as and when required
  • Saves time

Chrome extensions can be easily installed from the Chrome web store and used instantly for the desired purposes. Whether you require it for organizational purposes as a project manager or for checking grammatical errors as a content writer, these extensions are no less than an 8th wonder!

12 Best Chrome Extensions for Productivity in 2024

Make your time online better in 2024 with the best Chrome extensions! They’re like handy shortcuts that speed up your online experience. Try them out to make your tasks easier and your online activities more fun. Enjoy productivity and fun together with these Chrome extensions! Without much ado, let’s see what the list has in store for you!

uBlock Origin

One of the most used extensions for adblock is uBlock Origin as it blocks ads and trackers, improves page load times and reducing distractions.

Key Features

  • Efficient Ad Blocking
  • Low Resource Consumption
  • Customizable Filters
  • Helps in element Zapping

uBlock Origin Pros

uBlock Origin Cons

  • Blocks ads and trackers, resulting in faster page loads.
  • Blocks pop-ups, banners, and video ads, ensuring a clutter-free browsing experience.
  • Saves data by blocking ads, beneficial for limited data plans.
  • Can block essential elements on some websites.
  • Negatively impacts ad revenue for content creators and websites.
  • Advanced features require time to learn and fully utilize.

Average Rating: 4.7/5

uBlock Origin Official Link: https://ublockorigin.com/


1Password is one of the most trusted and widely used password management extensions, offering secure storage and autofill of login details to enhance online security.

Key Features

  • Secure Password Storage
  • Automatically fills in login credentials for websites and apps.
  • Generates strong, unique passwords for each of your accounts.
  • Syncs your data across all your devices, including desktops, laptops, tablets, and smartphones.

1Password Pros

1Password Cons

  • Contains Robust Security Features
  • User-Friendly Interface
  • Cross-Platform Compatibility
  • High subscription Cost
  • Limited Free Trial
  • No Free Version

Average Rating: 4.6/5

1Password Official Link: https://1password.com/downloads/browser-extension/


More often than not, employees and students in the WFH setting miss out on important instructions during the virtual meetings. The Loom extension delivers a solution by allowing convenient screen recording and capturing. Moreover, it also allows the instructors to record and share quick videos to convey their ideas comprehensively.

Key Features

  • Automatically saves video to the cloud
  • Notifications about receiving comments, reactions, or likes on the video
  • Time-based message comments and emoticons
  • Enhanced security and access controls

Loom Pros

Loom Cons

  • Screen and Webcam Recording
  • High-Quality Video Recording
  • Provides Instant Sharing
  • Dependence on Internet
  • Potential Privacy Concerns
  • Low Quality on Free Plan

Average Rating: 4.7/5 (based on 10.1K+ reviews)

Loom Official Link: https://www.loom.com/products/chrome-screen-recorder

Postlight Reader

Online reading and interactions have become so distracting owing to unnecessary advertisements and clutter on the webpage. This directly impedes the focus of the readers and, hence, their productivity. Postlight Reader brings you a highly useful tool that eliminates irrelevant information and ads, thereby improving your reading experience.

Key Features

  • Disable surrounding traffic with one click.
  • Adjust text size and themes.
  • Quick keyboard shortcuts
  • Printing optimization

Postlight Reader Pros

Postlight Reader Cons

  • Enhanced Reading Experience
  • Improved Accessibility
  • Cross-Platform Compatibility
  • Limited Features
  • Occasional Formatting Issues
  • Compatibility Issues

Average Rating: 3.9/5 (based on 1.7K+ reviews)

Official Link of Postlight Reader: https://reader.postlight.com/


With the skyrocketing popularity of online meetings, setting up and scheduling meetings should be the last thing you should worry about. Calendly is one such smart tool that automates schedule fixing by integrating with your calendar. It helps save you a chunk of time and adds to your productivity.

Key Features

  • Personalize your availability on the calendar for meetings.
  • Create meeting polls to decide on a common meeting time.
  • Mark priority events
  • Easy rescheduling

Calendly Pros

Calendly Cons

  • Integrates seamlessly with popular tools
  • Customizable Scheduling
  • Reminders and Notifications
  • Subscription Cost
  • Limited Free Version
  • Customization Limitations

Average Rating: 4.5/5 (based on 127 ratings)

Calendly Official Link: https://calendly.com/integration/calendly-for-chrome

Toggl Track

How often do you forget to keep tabs on the online activity in the process? Well, many a time! Toggl Track lets you track the time spent on each online task. An ultimate one-click timer, it sets up a timer on the desired webpage and provides seamless results about your real-time productivity.

Key Features

  • Sends tracking reminders regularly.
  • Allows idle detection
  • Supported on mobiles and desktops

Toggl Track Pros

Toggl Track Cons

  • User-Friendly Interface
  • Accurate Time Tracking
  • Cross-Platform Availability
  • Subscription Cost for Advanced Features
  • Manual Time Entry
  • Privacy Concerns

Average Rating: 4.4/5 (based on 1.5K+ ratings)

Toggl Track Official Link: https://support.toggl.com/en/articles/2206984-toggl-track-browser-extension


Hands down to the best grammar check tool! No matter what profession you are in, writing and typing are inescapable. And Grammarly does the job very well. It not only corrects the grammatical errors in the text but also scans them for clarity, spell check, and engagement.

Key Features

  • Writing suggestions according to the tone of the text
  • Professional feedbacks
  • Plagiarism Check
  • Style adjustments

Grammarly Pros

Grammarly Cons

  • Advanced Grammar and Spell Check
  • Writing Style Improvement
  • Plagiarism Detection
  • Limited features in Free Version
  • Privacy Concerns
  • Internet Dependency

Average Rating: 4.5/5 (based on 42.1K+ reviews)

Grammarly Official Link: https://www.grammarly.com/browser/chrome

Click Up

A one-click chrome extension that leads to peak productivity, Click Up is an all-in-one tool that smoothly manages your project management tasks. The functionality of the extension includes taking and editing notes, bookmarking useful sites in a single tab, creating tasks and attaching emails, saving desired URLs, tracking time, and so much more.

Key Features

  • Easy and quick access to all tasks
  • Smooth integration with Gmail and Outlook
  • Rich text editing on Notepad

ClickUp Pros

ClickUp Cons

  • Comprehensive Task Management
  • Customizable Workflows
  • Collaboration Tools
  • Complexity for New Users
  • Overwhelming Features
  • Mobile App Limitations

Average Rating: 3.8/5 (based on 141 ratings)

Click Up Official Link: https://clickup.com/chrome-extension


While making a to-do list is one task, keeping the list organized is another. Todoist is a savior in that case! This Chrome extension allows for managing workflow through organized and clean to-do lists. From planning your day to prioritizing your projects, Todoist takes care of it all.

Key Features

  • Assigning priority levels to tasks
  • Allows 60+ app integration
  • Deadline reminders
  • Personalized productivity trends for personal tracking
  • Team collaboration

Todoist Pros

Todosit Cons

  • Cross-Platform Availability
  • Task Management Features
  • Project Organization
  • No Built-In Time Tracking
  • Occasional Sync Issues
  • Dependence on Internet for Full Functionality

Average Rating: 4.7/5 (based on 51K+ ratings)

Todoist Official Link: https://todoist.com/integrations/apps/chrome


Since documenting the data guide manually can be overtaxing and time-consuming, Scribe has come up with a solution to generate a step-by-step guide in no time. It records the desired actions as well as monitors your clicks and keystrokes to generate automated guides. It is highly useful in professions like sales where intensive and repetitive instructions are required for freshmen.

Key Features

  • One-click sharing
  • Customizable steps, text, and images
  • High security and controls

Scribe Pros

Scribe Cons

  • Automated Documentation
  • Template Library
  • Integration with Popular Tools
  • Limited Free Version
  • Customization Limitations
  • Subscription Cost for Advanced Features

Average Rating: 4.9/5 (based on 500+ ratings)

Scribe Official Link: https://get.scribehow.com/install-extension/


Pushbullet is a terrific tool that lets you sync all your devices and share files from one device to another without any hassles. So next time you want to transfer a file from your laptop to your mobile device, use Pushbullet.

Key Features

  • Integration of messaging apps
  • Seamless sharing of links, documents, and files on synced devices
  • Easy-to-use

Pushbullet Pros

Pushbullet Cons

  • Effortless File and Link Sharing
  • Notification Mirroring
  • Universal Copy and Paste
  • Privacy Concerns
  • Occasional Sync Issues
  • Limited Customization Options

Average Rating: 4.5/5 (based on 5.3K+ ratings)

Pushbullet Official Link: https://www.pushbullet.com/


Saving some inspiration for last! What if every tab on your screen helps you calm down and serves as motivation? Well, that’s possible with momentum. This extension is designed to provide personalized dashboards with picture quotes, timers, to-do lists, and everything else to maintain the user’s focus. Trusted by over 3 million users, this one will surely build your momentum in life.

Key Features

  • Friendly reminders to help you stick to the task
  • New pictures and quotes every day
  • Shortcuts to favorite apps and websites
  • Various search engines
  • An effective task manager

Mometum Pros

Momentum Cons

  • Personalized Dashboard
  • Task Management
  • Focus and Productivity
  • Limited Mobile Support
  • Customization Overload
  • Privacy Concerns

Average Rating: 4.5/5 (based on 13.8K+ ratings)

Momentum Official Link: https://momentumdash.com/


The above mentioned 12 Chrome extensions are like magical tools that make your online life in 2024 smoother and more fun. Think of these extensions as quick tricks that make your tasks faster and keep you on track without getting distracted. Whether you need to organize things, improve your writing, or automate guides, these extensions are your reliable tools for getting more done. Give them a try to make your online activities smoother and more enjoyable, adding a bit of fun to your productivity.

12 Best Chrome Extensions for Productivity in 2024 – FAQs

What is the most useful extension for Chrome?

The most used extensions for Chrome are:

uBlock Origin: allows you to surf websites without intrusive adds.

Grammarly for Chrome: Used for writing assistance, helps to correct spellings, punctuation.

Adobe Acrobat: Widely used for pdf editing, converting and signing capabilities.

Todoist: Excellent tool for task management, helping users to keep their to-dos.

What are the top Chrome extensions for the developers?

Visual Studio Code: Integrates directly with the Chrome to debug directly on the web pages.

JSON Viewer: Formats JSON data, making it easy to read and debug.

Postman: On of the most used extension for API development environment.

How do Chrome extensions benefit user productivity?

Chrome extensions are easy to download, manage, and remove. They save time and help with organization, project management, and content creation, making them useful for various tasks.

Do Chrome extensions slow down my browser or consume a lot of memory?

No, Chrome extensions slow down my browser. These are made to be lightweight and not slow down your browser much. It’s important not to have too many, but the well-made ones usually don’t affect your browser’s performance much. Chrome’s design makes sure that extensions work on their own, so your browser stays fast.

What are the Best Chrome extensions for students?

Some of the best extensions for students are:

  1. Evernote Web Clipper: Save web pages, articles, and PDFs to your Evernote account
  2. Google Keep: Save notes, lists, and photos, and sync them across all your devices.
  3. Todoist: Manage tasks and projects directly from your browser.
  4. Grammarly: Check grammar, spelling, and punctuation to improve writing quality