10 Best Cloud-Native Development Platforms for Containerized Applications

Our world is highly competitive with speed as one of its highest demands. And even in the case of app development, this is true. Because of this, developers must try their best to develop apps quickly in this crowded, competitive market. And cloud-native makes building or developing apps completely software-based, but with well-thought-out methods, thus making it a good choice for companies.

This makes sure the development and deployment of apps become much easier and quicker, and companies should take advantage of this as this is one way in which they can keep up with the demand.

Table of Content

  • What is a Cloud-Native Application?
  • 10 Best Cloud-Native Development Platforms for Containerized Applications
    • 1. Docker
    • 2. DevSecOps
    • 3. Microsoft Azure
    • 4. Digital Ocean
    • 5. Kubernetes
    • 6. Google Cloud Platform
    • 7. OpenShift
    • 8. Cloud Native Computing Foundation(CNCF)
    • 9. Jenkins
    • 10. Helm
  • Conclusion

What is a Cloud-Native Application?

There is high demand from the consumer and companies need to keep up with this, thus they need a scalable, resilient, and flexible application to fulfill these demands. This can be fulfilled with a cloud-native application, as this is the building of an application in a quick manner while making sure the quality of the product is high and can be updated while at the same time having security resilience as well, thus a well-versed application flexible for updates. Furthermore, the applications should have no problems be responsive, and can be run in public, private, and hybrid cloud.

10 Best Cloud-Native Development Platforms for Containerized Applications

Containerized applications are one that only needs the system libraries and dependencies to produce applications that are easy to use. All the actions are performed by running software codes. They can run smoothly in any infrastructure.

1. Docker

Docker is a software platform used for building, testing, and deploying applications quickly. It packages software codes into units called containers. Docker has a collaboration with AWS which allows developers to build a product that is low-cost, highly reliable, and scalable while at the same time increasing the delivery speed of apps to the cloud at any scale.

Key Features:

  • Collaboration with AWS provides developers with Docker Compose and Docker Desktop.
  • You can build start or stop containers with different commands by installing Docker
  • A portable container is provided with a huge amount of data processing that can be managed by someone who is not as technical.


  • You can ship software or isolated services seven times faster than non-docker users.
  • It is easy to identify mistakes and issues and correct them as the containerized applications are small in nature.
  • Applications can be easily moved from local development machines to AWS product deployments.

Pricing: There are two plans available, one is free while the pro version starts at $5/month.

2. DevSecOps

This platform is used in security measures while developing native-cloud. The name stands for development, security, and operation. The practice of prioritizing security from the beginning of the development till its deployment is needed to make sure the cloud development can be carried out smoothly and can prevent user error.

Key features:

  • This application is a build in security and its function is done accordingly.
  • To make sure the outflow of DevOps remains steady and does not slow down, some security gates can be automated.
  • Tools like integrated development environments can be used to continuously integrate security.


  • This security is advantageous as it is built for microservices and containers.
  • There are high-security measures like centralized authentication to make sure information is secured.
  • Security scanners are integrated into the containers.

Pricing: It provides many subscription plans with one-user plans starting at $5,747.

3. Microsoft Azure

You can create apps that are highly intelligent with the use of AI and cloud-scale data solutions using Azure. You can also learn much about AI intelligence using this platform and they also provide services like calling a sales rep to guide you with any doubts you may have. It is an all-in-one platform that also provides investment services in itself.

Key Features:

  • An Openshift cluster is available. Users can use this for actions like scaling or building apps.
  • By using Azure Container Instances, users can run containers without managing servers.
  • Users can use Azure Kubernetes fleet to manage their Kubernetes.


  • When the app is developed, AI-powered content search is available as a feature.
  • For any real-time conversation like the help desk, chatbots can also be added.
  • Features like expansion to additional locations are also given.

Pricing: There is a 30-day free trial, after which the standard plan is $100/month.

4. Digital Ocean

Digital Ocean gives a very simple solution users can use to develop a variety of apps. This is a cloud-optimized to scale businesses. For IaaS usability, SMB Hostings on G2, and so on, this is considered to be one of the best solutions. It is a very famous platform with customer building reaching more than 600 thousand and this number is only going to grow bigger.

Key Features:

  • They offer a virtual machine that is scalable in cases like web hosting.
  • Kubernetes can be managed and is easy to scale with 99.5% SLA.
  • It has a great storage solution with Space object storage and volume block storage.


  • To make sure your app is marketed, solutions like PaaS are available.
  • Users can focus on building apps more than infrastructure due to the simple nature of Digital Ocean
  • Building on reliable and good apps is good for customer building.

Pricing: Droplets is starting at $4 per month, Kubernetes is starting at $12 per month and App Platform is starting at $0 per month.

5. Kubernetes

Kubernetes is an open-sourced platform that can be used in scaling, building, deploying, and managing containerized applications automatically. This is built on ideas that have been developed for 15 years on Google and have one of the most brilliant ideas and developments created by a dedicated foundation. Kubernetes are also called K8s

Key features:

  • Kubernetes can be used to scale without increasing the operational team.
  • It is an open-sourced application that can be run on a private, hybrid, or public infrastructure.
  • The storage system can automatically mount a public cloud provider or local storage at your command.


  • Without letting clients know, containers that have nodes or have failed can be killed or can be healed as well.
  • For users to deliver applications easily, this is a great choice due to its flexibility.
  • You can use this to help with your batch and CI workload.

Pricing: Kubernetes is available for free.

6. Google Cloud Platform

This is a platform that can be used to build apps easily and very quickly while using AI technology for more advanced and smooth functionality, while at the same time, quick and easy Google Analytics is also guaranteed. For the first year, you can use Google Cloud credit and get other support as well, this is a great way to start off with your business.

Key Features:

  • If you have issues with code writing, Gemini code assistant will be available.
  • You can get free AI generation training.
  • Industry solution for detecting any fraud activity or product discovery.


  • With analytics and advanced machine learning, even business insights are provided.
  • High-security technology to protect your data and apps.
  • To promote teamwork features like video calls, emails, chat, etc. can be added to the app.

Pricing: You only pay for what you use and can get a quote on how much to pay according to your needs.

7. OpenShift

OpenShift is powered by Kubernetes and is a cloud application platform that is hybrid. If you have any difficulties or problems while developing, deploying, managing, or modernizing your app, you can make OpenShift assist you with better performance. Users can find this application in a public cloud, on-premise, hybrid cloud, and even edge architecture.

Key Features:

  • A source-to-image technology feature is available.
  • It has a built-in Jenskin pipeline for better streamlining of workflow.
  • AI services which will be there for self-management of documentation.


  • For any questions or doubts, you can find blogs or questionnaires in the app.
  • SSH vulnerability helper is there which is designed to help users mitigate some known vulnerabilities.
  • When there is a failure, a calculator is there to estimate the time it needs to be recovered.

Pricing: There is a free tier, after which you should go for a paid version which differs from contract to contract according to the services you get.

8. Cloud Native Computing Foundation(CNCF)

CNCF provides open-source tools and support as they encourage organizations to adopt cloud-native structures for their applications. This is an open-source foundation with members like Google, IBM, Cisco, VMware, and so on. Companies that need to be a software service even though they are not companies that are in the business of software are noted to use this foundation.

Key features:

  • Kubernetes, an open-source platform is also a part of the foundation’s development.
  • A system monitoring and alerting tool, Prometheus is another one of their projects.
  • For apps that are service-oriented, there is a feature called Envoy which is a service proxy.


  • The foundation maintains the available brands making sure users use them properly.
  • It has a cloud-native trial map which is there to guide the companies in adopting cloud-native applications.
  • CNCF hosts conferences and events to promote cloud-native adoption.

Pricing: This site is available for free.

9. Jenkins

It is an open-sourced platform and an automation server that will provide different types of plugins for any needs in building, deploying, or managing applications. It is a platform that is highly celebrated and even has many awards at its disposal, showing its credibility. This is one platform that will make developing, managing, and deploying any applications much easier.

Key Features:

  • This application can be used in multiple ways, like a simple CI server or continuous delivery hub.
  • Jenkins has multiple plugins which make it extensible.
  • Using its web interface, this application can be easily set up.


  • Users can get many plugin options at the update center, giving us a lot of tools for us to use.
  • It can easily be distributed on different and multiple platforms.
  • There is an error check center and built-in help is also available.

Pricing: This is a free open-source application.

10. Helm

This is the best application to use in managing Kubernetes applications. It can update, upgrade, install, and define any Kubernetes application even if it is the most complicated and difficult application. Helm charts are its main operational tool which is very easy to create, share, and publish which makes using Helm much easier. This application is managed and maintained by the Helm community.

Key Features:

  • In-place upgrades and custom hooks take all the pain for updating.
  • Users can host Helm charts in both the private and public sectors.
  • Rollback can be used to go back to any older version of the application.


  • After installing the application, unback the helm binary and that is all there is to do.
  • Public reviews are stored in the artifact hub to get any information or to look for reviews.
  • It has a user-friendly interface, which makes it very easy to set up and use.

Pricing: This application is available for free.


For app development, management, and deployment, due to its complex nature, it is easier to use one of these platforms for smooth workflow. You can read and study all the key features, advantages, and payment plans to know which suits you and your business the best.

10 Best Cloud-Native Development Platforms for Containerized Applications – FAQs

What is the best cloud-native application development platform?

Every platform has its advantages, users need to find the platform that goes best with their interests.

Is using a cloud-native application development platform needed?

It is not compulsory but for easier and quicker development, it is helpful.

What is a cloud-native application?

Cloud-native is the effort to build or develop an application in a quick manner making sure quality improves and updates can be done frequently while at the same time it has less risk in security