Best Linux distros of 2023

Linux, a popular operating system, has gained a massive following among enthusiasts, developers, and even casual users. However, the abundance of Linux distributions (distros) can be overwhelming, especially for newcomers. In this article, we’ll explore the best Linux distros in 2023, offering you a concise guide to make an informed choice. Each distro is handpicked for specific user needs and comes with unique key features.

Best for Old Hardware: antiX

  • Lightweight: antiX runs efficiently on older hardware, with the iceWM window manager ensuring low resource consumption.
  • Low Resource Usage: On idle, antiX utilizes only 200-300MB of RAM and requires just 5GB of disk space for the full version.
  • 32-bit Support: antiX is one of the few distros still supporting 32-bit systems.
  • Regular Updates: This distro is updated with the latest software and kernels, ensuring long-term support for aging hardware.
  • Stable Debian Base: antiX offers stability with its Debian base, making it a reliable choice for older hardware.

antiX Linux

Best for Development : Ubuntu

  • Extensive Package Repository: Ubuntu boasts over 60,000 packages available in its repositories, making it ideal for developers.
  • Snap Support: Ubuntu offers built-in support for snap packages, enhancing versatility.
  • Large Community: With the largest community among distros, developers can find ample support and troubleshooting resources.
  • Server Compatibility: Ubuntu is a strong contender in the server space, providing an edge in server-related development.
  • User-Friendly: Its user-friendly interface makes it accessible for both beginners and experienced developers.


Best for Immutability : NixOS

  • Immutable System: NixOS features a read-only core system, preventing accidental or deliberate system corruption.
  • Declarative Configuration: The entire system can be replicated with a single configuration file (configuration.nix).
  • Unique Package Management: NixOS is built from scratch with its package manager and programming language.
  • High Backup and Reproduction Ease: NixOS offers a stable and reliable system that is easy to back up and reproduce.
  • Ideal for System Integrity: If you seek a distro that ensures system stability, NixOS is an excellent choice.


Best for Power-users : Arch Linux

  • Bleeding-Edge Experience: Arch Linux provides an up-to-date Linux experience, perfect for power users.
  • Command Line Installation: Installation is command-line-based, offering extensive customization options.
  • Rolling Release: Arch Linux continuously updates without version changes, delivering the latest software.
  • Not Suitable for Beginners: Due to its rolling release nature and command-line installation, Arch Linux is not recommended for beginners.
  • Tailored for Customization: Ideal for users who want full control over their Linux environment.

Arch Linux

Best for Gaming : Pop OS!

  • Proprietary Nvidia Drivers: Pop OS! allows the installation of proprietary Nvidia drivers during setup, optimizing gaming performance.
  • Tiling Features: It offers a fantastic tiling experience, improving productivity and multitasking.
  • Stable Ubuntu Base: Pop OS! builds on a stable Ubuntu foundation for reliability.
  • Pop Store: The Pop Store provides an easy way to install favorite games and applications.
  • Gamers’ Paradise: With gaming-focused features, Pop OS! is a top choice for the gaming community.


Best for Ethical Hacking : Kali Linux

  • Preloaded Hacking Tools: Kali Linux comes with a comprehensive set of penetration testing and ethical hacking tools.
  • Ubuntu Base: It is based on Ubuntu, granting access to excellent software compatibility and documentation.
  • Hacking Tutorials: Kali Linux is commonly used in ethical hacking tutorials and demonstrations.
  • Specialized for Hacking: Designed specifically for hacking and penetration testing, Kali Linux is the top choice in this field.
  • Serious Hacking Tools: Ideal for those seriously engaged in ethical hacking, it offers a comprehensive suite of tools.

Kali Linux

Best Overall : Linux Mint

  • Ubuntu Base: Linux Mint offers a stable Ubuntu base, ensuring reliability and compatibility.
  • User-Friendly Interface: A GUI-first approach makes it accessible for users with varying Linux experience levels.
  • Telemetry and Snap Package-Free: Linux Mint eliminates controversial elements like telemetry and snap packages.
  • Cinnamon Desktop: The Cinnamon desktop is user-friendly, especially for those transitioning from Windows.
  • All-Purpose Distro: Whether you’re new to Linux or a seasoned pro, Linux Mint is an all-around solid choice.

Linux Mint


In 2023, the world of Linux distros offers an array of choices, from lightweight and resource-efficient options like antiX to development-friendly Ubuntu, and security-focused NixOS. Arch Linux caters to power users, while Pop OS! delivers a gaming paradise. Ethical hackers turn to Kali Linux, and Linux Mint remains a user-friendly all-rounder. The perfect distro depends on your unique needs, so explore and find your ideal Linux experience. Happy distro-hopping!