Best Practices for Retaining App Subscribers

In this Digital World, the Competition Between Applications is increasing day by day. In such a scenario, Retaining Application Subscribers is the same important as getting a New Subscriber for Applications.

However, if you want to retain app subscribers after their tenure ends, you have to use some of the best practices. This article is going to discuss some Best Strategies for Retaining Application Subscribers for a longer time.

Best Practices for Retaining App Subscribers

To retain back subscribers, you have to follow some tricks that are discussed in the following. Let us start the discussion with the practice where you have to provide a Good Application Value.

1. Deliver Consistent Application Value

If you want to Retain Back User Subscription of Application, you have to start work from the beginning. The Developed Application helps to achieve the target in a big manner. You have to Implement the Application in such a way that, users find Unique & Good Consistent Value from there.

Use the Following Practice:

  • Provide frequent updates to the application.
  • Good Quality & Unique Content should be served.
  • No Bug should be present in the application.

2. Implement a Community Around Application

Oftentimes, it can be seen that the users are only using the application from the Tool Perspective. You have to change the perspective & build a family-like treatment for all the users. For that purpose, you have to develop an Application Community where every user can interact with each other.

Use the Following Practice:

  • You can develop an Integrated Messaging Feature in the application.
  • Create a Social Media Page for the application.
  • Host Virtual Events, Live Q&A Sessions, etc.

3. Utilize Communication Channels

The Chances of Get Back App Subscribers are a bit higher in that application where there is an Integrated Communication Channel present. This is the channel that helps to communicate with the Android App Developer, not with any other users like the Community. You have to develop different Channels of Communication.

Use the Following Practice:

  • Implement an Email Communication Method in the application.
  • If possible, develop an In-App Messaging Service.
  • Ask for Regular Feedback from Users.

4. Offer Loyalty Programs

Providing a Good Application is not enough to Retain App Subscribers after their tenure is completed. You have to always Create a Positive Feedback Loop in the users. For that purpose, Implementing the Loyalty Program is very important. The Long Term Users will be included in this program.

Use the Following Practice:

  • Provide a Referral Bonus to users for referring a new user.
  • Provide Exciting Goodies for completing half of the tenure.
  • Often provide Exclusive Access to new features.

5. Analyze User Behavior

If you want to Boost Revenue Generation, you have to understand the user’s need & demand. To understand that, Analyzing the User’s Behavior will become so much more important. If you can understand the demand of users, you can easily take some measures to your application.

Use the Following Practice:

  • Use different Analyzing Tools.
  • Segment Users into different parts to analyze the higher demand.
  • Analyze other applications’ data as well to get original insights.

6. Innovate Based on Feedback

You have to always show to your users that the App Developer is listening to the Demands of the Users. If there is any Feedback coming to the Application oftentimes, then it is necessary to have a look into the problem. If you neglect the problem for a long time, the users might jump out of the application.

Use the Following Practice:

  • Conduct Regular Surveys on the users’ experience.
  • Fix the Error on the Application as soon as possible.
  • Inform the users about the Update of the Application.

7. Transparent Billing Practice

Another major field where a problem arises between the User & App Authority is the Billing Service. Oftentimes, the Application Authority’s malpractices & hence some changes in the Application Subscription Bill can be witnessed. You have to be honest enough to deal with some cases.

Use the Following Practice:

  • Provide Clear Pricing Information to users.
  • Make a detailed calculation of the bill with every data.
  • Easy Cancellation of App Subscription should be provided.


In the end, we can conclude that the Retaining Process of Application Subscribers is not short & not a simple one as well. You should start working on the App Subscriber Retaining Process from the Development Time of Application. Retaining App Subscribers is necessary to grow your business more.

Best Practices for Retaining App Subscribers – FAQs

What are some Practices to Retain App Subscribers?

If you want to Get Back the App Subscribers Again to your application after the completion of the tenure, you have to use strategies. Like, you have to provide Good Value in the Application and develop a Community Channel as well as a Good Communication Medium. Also, you have to pay value to the Feedback of Users.

Who are App Subscribers?

In any kind of application, if you have implemented some Subscription Model, then as a user, they have to purchase the App Subscription Model In this way, the User becomes the Client or Customer of the Application. Then, the users will be termed as the App Subscribers as they are not any outsiders or guests to the application.

Why it is important to Retain App Subscribers?

if you are running a business where the development of application is the sole purpose, you should look for App Subscriber Retaining to grow your business. As much as users will come to your application, that much Subscription of the Application will be done. To do so, the Old App Subscribers are same important as the New App Subscribers.