10 Best Signal Alternatives in 2024 (Free)

Signal Alternatives For Android: Signal is one of the best Messaging applications with privacy features that make it a modern IM application. It has an easy-to-use interface for its users, it also allows audio chats and a huge number of security measures which makes it appreciated by people. However, due to issues related to entering phone numbers for discovery and some major bugs in the iOS version, this tool is not as demanding as it was.

Thus, many Signal Alternatives are being used. This article focuses on the best signal alternative without phone number that are available to a variety of platforms like Android, iPhone, Mac, Linux, Windows, etc., and also serve better or similar to Signal.

10 Best Signal Alternatives of 2024

signal alternative without phone number not only replace Signal with it’s similar features but are also coming up with much more features that make them more effective to use for messaging purposes may it be for family and friends or for buisness purposes. Following are the Best Signal Alternatives of 2024 :

  1. 10 Best Signal Alternatives of 2024
  2. Whatsapp 
  3. Telegram
  4. iMessage
  5. Viber
  6. Skype
  7. Discord
  8. Threema
  9. Google Messages
  10. Wire
  11. GroupMe


Whatsapp is one of the best Signal Alternatives that is available to it’s users for free of cost and has easy to use interface as well. Whatsapp has managed to gain it’s importance so much recently that it has rating of 4.2 stars.


  • It provides end to end encryption for personal messages and calls.
  • It has two step verification.
  • It has disappearing messages feature.
  • It offers encrypted based backups.


  • It provides safety and security.
  • It allows online transactions.
  • It provides a global connection.


  • Some people use it for scams.
  • It does not offers censoring of content shared by someone that is inappropriate.


  • It is available free of cost to all.


Another Best Signal Alternative is Telegram. Telegram is an encrypted IM application that allows the device to store data in it and sync devices as well. This alternative also allows global connection.


  • We can store the data and delete it as well.
  • It shows conversation threads and contact list too.
  • We can make channels, groups, phone calls, share pictures and videos etc.
  • It uses hybrid data storage system.


  • It offers high level security.
  • It helps in professional conversation.
  • It protects against the cyber attacks.


  • It is a non open source server.
  • It saves user ID and IP addresses.
  • It exchanges data with government organisations.


  • It is available for free.


iMessage is another Best Signal Alternative that provides variety of tools to it’s audience for communication purposes. It is available for iOS users only that helps the users to reach larger people. It has well developed security system.


  • It is available on Mac, iPad, iPhone .
  • We can text anytime to anyone.
  • It uses end to end encryption for privacy.
  • It works with Apple Pay and Siri for payments.


  • It satisfies the users with provided features.
  • It does not require and login or username.
  • We can sync account in various devices.


  • It is only for Apple users.
  • People often face cyber attacks.
  • Only few customisation features.


  • It is available for free.


Viber is a Signal Alternative that it easy to use for its audience that allows features like sharing of files, audio chats, video conservations and so on. It provides end to end encryption as well.


  • Every open chat is visible at the Home screen.
  • The contact lists and group conversation options are displayed at the top.
  • Settings and preferences are present in Meatball menu in Home screen.
  • We can initiate new chats with Compose option.


  • It enables Calls and SMS for installes contact.
  • It allows the caller to check the previous calls.


  • It needs to be registered and reinstalled timely.
  • We cannot block the unwanted users.
  • Cannot sync the account in more than one device.


  • It is available for free.
  • For international calls: Starts from $5.99 per month.


Skype is another best signal alternative that enables the users to communicate globally. Using this alternative people can send messages instantly , share files, make video calls, chat in groups etc. It has been used by millions of people to communicate as it is available in Computers, Tablets and mobile phones as well.


  • It is simple to use and has user friendly interface.
  • It has plenty of services, like video conferencing, interviews, chat, calls etc. 
  • It is a free software managed by Microsoft.
  • It has features like screen sharing, uploading files, recording meetings etc. as well.


  • It has a clear and user friendly interface.
  • It allows clear audio chats and high quality video calls.
  • Users can customise the theme according to them.


  • It lacks call encryption.
  • It does not provide enough privacy and emergency calling features.


  • It is available for free.
  • For international calls:
    • Starts from $2.54 per month (United States)
    • Starts from $6.79 per month (India)
    • Starts from $5.94 per month (North America) 


Discord is one of the Best signal alternative without phone number that was mainly designed for chatting in groups mainly but now is mostly considered as a social media platform. This Signal alternative provides several features as it’s use is increasing day by day.


  • It can quickly expand the messages in many languages.
  • It is very popular over the world with 250+ million registeries and over 100 million active users.
  • We can seperate different fields and communities.


  • It has easy to use interface.
  • We can customise it according to our needs.


  • It may cause problems in privacy and encryption.
  • It does not ensure good call quality.


  • It is available for free.
  • $4.99 per month (Discord Nitro Classic)
  • $9.99 per month (Discord Nitro)


Another Signal Alternative is Threema, this alternative is best for its security and privacy policies while Instant messaging as it’s name suggests. ‘EEMA’ in Threema is a synonym for end to end encryption, that it provides to the audience.


  • It is provides an easy to use interface.
  • We have to first scan our phone number or create our Threema ID for start chatting.
  • Many tools are provided to the users like Management tools, secure file transfering tools, screen sharing etc.


  • Contacts are not synced, but the option is provided.
  • It helps in data security.
  • It ensures end to end encryption in each and every conversation.


  • It does not provides any free trial.
  • It is not suitable for high quality sharing of photos and videos.


  • $2.00 per month (Essential)
  • $2.50 per month (Advanced)
  • $3.50 per month (Professional)

Google Messages

Google Messages is one of the Best Signal Alternatives that is mainly designed for the Android and Wear OS users that can connect with RCS, SMS etc. providing them backup plans as well. It is pre-installed in some of the Android devices.


  • It offers voice mail transmission to it’s users.
  • It has many functions like emoji reactions, typing detection, responding etc. 
  • It provides reminders and voice transmission as well.
  • Messages can be scheduled to the delivery.


  • It offers simple SMS messages that Android devices can handle.
  • It provides a competitive substitute with planned features to signal.


  • It requires daily management.
  • It doesn’t have good rating due to less installation.


  • It is available for free.


Wire is another Signal Alternative that is best known for the features that it provides like sharing of files, group chatting, communication with clients for business purposes, collaborations etc. It is highly used for the commercial purposes but some also use it for personal use as well.


  • It is accessible on GitHub.
  • It provies email ID registration to its users . 
  • It can work with various web browsers effectively.


  • It is open source instant message software.
  • It is available in free version.
  • It offers end to end encryption.


  • It keeps track of person data shared.
  • It is not suitable for 2FA Compatibility.


  • It is available for free.
  • $5.83 per month (Wire Pro)
  • $9.50 per month (Wire ENT)


The last Best Signal Alternative is GroupMe. GroupMe is used as a convenient and easy to use instant messaging software. It has many features that are similar to those of Signal and WhatsApp as well. We can share files, photos, and links simply and also use it for collaboration purposes.


  • It helps in scheduling collaborations and even event plannings.
  • It offers real time communications.
  • It provides end to end encryption.
  • It has wide range of usefull features as compared to Signal.


  • It has user friendly interface to use.
  • For privacy purposes , phone numbers are not essentially required.


  • Communication can be intrupted sometimes due to errors.


  • It is available for free.

Which is the Best Signal Alternative?

From the above discussed Signal Alternatives the best one that can replace Signal with it’s useful and helpful features as per the audience desires is Whatsapp. WhatsApp is provided all for free and does not cost any money to it’s users. In addition it provides features like end to end encryption, sharing of data,.fun interactions with Emoji reactions, GIFs etc.

It can be used for Business chats as well. It has many privacy policies that makes it an attractive option as compared to Signal. Where Signal is only available to Apple users, WhatsApp can be accessed by every software versions. We can also make transactions online easily with the help of WhatsApp. This is why it considered as the Best Signal Alternative.


Signal is an Instant messaging software available only to the Apple users and has subscription plans. Due to lack of some essential IM features as well, Signal Alternatives are must. This article discusses those Signal alternatives for android enabling users to find the suitable ones for them. These alternatives provides similar and even better features and communication to the users.

Out of the above discussed alternatives the Best Signal Alternative is Whatsapp due to it’s helpful features. One of the best point that makes WhatsApp more trending than Signal is that is provided to Android, Mac, IOS, Windows, Linux users as well.

10 Best Signal Alternatives in 2024 (Free)- FAQs

What are the best Signal Alternatives for Android?

Best Signal Alternatives for Android are WhatsApp, Telegram, Skype, etc.

Which is the best Signal Alternative?

WhatsApp is the best signal alternative, it is easy to use and provides useful features.

Is there any Signal Alternative without a phone number?

Yes, GroupMe is one such Alternative that doesn’t needs phone number for privacy purposes.