What is the Best Time to Post on LinkedIn?

LinkedIn is a renowned social networking site for professionals and businesses with 900+ million active users. Professionals interested in finding the right job or internship, learning new skills, strengthening professional relationships, or recruiting potential candidates for the respective job use LinkedIn. To increase their audience and followers, many creators often wander around the question of “Best Time to Post on LinkedIn” which we have explained in detail in this article.

In this digitalized era, networking and building professional relationships are crucial for catalyzing personal growth and career advancement. But how do you make the most of this platform that gives your LinkedIn profile the boost you deserve? Once you have identified your niche, determined your target audience, and are informed of the right time to post on LinkedIn, you can attract more followers and grow on LinkedIn.

The timing of your LinkedIn posts plays a significant role in your career success. Thus, this guide will discuss the best time to post on LinkedIn to ensure better engagement.

What is the Best Time to Post on LinkedIn?

  • What Does the Best Time to Post on LinkedIn Mean?
  • What are the Factors Influencing the Time of the LinkedIn Post?
  • Best Time to Post on LinkedIn on Monday
  • Best Time to Post on LinkedIn on Tuesday
  • Best Time to Post on LinkedIn on Wednesday
  • Best Time to Post on LinkedIn on Thursday
  • Best Time to Post on LinkedIn on Friday
  • Best Time to Post on LinkedIn on Saturday
  • Best Time to Post on LinkedIn on Sunday
  • Overall Best Time to Post on LinkedIn
  • Various Industries Prefer Posting at Different Times

What Does the Best Time to Post on LinkedIn Mean?

We all know that timing is crucial to our chances of planning success, and LinkedIn is no exception. The best time to post on LinkedIn refers to the strategic moments when your content has the highest probability of reaching your target audience. These peak times are like windows of opportunity, and using them can significantly enhance your post’s visibility and impact.

What are the Factors Influencing the Time of the LinkedIn Post?

Various factors influence the optimal posting times on LinkedIn, given its specialization as a professional platform. When planning your LinkedIn posts, consider the following points:

1. Breaks in the Workday

LinkedIn sees the highest activity during standard weekday business hours, with a decline in engagement after 5 pm. However, notable breaks during the workday witnessed increased LinkedIn activity. Mornings and lunchtime, around 12–1 pm, are peak periods that entice most engagement.

2. Time Zone

Be mindful of the time zones your audience is in. For instance, if your base is in Europe, posting according to Central European Time is advisable, as this time zone has the highest number of active users in that region. If you have an Indian base, post according to Indian Standard Time. You can utilize social media analytics tools to identify the primary location of your target audience.

3. Understand Your LinkedIn Audience’s Intent

Identify the type of content your target audience engages with the most when they are online. Tailor your posts to align with their preferences so that they interact with the post.

4. Posting-Frequency

According to LinkedIn, the optimal number to post is between two and five times weekly. This signifies posting a maximum of twenty times a month. Hence, posting once per day is quite generous.

However, you can always experiment and find the best posting frequency for your account and audience. Factors such as link placement and using LinkedIn’s carousel post feature can impact engagement rates. Therefore, understanding the platform and your audience by knowing when to post is pivotal.

Let’s move forward to discuss the best timings for LinkedIn post.

Best Time to Post on LinkedIn on Monday

Professionals catch up with emails as the week begins and plan their workload. The most appropriate time to post on LinkedIn on Monday is in the morning, between 8:00 am and 10:00 am. This is when people are settling into their work routine, making it a perfect moment to grab their attention. You can choose to post according to the same to attract more audience.

Best Time to Post on LinkedIn on Tuesday

Tuesday is often considered the most productive day of the week. You should aim to communicate with your LinkedIn audience between 10:00 am and 11:00 am to maximize your post’s reach. Hence, it makes it a prime time to showcase your content.

Best Time to Post on LinkedIn on Wednesday

Midweek is a sweet spot for engagement. You can post between 1:00 pm and 3:00 pm on Wednesday to catch your LinkedIn followers during their lunch or short breaks. Take advantage of this midweek pause to captivate your audience.

Best Time to Post on LinkedIn on Thursday

Thursday signifies the build-up to the weekend, and people often plan their next move. You can post between 9:00 am and 11:00 am to be part of the pre-weekend strategizing phase. Your content is what your LinkedIn audience needs to wrap up the week on a high note.

Best Time to Post on LinkedIn on Friday

Friday afternoons can be tricky as people start winding down. However, you can post between 10:00 am and 12:00 pm as a strategic move. Professionals may be more open to engaging with content before heading into the weekend mindset. Especially if your post has a breezy vibe, it can quickly leave a mark on the reader’s mind.

Best Time to Post on LinkedIn on Saturday

Weekends are generally slower on LinkedIn, but early risers might be checking their feed. You should aim for the morning hours, particularly between 9:00 am and 11:00 am. It can help you to catch the attention of those who prefer a LinkedIn stroll with their Saturday morning coffee.

Best Time to Post on LinkedIn on Sunday

Sunday evenings are a hidden gem for engagement. You can post between 8:00 pm and 10:00 pm when professionals are slowing down and preparing for the upcoming week. Your content might be perfect for them to ease into the work mindset.

Overall Best Time to Post on LinkedIn

While each day has optimal posting times, the best time for post on LinkedIn is generally midweek, Tuesday to Thursday, during the late morning or early afternoon. This is when professionals will likely be most active and receptive to new content. So, pre-plan your content according to the different LinkedIn post timings to engage your target audience.

Various Industries Prefer Posting at Different Times

Depending on the industry you are working in can influence the optimal times for posting on LinkedIn. Below is a breakdown of the most suitable times for posting on LinkedIn across various industries:

1. B2C Businesses

The best times for LinkedIn posts for B2C businesses are during lunch breaks, mainly catering to 9-to-5 workers.

2. B2B Businesses

The most effective posting times are before the start of the workday. You can post during lunch and after the evening commute, aligning with a more professional audience.

3. Healthcare Companies

Mid-morning to early afternoon is the most impactful time for LinkedIn posts in the healthcare sector, so you can post accordingly.

4. Software Businesses

To reach professionals, consider posting before work or during lunch when they have fewer distractions.

5. Higher Education

Mid-morning aligns well with career and educational development breaks. It is considered the ideal time for LinkedIn posts in this industry. You can go for informative posts during that time.


In the dynamic world of social media, timing can be your primary factor in terms of engagement. Understanding the LinkedIn post best time can elevate your content’s visibility and impact. You must experiment with these suggested time slots and monitor your analytics. It can help you refine your posting strategy accordingly.

Remember, it is not just about what you post but what time you post. Channelize the power of timing, and watch your LinkedIn presence effectively.

Best Time to Post on LinkedIn – FAQs

1. Does the best time to post on LinkedIn vary by industry?


While the general guidelines provided here are a good starting point, monitoring your industry’s specific trends is essential. Some sectors may have different peak hours based on their audience’s behavior.

2. Should I post the same content at different times?


It is an intelligent strategy. Reposting content at different times allows you to reach a broader audience. However, consider changing the captions or adding fresh insights to keep it engaging for those who may have seen it before.

3. Is it disadvantageous to share content on LinkedIn during the night?


Posting on LinkedIn at night may not benefit your business. LinkedIn predominantly caters to professionals and companies, so peak engagement is expected during regular working hours.

4. Is it okay to post on weekends?


Yes, but you should be mindful of your audience. If your prospects are more active on weekdays, focus your efforts then. However, experimenting with weekend posts can yield surprising results, especially during the suggested morning hours.

5. Is there a limit to the number of posts allowed on LinkedIn?


To some extent, yes. If you exceed 20 monthly posts, LinkedIn’s algorithm could work to your disadvantage. As LinkedIn aims to diversify its newsfeed by featuring content from a wide range of users rather than being dominated by individuals who post multiple times daily.