10 Best WordPress Social Media Plugins for StartUps in 2024

In an age where going viral is the trend, looking for guidance to reach that goal is normal. To build up your social media or to get more interaction, a way to start is by using a WordPress plugin. If you are trying to get more traffic on your website or some more views and interaction in your social media then using a WordPress plugin may be a good choice.

There are a variety of plugins available in the market for various needs. Some used it to get views, some to spread information and some to promote some things. Either way, this is one of the best ways to increase interaction and traffic in your social media.

What is a WordPress Plugin?

Social media plugins are those tools that make you share your experience on social media platforms like, comments, or share buttons. This can also be done in WordPress by adding floating sidebar icons which will take them to your profiles. In WordPress there are different plugins responsible for different things like social sharing buttons which will improve your online exposure, or social icons with links that let customers know that you have social business pages they can follow or a social feed that presents your Facebook, Instagram or Twitter feed in your website. These are some plugins that you should choose according to your own needs.

Top 10 WordPress Social Media Plugins for StartUps

There are different tools available for different purposes, one should choose whichever plugin serves the most purpose for them and which can satisfy their demand in the most satisfying manner.

1. Easy Social Share

This plugin provides tools like view counts, social sharing analytics, view boosters, follower counters, and email subscription tools. It is also very active and responsive to comments and tickets. This is one of the best tools to grow your social followers and create an email list of followers. Another advantage will be that it does not slow down the site at all and can even mimic different types of styles like the Upworthy.


  • You can put links to your social media profile while also showing how many shares you get or how many likes you have.
  • It costs $19 which is worth the price as there are a variety of features to cater to your needs.
  • It has a button that enables followers to subscribe to your email newsletter.

2. Smash Balloon

It is a set of different plugins that is responsible for each of your social media feeds like Facebook, Instagram, etc. Once it is set up, Smash Balloon will display posts, and videos on your website from your social media feed. This is great as it makes your followers stay in touch with your sharing and boosts more followers.


  • It has a well-designed customizable and user-friendly interface.
  • Without upgrading to pro, different features like themes, individual feed elements, etc can be used.
  • When upgraded to pro it gives you the freedom to choose your own social media source.

3. Blog2Social

This is one tool that will save a lot of your time as it automatically posts content on many social media platforms at once. Any changes needed like the layout of the post will be automatically adjusted as well. You can customize your post by adding features like gifs, images, comments, etc to get more engagement.


  • It is SEO-friendly and you can create a meta description so that search engines can better understand the content.
  • This will automatically generate hashtags for your post so that it can get more views.
  • Different premium plans are available starting from $89 per year.

4. RafflePress

It allows you to create space for giveaways or hold contests on your website. It is one of the best WordPress giveaway plugins. Even on the first try, this is very easy to grasp as it gives a drag-and-drop giveaway builder that can generate contest rules, add prizes for contests or products for giveaways, and so on.


  • It has many pre-made templates that help in creating giveaway boards or contest templates.
  • Giveaway entries are another unique feature, this allows you actions like giving extra giveaway to a new follower on your social media.
  • You can reward users with extra giveaways if they refer your giveaway to a social media platform.

5. MashShare

The social media button by MashShare is one of the easiest plugins to use in and offers many tutorials on topics like troubleshooting and privacy. Another unique feature is an add-on in which you can add features like Google Analytics or click to tweet button. Furthermore, it is very SEO-friendly and is compatible with sites like Yoast SEO.


  • It caters to global users as the plugin is available in many languages like German, Spanish, Italian, and Portuguese.
  • You can create different share buttons that will take users to your social media profiles.
  • Display the number of times people share your content.

6. Shareaholic

Professional social sharing button, Shareaholic is a tool that is used to add social media icons to your posts and sites. This tool has a visual editor that is highly customizable and allows you to edit your social media button to your own liking. Alignment, size, theme, or colors can be chosen according to your needs.


  • Customization can be easily done, with custom buttons also available.
  • You can choose when your social media icon will appear, on which page, or at what time the users visit.
  • Monetizing shares with banners, and displaying posts, and products to get more engagement is also another feature available.

7. AddToAny

AddToAny is a free WordPress plugin with access to more than 100 social media platforms which makes it perfect for beginners looking for tools that can used on any website. Another main feature is you can integrate tools like Google Analytics to understand the traffic and interaction your content is getting.


  • The sharing button can be customized with themes and colors that match your site.
  • The social share button has a high-resolution graphic and when clicked it loads quickly.
  • Share count can be displayed which shows the credibility of your sites and products.

8. Revive Old Post

This is a WordPress plugin that allows you to connect your social media pages like Facebook and Twitter and lets you share WordPress posts automatically on your pages for free. It will make a schedule for your post to be posted in your social pages, this schedule is customizable only with the pro version.


  • Automatic sharing of WordPress posts on your social platform as soon as a post is made.
  • It has a timer that can be adjusted to when you can share a post, or how many hours in between posts if much content needs to be posted.
  • Saves much time by auto posting which is great for small businesses.

9. UltimatelySocial: Social Media Share Button

It is suitable for beginners to create content. There are 16 customised share buttons are available which you can choose according to which suits you best. It has amazing display features and is suitable for any device. Special animation effects can be added to the share button which can be done to match the theme of your websites or social media platforms.


  • Social media buttons can be displayed as pop-ups which will make it stand out more.
  • Share counts can be shared which can show the credibility of your sites or products.
  • It also allows you to place the social media button on any page or part of the content.

10. Monarch

Monarch is a WordPress plugin by Elegant Themes that calls for action by sharing a pop-up display of a share button when a viewer comments or buys a product. It is compatible with more than 35 social networks which makes it easier to work with. Moreover, the social media button can be customized according to the theme of your website.


  • The share buttons are coded to make sure it is mobile friendly making users have a better experience.
  • You can place the social button on any page or part of the content to get the most engagement.
  • The share button can be shared to show the credibility of your site to a newer audience.


To get more engagement or views or to call to action for any purpose, using a WordPress plugin can be very useful. Mainly for beginners who are striving to get to millions of followers, this is a great way to start the journey. Moreover, plugins are very easy to use while at the same time it is affordable. Many plugins have features that are free to use as well, which can serve many purposes without any spending.


What are social media plugins?

Social media plugins are tools that make sure you can more engagement and traffic in your posts or websites.

Which WordPress plugin is the best?

All plugins offer different and unique features that you can choose according to your needs. Pricing is another factor one should consider to match their budget.

Are WordPress Plugins really beneficial?

These plugins are buttons that encourage a call to action and people are more likely to engage in it when the display is given right there and easy to access.