BitSet hashCode Method in Java with Examples

The hashCode() Method of BitSet class in Java is used to fetch the hash code value of a particular this BitSet. This returned hash codes value depends on the set bits of the bit set being passed.



Parameters: The method does not accept any parameters.

Return Value: The method returns the hashcode value of the BitSet.

Below programs are used to illustrate the working of BitSet.hashCode() Method:
Program 1:

// Java code to illustrate HashCode()
import java.util.*;
public class BitSet_Demo {
    public static void main(String args[])
        // Creating an empty BitSet
        BitSet init_bitset = new BitSet();
        // Use set() method to add elements into the Set
        // Displaying the BitSet
        System.out.println("BitSet: " + init_bitset);
        // Displaying the hashcode
        System.out.println("The HashCode: "
                           + init_bitset.hashCode());


BitSet: {10, 20, 30, 40, 50}
The HashCode: 1075053010

Program 2:

// Java code to illustrate HashCode()
import java.util.*;
public class BitSet_Demo {
    public static void main(String args[])
        // Creating an empty BitSet
        BitSet init_bitset = new BitSet();
        // Use set() method to add elements into the Set
        // Displaying the BitSet
        System.out.println("BitSet: " + init_bitset);
        // Displaying the hashcode
        System.out.println("The HashCode: "
                           + init_bitset.hashCode());


BitSet: {25, 31, 40, 48, 53}
The HashCode: -2111765038