Blue Rebellion And After | Class 8 History

On 12 August 1765, the East India Company turned into the Diwan of Bengal as designated by the Mughal ruler. Subsequently, was perceived as the boss and monetary overseer of the region under its influence. The East India Company colonized the field essentially to coordinate income assets. It further proceeded to rethink the freedoms of individuals.

Having understood the detriment of indigo development, workers won’t develop indigo. They accepted that they would get support from the British government in their battle. The public authority laid out an indigo commission to enquire about indigo creation. The commission proposed the ryots complete their current agreement and afterward quit developing indigo. After the revolt of 1857, indigo creation imploded.

Blue Rebellion And After

Blue Rebellion And Consequences

In March 1859 a huge number of ryots in Bengal wouldn’t develop indigo, they began a resistance to indigo development, which came to be known as the blue disobedience or the indigo revolt. As the blue defiance spread, ryots wouldn’t pay rent to the grower and go after indigo industrial facilities equipped with swords and lances, bows, and bolts.

Ladies went up to battle with pots, dishes, and kitchen carries out. Who’s employers the grower was socially boycotted, and the gomasthas – specialists of a grower – who came to gather lease were thumped. Ryots swore they would never again take advances to plant indigo nor be harassed by the grower’s lathiyals – the lathi-using strongmen kept up with by the grower.  In 1859, the indigo ryots felt that they had the help of the nearby zamindars and town headmen in their disobedience to the grower. In numerous towns, headmen who had been compelled to sign indigo agreements assembled the indigo workers and faced pitched conflicts with the lathiyals. In different spots, even the zamindars circumvented towns asking the ryots to oppose the grower. These zamindars were discontent with the rising force of the grower and furious at being constrained by the grower to give them land on lengthy leases.

The indigo workers likewise envisioned that the British government would uphold them in their battle against the grower. After the Revolt of 1857, the British government was especially stressed over the chance of another famous resistance. At the point when the news spread of a stewing revolt or the blue defiance in the indigo locale, the Lieutenant Governor visited the district in the colder time of the year 1859. The ryots considered the visit to be an indication of government compassion toward their predicament. When in Barasat, Justice Ashley Eden gave a notification expressing that ryots wouldn’t be constrained to acknowledge indigo agreements, word circumvented that Queen Victoria had proclaimed that indigo need not be planted.

Eden was attempting to mollify the laborers and control what is happening, yet his activity was perused as help for the resistance. As the disobedience spread, scholarly people from Calcutta raced to the indigo locale. They are composed of the hopelessness of the ryots, the oppression of the grower, and the abhorrence of the indigo framework. Stressed by the disobedience, the public authority acquired the military to safeguard the grower from attack and set up the Indigo Commission to enquire into the arrangement of indigo creation.

The Commission held the grower blameworthy and censured them for the coercive strategies they utilized with indigo cultivators. It announced that indigo creation was not productive for ryots. The Commission asked the ryots to satisfy their current agreements yet additionally let them know that they could decline to deliver indigo later on. Ryots were furnished with the credit to develop the Indigo. At first, ryots found this arrangement alluring however later they understood the sum they are getting compensated was low when contrasted with the Indigo that has been delivered by them. Additionally, the advance that had been given was endless. The persistent development of indigo prompted the depletion of the dirt as it has profound roots and the land can’t be utilized to plant rice.

Before long, Ryots in Bengal choose not to develop Indigo. They began defiance by not paying income to the grower and went after indigo manufacturing plants. Ladies additionally partook and utilized pots, containers, and kitchen execution. They boycotted who’s employers the grower and specialists of the grower (gomasthas) were thumped. The ryots choose not to develop Indigo any longer and won’t be apprehensive by the lathiyals-who use lathi to apply command over individuals and he is kept up with by the grower. This disobedience came to be known as ‘Blue defiance’. The ryots were upheld by the nearby zamindars and town headmen.

The different result of the Blue Rebellion was as per the following:

  • Indigo laborers felt that they get support from the British government. In 1859, Lieutenant Governor went from town to town when he caught wind of this. The workers felt that the British government is identifying with their circumstances. Ashley Eden, the officer in Barasat proclaimed that workers will not be compelled to sign the Indigo agreement, and before long Queen Victoria pronounced not to develop indigo.
  • Learned people from Calcutta began expounding on the disobedience and the predicament of the Indigo laborers. They expounded on the ‘hopelessness of the ryots, the oppression of the grower, and the revulsions of the indigo framework.’
  • Before long the public authority meddled and safeguarded grower against any assault. Indigo Commission was positioned to look into the indigo creation. The commission pronounced the grower as blameworthy and how utilizing severe techniques with indigo cultivators was out of line. It was viewed that indigo creation didn’t benefit the ryots. They were approached to finish their current agreements and they reserve the privilege to decline to sign the Indigo agreement.

FAQs on Blue Rebellion and After

Q 1. What was the blue rebellion and after?


Thousands of peasants and ryots in March 1859 refused to grow indigo. With the spread of rebellion, ryotes refused to pay rent to the plantation owners and attacked the indigo factories with armed swords. This is known as blue rebellion or indigo revolt.

Q 2. What were the after-effects of Indigo rebellion?


The After-effects of the indigo rebellion inspired more rebellion against the British indigo planters in the year 1817 which led to uprisings like Champaran Satyagraha in Bihar.

Q 3. Who started a Blue Rebellion in India?


Blue rebellion in India was started in Nadia district by Bishnucharan Biswa and Digambar Biswas first led the agitation against planters in 1859 in Bengal.

Q 4. What was the result of the Indigo blue rebellion?


The result of the indigo blue rebellion was suppressed and many of the farmers were murdered by the government and also by some of the zamindars.