BNY Mellon Interview EXperience for SDE Delhi 2023

Status: New grad, MSIT
Technical interview (1 hour):

Projects and internships
Theory questions on technologies are mentioned in the resume.
Codepair round
Coding question (C++)
You are given a class Marksheet with two vectors englishMarks and mathMarks, which represent the marks of n students in English and maths subjects respectively. A member function named getMeanNormalizedScores(scores) is also given which calculates the mean of the scores vector and subtracts that from each element of that vector and returns it. You need to complete the function getTotalMeanNormalizedScores(Marksheet mark sheet) which should return the total mean normalized score vector.


class Marksheet
vector<int> englishMarks;
vector<int> mathMarks;
vector<double> getMeanNormalized(vector<int> scores)
int n = scores.size();
double mean = 0.0;
for(int i = 0; i < n; i++)
  mean += scores[i];
mean /= (n * 1.0);
for(auto s : scores)
  s -= mean;
return scores;
Marksheet(vector<int> english_marks, vector<int> math_marks)
for(auto x : english_marks) englishMarks.push_back(x);
for(auto x : math_marks) mthMarks.push_back(x);

vector<double> getTotalMeanNormalizedScores(Marksheet marksheet)
  //write your code below
int main()


SQL question
International event
Table: EVENT

Name  Age  Country
abc 15 Germany
def 14 France
ghi 16 Poland
jkl 19 Tunishia
lmn 20 India
opqr 23 Australia
stuv 16 England
wxyz 17 France

Display the country and total participants from that country who are aged between 15 – 20 (inclusive) and are from Germany, France or England.
Output :

Country total_participants
Germany 1
France 1
England 1


Total time: 45 minutes