BNY Mellon Interview Experience For Software Engineer Internship (On-Campus)2022

Coding Test:

For the BNY Mellon Software Engineer Intern role, the coding test consisted of three questions covering array manipulation, dynamic programming, and a straightforward graph problem. I completed all three questions, leading to my shortlisting. Interestingly, some of my peers who completed three questions weren’t shortlisted, while others who completed two were.

Round 1:

Among the eight shortlisted candidates, the first technical round proved manageable, with questions about generating permutations. I managed the questions, finishing the round in roughly 20 minutes [Question Link].

Round 2 [Technical + HR]:

Moving on to the second round, which encompassed technical and HR aspects, three candidates, including myself, were chosen. The round featured technical queries related to DBMS alongside HR inquiries like the time required to learn Java (Given my primary language was C++) and scenario-based questions. Despite my best efforts and what I believe to be a satisfactory performance, the results revealed that two of the three candidates were selected except me.