Bootstrap 5 Forms Reference

Bootstrap 5 Forms facilitates the different form control styles, layout options, and custom components, in order to generate a wide variety of forms. The complete list of Forms Components is listed below with their brief description.


To make the user interface more presentable, use properties like padding, and margins as per the need.



Form text Overview Form Text sits below the form input elements to guide the user on how to fill in the input.
Disabled forms In Bootstrap, you can easily disable input in a form and stop it from interacting by using the disabled attribute.

Form Controls

Form controls like <input>, <select>, <textarea> are the tags used to add custom styles, sizing, focus states to input field, select items, and text-areas, etc.



Sizing Form controls Sizing gives textual form controls on <input>, <select>, and <textarea> elements with custom styles, sizing, focus states, and more.
Disabled Form controls Disabled are used to create a disabled input field.
Readonly Form Controls Readonly is used to create a read-only input field.
Readonly plain text Form Controls Readonly plain text is used to create a readonly input field as plaintext.
File input Form controls File input provides customized ways to take the input of the files
Color Form Control Color is used to set the color in the color type input field.
Datalists Form controls datalists are used to create a group of options
Sass Form controls can be used to change the default values provided for the Form controls by customizing scss file of Bootstrap 5.


The Select form is used to create customized select elements with custom CSS that change the element’s initial appearance.



Default Select Default is used to provide the user with a list of options from which a single option can be selected.
Sizing As the name suggests sizing means to adjust the size of an element relative to its parent with the help of height and width utilities(in px or in %).
Disabled Select is a great component that helps us to add options that can be used inside a form as a field.
Sass SASS can be used to change the default values provided for the select menus by customizing scss file.

Checks and Radios

This utility is used for creating checkboxes and radio without using CSS.



Checks A checks box is a square box that is ticked when it is activated.
Indeterminate The :indeterminate pseudo-classes can be used by the Checkboxes while manually setting via JavaScript.
Radios This is a feature provided to the user to choose from a predefined set of options.
Disabled Checks and radios Disabled are used to make a checkbox/radio disabled, which means we won’t be able to click on it. Its appearance will also get muted.
Switches Checks and radios Switches are used to transform the Checks and Radio Inputs into switches.
Default (stacked) Checks and radios Default (stacked) is used to create a stack of checks and radios as a list.
Inline bootstrap 5 Checks and radios Inline can be used to align the checkbox or radio horizontally in the same line.
Without labels Checks and radios are a way to take boolean-type values easily.
Toggle buttons Buttons Toggle states are used to change the button states.
Checkbox toggle buttons There are three toggle states, the first is checked followed by unchecked and disabled which all can be done by adding or not adding some attributes.
Radio toggle buttons Checks and Radios Radio Toggle Buttons use buttons instead of round-shaped radio buttons.
Outlined styles Checks and radios with outlined styles for different looks, designs,s and background colors.
Sass Bootstrap 5 provides various SASS variables that can be used to customize the variables by using different CSS properties.


The Range is the limit slider between values that can vary.



Disabled Form controls Disabled are used to create a disabled input field.
Min and max Range Min and Max attributes are used for altering the minimum and maximum values of the range.
Steps Range Step is the factor by which the value of the range input will increment or decrement in one step.
Sass SASS has a set of variables with default values that can be changed to customize the container.

Input group

Input Group allows extending the default form controls easily by incorporating text, buttons



Wrapping Input group Wrapping help to extend form controls by adding text, or buttons on either side of textual inputs.
Sizing Input Group sizing helps us to create input groups of small, large, or default sizes.
Checkboxes and radios Input group Checkboxes and radios are used to pace the radios and checkboxes within an input group’s addon instead of text.
Multiple inputs Input Group Multiple Inputs help to take multiple inputs in an input group.
Multiple addons Input group Multiple addons help to add multiple items in an input group which may include text, button, input, checkbox, radio, etc.
Button addons Input Groups are used to extend form controls by adding the buttons, text, or button groups before or after the text inputs, custom selects, or file inputs.
Buttons with dropdowns Input group Buttons with dropdowns are used to display a button along with an input group.
Segmented buttons Input group Segmented buttons used to segment dropdowns in input groups use the same general style as the dropdown button.
Custom forms Input group Custom forms are extended form controls, used to collect specific information from visitors on your website.
Custom select Input Groups are used to extend form controls by adding the buttons, text, or button groups before or after the text inputs, custom selects, or file inputs.
Custom file input Input Groups are used to extend form controls by adding the buttons, text, or button groups before or after the text inputs, custom selects, or file inputs.
Sass Bootstrap 5 provides the various variables in SASS that can be used to customize & manipulate the pre-defined Bootstrap classes.

Floating labels

Floating labels are the form labels that float over the input fields.



Textareas A Floating Label is used to give a beautiful-looking floating label to input elements
Selects Floating labels Component Selects is used to give a floating label to input fields.
Layout Floating labels Layout is useful when we are working with the grid system, so we have to place form elements within column classes.
Sass Floating labels can be used to change the default values provided for the floating label by customizing SCSS file of bootstrap5.


Bootstrap 5 provides various form layouts that can structure from inline to horizontal to custom grid implementations with customized options.



Forms Layout forms provide control of the input field and custom positioning.
Utilities Layout Utilities are used for creating mobile-friendly and responsive websites, there are many utility classes that can be used for various modifications such as showing, hiding, aligning, and spacing content.
Form grid Layout Form Grid is used to create a complex form using grid classes.
Gutters Gutters are the gaps between the columns in Bootstrap’s grid layout.
Horizontal form Bootstrap 5 Layout Horizontal form is used to create horizontal forms by using the .row class with .col-*-* classes to specify the width of your labels and controls.
Horizontal form label sizing Layout Horizontal form label sizing is used to set the label of the form input field in different sizes.
Column sizing Layout Column sizing is used to set the width of the column element.
Auto-sizing layout Auto-sizing dynamically calculates the size height, width, and positions of the elements can be adjusted automatically.
Inline forms Layout Inline forms consist of a responsive horizontal layout.


The Validation facilitates form validation in HTML5, in order to provide valuable & actionable feedback to the users, along with supporting the default browser behaviors, custom styles, and JavaScript.



Custom styles It is used to add custom styles of bootstrap5 in your code.
Browser defaults Validation Browser defaults provide feedback by browser default behaviors.
Server side The validation Server side provides valuable, actionable feedback to your users by browser default behaviors or custom styles and JavaScript.
Supported elements Validation is supported by various elements present in the form and you can use it to make sure the user knows about which field is mandatory.
Tooltips Validation Tooltips are used to provide interactive textual hints to the user about the requirements to submit the form.
SASS The SASS variables in Bootstrap 5 can be used to customize the pre-defined variables.
Mixins The Mixins can be used to create the form validation feedback styles.
Map The  _variables.scss provides the validation Sass map, in order to override or extend it to create the generate different or additional states.
Loop This can be used to iterate the  $form-validation-states map values, in order to create the validation styles.
Customizing The customization can be done with Validation states with the help of the $form-validation-states map.