Brain Teasers

What are Brain Teasers?

Brain teasers are puzzles or problems that are designed to stimulate and challenge the brain. They often require creative thinking, problem-solving skills, and the ability to think outside the box. Brain teasers come in various forms, including riddles, puzzles, and logic games. They are a fun way to exercise the mind and enhance cognitive abilities. They can be fun, educational and stimulating. Some brain teasers are easy, while others are hard and require more time and effort.

Table of Content

  • Types of Brain Teasers
  • 50 Brain Teasers
  • Benefits of Brain Teasers

Types of Brain Teasers

Here are some common types of brain teasers:

  1. Riddles: These are short puzzles or problems that require creative thinking to solve. They often involve wordplay, double meanings, or clever twists.
  2. Logic Puzzles: These puzzles require deductive reasoning and logical thinking to arrive at a solution. Examples include Sudoku, crosswords, and grid-based puzzles.
  3. Math Puzzles: These teasers involve mathematical concepts and may require calculations, algebraic reasoning, or pattern recognition.
  4. Visual Puzzles: These puzzles use images, patterns, or shapes to challenge the brain’s ability to recognize relationships and solve problems.
  5. Word Puzzles: These puzzles involve playing with words, such as anagrams, palindromes, or word associations.
  6. Lateral Thinking Puzzles: These puzzles require thinking “outside the box” and finding unconventional solutions to problems.
  7. Mystery Puzzles: These involve solving a mystery or crime by analyzing clues and piecing together information.
  8. Pattern Recognition Puzzles: These teasers involve identifying and continuing a pattern, whether it’s in numbers, shapes, or other elements.

50 Brain Teasers

Some of the brain teasers are based on words, numbers, shapes or patterns. Others involve riddles, jokes or trivia. Some of them have more than one possible answer, so you can try to find alternative solutions. The answers are given at the end of the article but try not to peek until you have given your best shot. Ready to challenge your mind? Let’s begin!

  1. What word begins and ends with an ‘e’ but only has one letter?
  2. What is so fragile that saying its name breaks it?
  3. What can travel around the world while staying in one spot?
  4. What has a face and two hands but no arms or legs?
  5. What has many keys but usually only one or two locks?
  6. What has a heart that doesn’t beat?
  7. What invention lets you look right through a wall?
  8. What can you break, even if you never pick it up or touch it?
  9. I have branches, but no fruit, trunk or leaves. What am I?
  10. This belongs to you, but everyone else uses it.
  11. What has many teeth but can’t bite?
  12. What is cut on a table, but is never eaten?
  13. What can you catch but not throw?
  14. I have keys, but no locks and space, but no room. You can enter, but can’t go outside. What am I?
  15. This is as light as a feather, yet no man can hold it for long. What am I?
  16. What is always coming but never arrives?
  17. What can you keep after giving it to someone?
  18. What has a neck but no head?
  19. What has to be broken before you can use it?
  20. I have no life, but I can die, what am I?
  21. What can run but never walk, has a mouth but never talk, has a head but never weeps, has a bed but never sleeps?
  22. What can fill a room but take up no space?
  23. What gets wetter as it dries?
  24. What goes up and down but doesn’t move?
  25. What can you make that no one, not even you can see?
  26. What has one eye but cannot see?
  27. What has a thumb and four fingers but is not a hand?
  28. What has a spine but no bones?
  29. What can be seen once in a minute, twice in a moment and never in a thousand years?
  30. What is made of water but if you put it into water it will die?
  31. What has a face, two hands, and a tail, but no body?
  32. What can you hold in your right hand, but not in your left?
  33. What is black when it’s clean and white when it’s dirty?
  34. What has no legs but can do a split?
  35. What is easy to get into, but hard to get out of?
  36. What has words, but never speaks?
  37. What can you serve but never eat?
  38. What is full of holes but still holds water?
  39. What is always running but never moves, has no mouth but has a powerful roar?
  40. What can fly but has no wings?
  41. What is at the end of a rainbow?
  42. What is so delicate that even mentioning it might break it?
  43. What can you not keep until you give it?
  44. What goes through cities and fields, but never moves?
  45. What occurs once in every minute, twice in every moment, but never in a thousand years?
  46. What is it that lives if it is fed, and dies if you give it a drink?
  47. What can you never eat for breakfast?
  48. What has a tongue but cannot talk, gets around a lot but cannot walk?
  49. What kind of room has no doors or windows?
  50. What is harder to catch the faster you run?


  1. Envelope
  2. Silence
  3. A stamp
  4. A clock
  5. A keyboard
  6. An artichoke
  7. A window
  8. A promise
  9. A bank
  10. Your name
  11. A comb
  12. A deck of cards
  13. A cold
  14. A keyboard
  15. Your breath
  16. Tomorrow
  17. Your word
  18. A bottle
  19. An egg
  20. A battery
  21. A river
  22. Light
  23. A towel
  24. The temperature
  25. Noise
  26. A needle
  27. A glove
  28. A book
  29. The letter M
  30. Ice
  31. A coin
  32. Your left hand
  33. A blackboard
  34. A banana
  35. Trouble
  36. A book
  37. A volleyball
  38. A sponge
  39. A river
  40. Time
  41. The letter W
  42. Silence
  43. Your word
  44. A road
  45. The letter M
  46. Fire
  47. Lunch or dinner
  48. A shoe
  49. A mushroom
  50. Your breath

Benefits of Brain Teasers

Brain Teasers are very beneficial for human beings, they are used at different levels to improve, enhance and test logical thinking skills and cognitive skills.

Benefit to Kids:

  • Brain Teasers help to enhance Cognitive Skills
  • Brain Teasers trains the mind to Think Quick
  • Troubleshooting Skills are built with the help of Brain Teasers
  • Solving Brain Teasers can be a good way to relax.
  • Solving Brain Teasers uses both sides of the Brain.
  • Spatial Reasoning is enhanced with the help of Brain Teasers.
  • Brain Teasers help in improving Concentration.
  • Brain Teasers help in improving Creativity among kids.

Benefits to Employees/Candidates:

Companies use Brain Teasers for the recruitment process. They are used by organisations to test the candidates’ logical thinking skills.

  • Brain Teasers are used to test a candidate’s quick response skills.
  • Brain Teasers are used to assess a candidate’s creativity.
  • Brain Teasers are used to examine a candidate’s reaction to unfamiliarity.
  • Brain Teasers are used to break the monotony.