Browser Isolation

Browser isolation is a technique used as protection against some threats like malware, phishing, and other cyber attacks. Browser isolation is to create a barrier between the user’s device and harmful websites.

The methodology in which the search engine called a browser is separated from the general search process is called browser isolation. Here, the extraction of data takes place in an isolated environment. So, that information security is maintained.

Implementation of Browser Isolation

To achieve browser isolation, initially, the user sends a request to the general browser after which the request is forwarded to the isolated browser which creates a temporary login from where information is extracted and later on the login expires. Therefore, the data extraction can be performed in a safe manner.

Background of Browser Isolation: In 2004, the first browser isolation tool Sandboxie was, developed by Ronen Tzur. The concept of browser isolation has been around for several years, Browser isolation is a new approach to web security that has emerged in response to the growing threat of web-based attacks. The development of browser isolation has been driven by the need to protect against web-based threats and to create a more secure and private browsing experience for users.
The earliest implementations were based on virtualization technology, but a new solution has emerged that uses containerization technology.

History of browser isolation includes the release of early solutions by companies like Blue Ridge Networks and GreenBorder Technologies, as well as more recent developments like Google’s Site Isolation and Microsoft’s Windows Defender Application Guard.

Working of Browser Isolation: The working of browser isolation involves running the web browser in a separate, isolated environment from the computer or network. The user initiates a web browsing session, by opening a web browser on their computer. A virtual machine is created on the user’s computer. And the web browser is launched within the virtual machine, which is running a separate instance of the operating system. As the user browses the web, all web content, including HTML, JavaScript, and other elements, is executed within the virtual machine. This isolates the browsing session from the underlying operating system and hardware, providing an additional layer of security. When the user closes the browser, the virtual machine is shut down and all browsing data is erased. 

Overall, the goal of browser isolation is to provide a secure and isolated environment for web browsing, to prevent malware and other threats from affecting the underlying computer or network.

Types of Browser Isolation:

  • Remote Browser Isolation: The condition is when the isolated browser is located within a distance of one kilometer. So, that the data access takes place in a secure manner is called browser isolation.

Remote Browser Isolation

  • In-Premise Browser Isolation: The condition where the isolated browser is in the same user’s computer. So, that the information extraction takes place in a safe manner is called in-premise browser isolation.

In-premise Browser Isolation

  • Client Server Browser Isolation: The condition where there are multiple users connected to a single isolated browser. So, that the data can be extracted one by one is called client-server browser isolation.

Client Server Browser Isolation

Features of Browser Isolation:

  • The approach of browser isolation is used to extract the data in a separate environment. So, that data safety is maintained and is called Virtualisation.
  • The condition of in-premise browser isolation where the isolated browser is in the same computer. So, the data extracted safely is called as Sand Boxing.
  • An example of browser isolation is a drone pilot flying a drone in open space and the pilot is sitting in the ground station to control the drone.
  • The significance of browser isolation is to protect the data of users and also to protect user identity.

Security Interface of Browser Isolation: The security interface of browser isolation includes the following elements listed below:

  • Client/User Interface: A user interface that allows the user to interact with the isolated browser session. The user who wants to access data needs to be protected in all respects.
  • Web Security Service: The web service should include an isolated browser in order to extract the data for the user. For example, security policies may restrict the user from downloading files or accessing certain websites.
  • Search Engine: The respective search engine has special protection to make the data safe and secure.
  • Search Environment: The search environment is completely isolated. So, that there is no option for unauthorized access.
  • Data Safety: The content or the relevant information to be extracted is available on the isolated browser in safe hands. This may include measures such as data encryption and access controls.
  • Web Socket: The switch which connects the browser to the router. So, that information transfer takes place safely.
  • Data Access: To access the data permission is required without which the information transfer will never take place

Overall, the security interface of browser isolation is designed to provide a secure and isolated environment for web browsing, and also secure the user’s web browsing activities.


  • Protects user information and identity.
  • Makes the system safe.
  • Enhancing the efficiency of data storage.
  • Stores always correct data.


  • This approach is complicated.
  • This approach is costly.
  • Some web applications may not work properly in an isolated environment.
  • Some web content and features will be restricted.


  • It is used in the corporate industry.
  • It is used in the defense industry.
  • It is used in medical applications.
  • It protects web applications from attacks such as cross-site scripting (XSS).
  • It is used to protect cloud-based applications.

Overall, browser isolation has many applications in various industries. As web-based threats continue to evolve, browser isolation will become a more important security technique for organizations.